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/k Opinion on HK Mark 23
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What's the general consensus on the HK Mark 23? I've got a raging gun boner for it. I've watched all the vids about it on YouTube, I've handled one in person (but haven't shot it), scoured the HK forums and read most, if not all the threads concerning it.

What's your opinion?
expensive beast of an (offensive) pistol.
if youve got the cash and the lust, go for it, they certainly arent getting cheaper.
It's a niche pistol and a complete novelty purchase, but it still has an insane amount of cool factory due to the OHWS program and METAL GEAR.

Go ahead and buy one if you want, you can always sell it for 85-90% (maybe even more than what you paid) of what you paid later as long as you kept it in good condition, that's a bonus to H&K firearms.
I don't get why anyone would buy a modern pistol in .45 ACP. I can understand .40 S&W or 9mm - the former having an edge in barrier penetration and the latter having an edge in capacity - but what is gained from .45 ACP? Is it because it's subsonic AND heavy? Even though subsonic 9mm is quieter?
I own one, not digging out the camera but w/e.

It's an inch shorter than a desert eagle, and for the HK quality they put into the thing for the offensive pistol trials it's a monster. Feels like a brick in your hands, but well balanced and shoots more accurately than you will. Meant for +P ammo so the lifespan is incredible on shelf stuff. Normal people can't reach the mag release with their thumb, so you'll have to claw your index finger down to do so(I wear medium gloves so maybe I'm just small hands, but that's been the experience for folks who wear large that have held it).

It's killer retro tactical, so go for it before it's a relic you can't find.

Dig out the camera you lazy fuck
Subsonic .45 ACP is thought of as more powerful than 9mm. Also, Mk. 23s and USPs can fire .45 Super, which makes up for the lack in power.
People always bring this up, but I have never seen .45 Super for sale anywhere, online or in a store. What the fuck kind of advantage is it to shoot a caliber you have to handload?
Only buy it because you like how it looks/metal gear fan. Glock 21/41 murder it in every way
well for one, most people who shoot guns more than once ever few months at a range, probably already hand load.
Oh, really. How many times do you shoot guns, noguns faggot?
I shoot a few thousand rounds a year.
get a press nigger.
>3000 rounds/year
>3000/12 = 250 rounds/month
In other words, once a month. But you handload all your own ammo. You're so special. Does the RSO suck you off after you're done shooting?
you save something like at least 50% of the ammo cost by reloading. a press pay itself off in less than a year.

300 rounds a month sounds about right. If you shoot at least that much and you're not reloading, you're a fucking idiot.
45 acp glocks are a fucking joke and the Hk 45, let alone the USP or mark 23, shit all over the fat body glocks.
>offensive pistol

the term itself is offensive
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>you save something like at least 50% of the ammo cost
>something like at least 50%
>something like at least

And here I thought you actually reloaded, and that you were practicing what you preached. How stupid was I?
This nigga knows whats up.

Stop being lazy fucks and reload your ammo.
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because of the super high bore axis, the slightest flinch puts the round in the dirt, so it requires a lot of practice to get fast with. Still super sexy though.
Don't samefag.
I go from 40 cents to 10 cents a round for 45 colt. I'm not gonna do the math for every fucking bullet, I was doing the most conservative estimate possible, taking into account bullshit that isn't made anymore like those weird ass rounds I never heard of from wwi france or japan.

I don't see how that has anything to do with you being to much of a lazy ass to think loading 45 super is a big deal.
if its a big deal to you, go buy a glock 19 and stay off /k/
Not that anon but depends on caliber.

44 Magnum has a huge mark up for the brass, most factory ammo, including cheap shit is at least 70 cents a round.

I press my own with reloaded cases and it costs me 22 cents a cartridge.
It's slightly larger than a 240B and clearly not designed for a human hand. If one were given to me I would enjoy having it around but it would stay at home while I carried something more practical.
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What was that cock mongler?
Just buy a fucking Glock 41 and save the money.
That took a while, photomongler.

Don't forget Rainbow Six Vegas also.
I got other threads to browse. Can't monitor just one shitposter.

Enjoy your summer
I have this issue with my USP, any suggestions?
Get good.
Don't flinch. What caliber is your USP?

Sometimes when posting, I reply to my own posts on my phone as Anon to give myself props.
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they're large as fuck. get a USP or a HK45 if you want something thats easier to use.
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Not that anon but here's mine next to my desert eagle. What folks have said about it is pretty much on point.

This is a pistol designed to endure far more than any of us will ever realistically put it through. It's dirt simple to break down and maintain, and once you get used to shooting it, it's by far my most accurate pistol I own.

Yes it's fuckheuge massive as the pic will show, but in a way it's also incredibly stable. The gun just is...I don't know how else to describe it, it's just steady in your hands and comfy to shoot. Granted, is it worth the 2k+ street price? Probably not unless you have some kind of collector's attachment to it. For me it was Metal Gear and also just reading the absurd level of testing this thing went through that made me want to have it. I don't regret buying it for a single minute.
>all EXIF data stripped off the photo
>implying your phone's browser won't show a different (You) history than your computer's browser
This seems legit.
>Does the RSO suck you off after you're done shooting?

Mine doesn't, but he always lets me finish his crab legs when he's done.
9mm I just end up shooting low left
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Fuck, I want a Mk23... Would suit me just fucking fine as a larger-than-average guy.
>never seen .45 Super for sale anywhere, online or in a store

Did you try actually looking for it, cause that makes a pretty big difference. And before you give me some shit about boutique manufacturers you have to consider it's not a service round. But as the other anon said most guys are going to handload it and you don't even need .45super brass to do it, it's just an extra safety measure
Yes, I've tried to look for it.
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>Normal people can't reach the mag release with their thumb, so you'll have to claw your index finger down to do so(I wear medium gloves so maybe I'm just small hands, but that's been the experience for folks who wear large that have held it).
let me show you how to operate a paddle release, friendo
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use your middle finger
Every now and again, I want one. I never get one, just feel a desire for an expensive, huge, low capacity for its size, offensive in every sense of the word, pistol.

Also gives me 90's operator feels.
I don't know if you've ever shot one but the single action trigger pull is pretty good. Only have i handled revolvers and 1911s that are better.
Would you say that trigger is worth the cost and size of it? Also, how is the DA trigger?

The nicest triggers I've pulled are on rifles and I'm not sure a set trigger on a Mannlicher- Schoenauer replicates the feel of a a handgun's trigger
Teh single shot trigger is great, the double action trigger is a bit heavy, it's a duty pistol so it leans heavier than normal, but it's probably the best out of the hk usp line
I found 18 different loads.
>7 underwood
>5 Buffalo Bore
>6 double-tap (.450smc)

You really don't need more since .45auto covers the "plinking ammo" spectrum, +P and +P+ cover the mid range.

Iirc Texas Ammunition company may still make it as well
You pulled that post out of your ass
the usp expert and elite should be right up there with the mk23
also a shitload cheaper

I picked up one of the elites from the run earlier this year and love it to pieces
I was saying on handguns, I'm sure there's rifles that are better.
I just use my thumb & trigger finger to hit both sides of the catch at once on my USP45. My hands aren't huge, but I prefer rubber grip wraps around my Beretta 92 and Glock 21 for extra control.

Personally I like completely ambi controls so the righty only decocking lever turned me off.
>two fingers at once
> I've got a raging gun boner for it.

This is really all that matters.

It was designed by committee, was largely not the preferred gun of choice by the people it was meant for, and other HK pistols offer similar features for less money.

If you are excited by it, that's all that matters. I've got a USP Compact, love the Mark 23. It's a beast of a gun for sure.

Don't buy it at an exorbitant price. Put some money aside for it, leave it in the pot somewhere. Keep an eye on the prices, and when you find one that looks good with a price you can afford, pick it up.
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Mine is still one of my favorite pistols. Perfectly fits my big hands
Pointless. The USP is smaller, and holds 2 more rounds in the magazine. It's also about $1000 cheaper. I CC a USP in .45, and even though it's a full sized pistol, I can carry and conceal it pretty easily. Can't do that with the Mk23.
Damn I thought the usp's light adapter was a eyesore
Mk23 holds 12 rnd too literally the same magazine with a different floor plate
Yeeah that's probably the biggest black mark against the MK23. Because it was designed originally with that LAM/Laser Module, the rail is proprietary in the extreme. You'll have to buy that rail adapter you saw in my pic for about 130 bucks in order to mount standard picatinny rail lights/lasers.

Bonus is the adapter/light combo makes it very front heavy so that does help a bit with the muzzle flip.
Same here, despite being as big as it does, it fits my larger hands perfectly.
Sweet, I never had a chance to really handle the experts and elites aside from finger fucking a few. Between shooting a regular usp, a compact and a tactical, I definitely preferred the MK23's trigger pull, but yeah I'd imagine the experts and elites probably have that same level of trigger quality given how rare they were.
I hate how the "HK" is not engraved on new USPs, but just some laser etching that can rub off.
That one is engraved
Imo, if you're wanting an HK, get an old P9S in .45 ACP instead.

Yes, you could end up spending around the same amount of money, but it's a superior firearm.
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>heel mag release
>7 shot single stack
>sights unusable with a can attached
>superior to one of arguably most tested handguns in existence

Nigger You are fucking high
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Here's some fun info.

> In the original JSOR (Joint Special Operations Requirements) document for the OHWS (Offensive Handgun Weapon System) SOCOM wanted a 4 component system. .45 ACP Handgun (later to be called the MK23 MOD 1), Laser Aiming Module (LAM), signature suppressor and the fourth component most don't know about is an enhanced round of .45 ACP HP ammo to be used in CT operations. The users wanted a 230 grain +P+ round with high performance expanding projectile. Winchester built an extremely nasty (black colored) version of the "Black Talon" round built to +P velocities in the ".45 Super" range as I recall (it's been a while). There was no SAAMI spec for +P+ .45 ACP so they were working well above known safe limits. The overbuilt MK23 loved it. In the end no ammo maker would make the ammunition for SOCOM as they feared it would be fired in a handgun not rated for it - and most were not.

tl;dr: The MK 23 basically had .45 Super Black Talon rounds made just for it.
Also on an ammo related note, the USP was originally meant to be a 10mm Auto pistol, you get to blame the FBI ditching 10mm Auto for that not happening since HK primarily made it for them to go with the MP5/10.
Are there any current production . 45acp rounds like that?
neat info. i wonder what some of the numbers that bt +p+ ammo had
Winchester's Bonded PDX1 ammo is meant to be the fancy new version of their old Black Talon rounds, Ranger SXT was also an earlier improvement over the Black Talon rounds. The Ranger T-series was an upgrade to SXT.
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Are you fucking blind?
Source for this bullshit?
It's .45 ACP, so it sucks.

Also it's HK, so it not only sucks, but it sucks while being overpriced.
Oh, and if you specifically mean .45 super JHP similar to that. both Buffalo Bore and Underwood make it. None of these have the "scary" black bullets that Black Talon had.
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You're staring at the pictures that are the proof.
And here I gave you a chance to not be a fag, but you did not take it.
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This was the ammo that was normally meant to be used with it during normal, non CT operations.
Can confirm on the PDX1s. I live less than 10 minutes from the Winchester plant and my mother ran a military centerfire press line making 5.56 and .308. The PDXs are excellent and in testing there and at my friends farm they expand very reliably and feed well.
4chan strips exif on all boards except /po/ newfag.
>ignoring the suspicious fact that he claimed to not be a samefag from a phone browser
No, it doesn't. Visit /p/ sometime.
Added the misspelled /p(o)/
I've never seen nor heard that claim ever,much less any evidence of it's validity
How do either of these imply a 10mm USP
buying one when i turn 21 in one year from now.
I'm curious, why are they hard to find? Are they not being made anymore?
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Neither of those are related to the 10mm USP, those are the rounds the MK 23 was meant to use in service.

Right from HK Decades, a PDF made buy a guy that spent around 20 years in various positions at HK.
More that they're made in limited runs, compared to everything else HK and are expensive even by HK standards.

Also takes a very specific customer to buy one, so most shops won't stock it.
This during the last rush of the single shot exemption in California when I got mine, pretty much the only way you could get one was through special order and you had to do a deposit for one. Because of the high MSRP, most shops will do this because they can't flip them fast enough.
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The relevant page. The entire thing is worth looking at, he got a lot of pictures of some rare and fancy stuff, like the HK32K, MP2000, and an official drawing of a HK1911.
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I'd kill for the PSG1 Match rifle, wood looks great on it.
No one wants to keep a ~$2000 pistol in their inventory for an indeterminate amount of time.

From a business standpoint, you can get ~4 Glock 19's for the same investment as a single Mk 23, and I guarantee they will be easier to sell than the Offensive Pistol, which requires a very specific customer to sell. Turnaround is everything.

A must have for any Koch sucker. Although not as big as I would have thought
Fuuuuck that match rifle is beautiful. :( I want it too.
If you don't value your time, sure. I make enough money and work hard enough at my job that I couldn't give a rat's ass about reloading. I'd rather pay extra and have free time
Reloading is just part of the fun for me. I like tailoring rounds for "Suck it S&W, and fuck the web your hand I'm Super Redhawk only .44 Magnum" velocities.

Now, if you don't like it, then I can see why it's better for you to just pay more up front than invest in what is essentially a chore for you.
What? I sure as fuck don't hand load, and I shoot 300 or more rounds a week.
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If I'm reading this right, HK missed the chance to have Glock pistols actually be their products.
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Fuck a mk23 just get a USP 45 Tactical Same shit basically but half the price.
>sour grapes
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