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Here's JFK campaigning in West Virginia. See anything going
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Here's JFK campaigning in West Virginia. See anything going on here?
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Let's take a closer look...
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I see hope, and slightly poor posture
>only two black folk

seriously lack of diversity here
I see a kid with very very poor muzzle awarness.
Dude fucked his back up bad in the war man
Is no one pointing out the kid with a gun on purpose?
Which kid?
2 many nigs
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The depths that the democratic part have fallen to boggle the mind
Yes. I see normal America. It's nice. I hope we salvage something of it someday.
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Daily reminder that JFK was the last great president.
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>black people

>Cock fighting ring not present
Ummm. I don't think.. hold on, lemme look again.

>no snake worshiping church or service.
As I suspected -- There is no way this is West Virginia.
>my gram had a chair just like that
>appears that the mayor is picking his nose with a police special
Probably not a real gun.

Remember, this was back in the 1960, when Westerns were THE popular genre of the day, in almost every medium. This was also when instead of plastic, most toy guns were made of cast pot-metal, and orange tips just weren't a thing.
so fucking creepy

he has or will sex tourism.
>select all images with waffles
The kid right behind JFK
This. I have two of dad's old cap guns somewhere in storage, and the cylinders revolve and the hammer rises and falls and everything.
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It started with LBJ, he was a real piece of shit.
the pic looks fake. look at that black line for a mic chord.. its SOLID black..

Also, notice how it doesn't sag under his arm under gavity? there is no ground wire, as well, running to the car..

Also, he seems to be facing to wrong way, and looks a bit small for the pic -- in relation to the size of the other people..

maybe its real, but it seems weird.
>"I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

I don't know what he did, but he fucking did it
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Thomas Sowell Welfare State.jpg
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Civil rights act which included affirmative action, funding to housing and urban development, various social programs.

Basically he made them dependent upon the state and therefore the Democratic party for their survival. They're still poor and there's very little opportunity for them to escape it; but they get enough table scraps thrown to them by the state that they stay loyal to the Democratic party because they fear how bad their lives would be without those scraps.
Just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.
its called The Civil Rights Act. In which race is allowed to factor into decision making -- as long as its against whites. lots of other shit as well. Pandering 101
Fucking creepy ass "two-shotgun-blasts -in-the-air" Biden
>but they get enough table scraps thrown to them by the state that they stay loyal to the Democratic party

as well as the Democrats blaming the their poverty on Republican policies that refuse to give them more monies.

a vicious circle that will bankrupt this country -- eventually.
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hey, if the repubs would ever get their act together and stop nominating bat-shit fundamentalist crazies, I'd consider them. Until then, Democrat all the way.
>fast and furious.. The justice department attempts to undermine the 2nd admendment by getting US agents killed.
>This video proving Joe sexually assaulted an underage girl on the SENATE FLOOR.
>HRC & Obama caught red handed in the murder of citizens in Bengazi. and then lied to cover it up.

By all means he's retarded. But, I actually don't think he was doing this in anything but an old timey fashion.

If he's going to be taken down for something it should be something he did retarded on purpose.
> Until then, Democrat all the way.

that's how they hook ya.. Every. Single. Time. The use of fear. Kim Jung Un and every dictator knows how to use it. Its up to the people to see past fear. its hard.
nice. Its the DNC operatives and their happy people.
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i think i have another one just like this

let me look...
He had a disease since birth that fucked with his back but by all means the war did not help.
seriously he's gonna book a trip to Thailand after his term.
Blacks weren't too keen on working in the mines, it was all Italians, Irish, and poor Brits. Go away from Morgantown, Charleston, and Huntington and there's literally no black people anywhere.
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