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what kind of weapon is this 1/3
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File: 1.jpg (22 KB, 557x751) Image search: [Google]
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what kind of weapon is this

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Definitely a Famas.
Looks like a rifle to me
shit meme kys

OP get some pics of the markings and better lighting of the rifle thanks
Looks like a shotgun to me.
Looks like a gun
File: lmgtfy.png (349 KB, 540x405) Image search: [Google]
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shit pictures/10
take pictures of markings on the barrel and post a picture of the bore with light through it.

From the looks of it without reading any markings or checking for rifling, it looks like a single-shot .410 shotgun. A used one can be had for ~$80
Nice FAMAS you got there op.
Looks like a single shot Harrington and Richardson .410 shotgun.
put a shotgun shell in then take a peep down the barrel
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Hopefully not a loaded one
A firearm, probably a shotgun.
I'm guessing famas
Holy shit dude, Is that a famas?
give him a clip so he can do some damage.
>Trigger discipline
Enjoy your FAMAS you trigger fucking piss of shit.
Show me a picture of the barrel please.
From what I can tell it looks like a FAMAS

But I will need better pics to tell if it's a G1 or G2
Found it, It's a Mugica Kea Gun .410 shotgun, OP. They were made specifically for use in New Zealand. Do you live there?
Looks pretty damn sexy
Also, no trigger discipline = no proper answer
oh nice, an original ak-47!
its a PPSh, a heck of a shotgun!
Thread replies: 25
Thread images: 5

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