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Hi /k/, newfriend to the board here. My boyfriend just bought
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Hi /k/, newfriend to the board here.

My boyfriend just bought himself an FN-FAL a week or two ago and his birthday is next month.
He seems really endeared with his new gun and I was thinking maybe I'd gift him an accessory for it.

So my question is, what is a nice attachment for an FN-FAL (A1, brit) that I could get him? Preferably below 500$.

Thanks in advance!
$500 for a buddy? you're a champ. I'd like to be friends. I'll remember to send you a card on Christmas and everything. Having said that, mags, ammo, magpul PRS stock.
He's not my buddy, he's my boyfriend.

Yeah a bunch of mags and ammo sounds good enough I guess.
I had something in mind like some optics or maybe some handguard or something, but I don't really know much about guns to be honest.
if you can find a decent one, an acog would be the perfect attachment, also what oes your boyfriend intend to use the fusil automatique leger for?
It's an L1A1, not an FN FAL. And get him ammo and magazines, or a top rail and an optic
Boyfriend, lol, I'm illiterate. Magpul PRS stock for the fall would be pretty cool. Or a railed top cover.
Mags, mags, mags.

Gi issue or DSA.

Ammo, cleaning kit, A nice case
Scope mount, scope, wood furniture.
Gun range shooting and that sorta stuff.
He also takes it out to shoot innawoods.

A railed top cover sounds good too, I'll look into it.

Everyone says magazines, but which ones? Should I look for the metallic ones or get him the plastic looking ones?
Get him some wood furniture (handguard, buttstock, grip) for it
guys love wood
Metal ones, surplus ones are around $20 a piece.

I wouldn't bother getting him anything but mags and ammo. 7.62x51 gets pricey and it's always nice getting 7.62x51 as gifts.
Ah I see. Well I guess I'll buy him mags and ammo for his birthday and then save up for Christmas to get him something big like a stock or a railed top cover, maybe an optic if I can find it.

Five magazines sounds good, but I don't know how much ammo I should be buying. Should I look for crates or anything specific? I really have no clue how much ammo is enough.
You have to post tits.
I'm afraid I'm flat as a board.
We accept all lumber varieties here.

This is my fetish.

Unless you're a man, in which case I'm impartial.
Five mags should be good. When I bought my first FAL I started with only six mags and that was plenty.

I'd suggest either Hirtenberger surplus ammo (my FAL loves it, but it is surplus) or ZQI (my FAL shoots it well enough and it's good stuff, new production too):

I buy all of my ammo for all of my guns from these guys
Damn that ammo is expensive. I guess 5 mags and a box of 320 rounds will do.

Hey thanks a lot, you really helped me out!

For some reason I really thought ammo was cheaper than this.
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Yeah, 7.62x51/.308 is pretty pricey and that is the sole reason why I don't shoot my FAL as often as I'd like. Tell him to put a little money aside every paycheck and buy a thousand rounds or so every 6 months or whatever

And no prob fampai
I'm sure he'll be really happy, he totally doesn't expect something like this for sure.
Buy him a Rhodesian flag and some spare mags
When my wife and I just started dating she bought be a bunch of ammo for the first birthday I had when we were together and I ended up marrying her

Just a heads up.
Well, I don't think I would mind that at all.
He's the best person I've ever been with, and I'm kinda getting into guns because of him.

That's why I started lurking /k/ recently and thought I'd gift him something like this.

I know he posts here, so maybe one day he'll post bragging about how his soon to be wife gifted him some ammo and mags for his L1A1.
Does he have a sling for it?
Yes. And a plastic case as well.
Yeah then some decent magazines and/or an ACOG would be about all you could do, especially for 500 bux.
Unless he has enough mags, maybe some wood furniture instead of them.
He only has 2 mags and he always complains that it's a fun killer to have to stop and reload them every time.
That's why I think buying the mags is the best idea.
Oh shit only 2 mags, yeah that's a rough life for an L1A1.
When he bought it it only came with 2 mags a sling and a case.
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>a real woman on /k/
Calling bullshit roleplaying faget
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I didn't say I was a girl though.
Post benis then
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a matching FN made hipower would be amazing
How expensive are those?
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Honestly OP I would stay away from furniture and accessories like that. Someone who knows I own an AK and wants to get me a birthday present could get me nice Magpul AK furniture and I would really appreciate the gesture, but I don't like it and would never use it. I'd say dig through his ammo stash and see what kind he shoots, whether its nice brass case or cheap wolf, and then buy him a ton of that and some mags. A cleaning kit would be cool too.
Id just stay away from furniture and stocks because you don't know what his personal preference is and you wouldnt want to make an awkward situation for him where he feels obligated to use the furniture you gave him even though he prefers his old stuff or something. If he's into tacticooling guns out you'd probably be good with the top rail; I don't know him like you do so that'll ultimately be your call. All I know is I'd be stoked to get the ammo I like for my birthday, especially stuff that's a little bit more per round like 308.

Pro tip, laxammo has wolf 308 for .35cpr, $10 flat rate shipping or free if you spend $200. Sale is thru tomorrow I think. I'd only buy that if you know he shoots steel; its pretty dirty but works great for plinking and shit.

Mags are also a great option, just make sure you get the right ones since there is a slight dimensional difference between FAL and L1A1 mags.

I'm assuming you're a gay since there's no girls on the internet, so props for being a legit boyfriend.
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I think you're right, if I had to buy furniture I'd be afraid to buy something he doesn't like.
So the mags and the ammo are the best choice, next weekend when we go to the range I'll take a look at what ammo he uses and buy that.

I'll be his trap waifu forever.
Mags ammo or DSA scope mount
>my boyfriend
we get it. you're a faggot it. how unique and special.
Maybe an Aimpoint Pro or a Trijicon MRO? A nice optic will make the gun way more fun to shoot.
Why so rude
shit if it's an L1A1 DO NOT buy him DSA mags

They don't work in L1A1s
Good call. For a gun owner, ammo is ALWAYS a great present. If you ever can't think of a gift just throw .308 at him! Also, once you find out what he likes, gunbot.net is a great website to help you find cheap ammo deals. You can filter it by price and what's in stock. Helps you from overpaying, because I feel bad when people get me ammo as a gift and WAY overpay (thanks for the brass 7.62x39 that was $1.2 a shot from bass pro Mom... Love you)
Because it's enough of your/their special snow flake bullshit. Its like everyone these days can't just stfu and go on about their business. Everything has to be about them and how unique they are.
But this is all about my boyfriend's L1A1 and what I could get him as a present.

Why can't you be nice like the rest and give me a good suggestion or at least just like tell me to lurk more or something like that.
I didn't make this thread to attentionwhore.
You could also think about an optic if he doesn't have one.


http://www.brownells.com/magazines/rifle-magazines/magazines/fal-308-7-62-magazines-prod44787.aspx (The 20 round ones)
Correction: DO NOT BUY THOSE MAGS. They will not work if he has an L1A1.

Get these instead:


I think those will work
Moses mags work
>making him pay that much for 308
>current year

> dsa
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Stop
Do I have to dig through mu goddamn phome every time to look for that screenshot from falfiles where the saint of fal building in the u.s. says dsa mags are garbage?

Buy anything that isnt dsa as far ad mags go. Go on gunbroker and ask the sellers or it should say in the description the name of the country of origin.
>Do I have to dig through mu goddamn phome every time to look for that screenshot from falfiles where the saint of fal building in the u.s. says dsa mags are garbage?

You had better because they work fucking great, shitposter

They don't work in L1A1s but work perfectly fine 100% in metrics

Alot of L1A1s in the states are built on metric lowers. If you have questions check who made the gun.

>All original L1A1s arent that common.
I did mention GI mags.

But i use dsa and i havent had any issues.
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A paint job
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Wooden furniture
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if its a proper L1A1 FAL, then a L2A1 SUIT (Sight Unit Infantry Trilux) is the obvious answer.
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Tacticool FAL parts
Shut the fuck up you newguns fucking nancy. Do you have any idea who the gunplumber is? Filthy casual. Im sure promags work fine sometimes too.
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Now shut the fuck up when people with knowledge and experience are talking.
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