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US military just disappears
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What if all of the US' military vehicles, weapons, equipment and all US military personnel not within any US state disappeared? America can still build new things but everything before just vanished.

What world events would follow? Would someone invade the US? If so, who? What would happen to the rest of the world?
this is just another stupid NO NUKES type of thread. jfc op.
I honestly think, in such an event Russia or China would lap up the chance to steamroll an unarmed USA, without a doubt.

There would still be milions of americans with military training and decent weapons so invading it would still be though as shit and nobody would bother.

Sure, some cunts want to reduce the US influence in the world but nobody actually makes plans to invade mainland USA. (Or well, NK probably does but who cares)
>What would happen?
The liberals would finally be happy
What are unorganized men with rifles going to against enemy with tanks, artillery and airforce?
Military training isn't worth much without a competent officer core, comms, logistics and NCOs.
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kind of hard when foreign forces invade and they respond to your protests and safe bubbles with bullets and bombs.
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Hearts and minds doesn't work, anon.

After the victory at Storkyro, Mikhail Golitsyn was appointed the governor of Finland. Finns began waging partisan warfare against the Russians. As retaliation, the Finnish peasants were forced to pay large contributions to the occupying Russians (as was the custom in that time). Plundering was widespread, especially in Ostrobothnia and in communities near the major roads. Churches were looted, Isokyrö was burned to the ground. A scorched earth zone several hundred kilometers wide was burned to hinder Swedish counteroffensives. At least 5,000 Finns were killed and some 10,000 taken away as slaves, of whom only a few thousand would ever return;[5] According to newer research the amount of those killed is closer to 20,000.[6] Thousands, especially officials, also fled to the (relative) safety of Sweden. The poorer peasants hid in the woods to avoid the ravages of the occupiers and their press-gangs.[7] Atrocities were at their worst between 1714–17 when the infamous Swedish Count Gustaf Otto Douglas, who had defected to the Russian side during the war, was in charge of the occupation.
>What if all of the US' military vehicles, weapons, equipment and all US military personnel not within any US state disappeared?
>weapons, equipment
ISIS and other American terrorist puppets surrender in an days.
Difference is that the US has a population of 320 million and Finland had something like 2 million at the time. If what you described has to happen, the US must either be invaded by India, China or a huge motherfucking coalition.
Well, nobody would bother.

Not because of your millions of yokels with ARs, but everything utside the US vanishing means the B2s and Minuteman IIIs are still there to deliver sunshine in a can.
shit argument is shit.

ANFO bombs can be made in a garage with stuff bought at a home depot.

The rifles are just to support the complex ambush initiated by the ANFO.

>this kills the logpac convoy
And then the QRF swoops with the drone support, exterminates you to the last, slaughters your entire hometown in revenge and tracks down and executes the people who sold it to you.

Expect home depots to not sell that stuff anymore very, very quickly.

So, why are you showing the guys who were a glorified nuisance while the PAVN regulars did the real work on top of providing the organisation, leadership, trianing and supplies that allowed he VC to even qualify as said glorified nuisance?

There is an entire documentary that addresses this question.
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For what reason? Both countries lack adequate logistics to sustain an overseas campaign to take one of the largest countries in the world on the other side of the planet for them.

They would have to pour in tons of resources to ship tens of millions over to the USA. Keep in mind NATO is still around, and there would be resistance as well.
>What if all of the US' military vehicles, weapons, equipment and all US military personnel not within any US state disappeared?
>not within any US state
Looks like most of this thread can't read.
If all overseas deployed forces (and presumably this includes all carrier groups/subs at sea) disappears because handwavium this is what happens:
>Public outrage
>Overseas garrisons are hastily resupplied/manned from the fuckhuge military still within US states
>Look around for someone to blame
>Pick some shitty 3rd world country
>Bomb them into oblivion
>Spend <x> number of years occupying them
>Bloodlust within wider population eventually dissipates
>Pull out leaving yet another failed state to fuck up some art of the world

Sure it would be a massive setback not least because of not having a ridiculous number of carriers and subs to slap in peoples faces until they could be replaced, but even with that loss of manpower and equipment the US would still be staggeringly powerful.
Replacement equipment.

Even cheaper.
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>expect home depots to not sell that stuff anymore very, very quickly
>literally fertilizer and diesel

Can't grow the food without ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Can't work the machinery that powers the infrastructure without diesel.
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>over seas personnel disappears
Nothing changes, though a draft might have to be called since a shitload of people just went poof for no fucking logical reason. it only takes a few hours on a plane to get some bases in Europe and Asia manned.

new soldiers will be shipped out and new gear too. the only place that may see any added instability is shitty ME countries, but even so the US doesn't have enough in these countries to change anything.

What i do see happening however is a qt JSDF POG getting transferred via some bureaucratic error to a hyper top sekret global investigation team formed for the sole purpose of figuring out what the fuck happened to American personnel only to discover they've been transported to another world where they're horribly outnumbered by the indigenous species but said aliens are only at a sub Medieval technology level and rely entirely on magic. After finding and linking up with these extrasolar soldiers the Japanese qt will then learn that she's descended from some ancient Samurai princess and she's the only one there that can control the magic of this brave new world. then she'll spend the first season of the show doing filler episodes and building up some sexual tension with a qt American boy who can barely understand her weeb language. It'll only be after the super kawaii school exam episode will the fucking plot advance.
But really, what i'm trying to say is.

You're a fag.
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