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Redheads with Guns thread. Also, hi Roy.
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Thread replies: 44
Thread images: 24
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Redheads with Guns thread.

Also, hi Roy.
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back off white bois
jesus fuck are there enough hashtags on there
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Oh fuck me, she's a coalburner. :(
>tfw no pre-2015 coal burner Rose

Just cuck my shit up senpai.
>Mechanix gloves
>10/10 would operate and wrench with
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What difference does it make? Why do you degenerates do this? She's happy, let her be.
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Marco, please go.
Of course she is happy, she has submitted to BLACK DICK like all white women should. I have no problem with it, how could I have a problem with the natural order of things, which is that all white bois should serve BLACK DICK?
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>dat CBR

ooh baby.
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>mfw she's deleted all pictures of them together off their social media

Go back to /b/
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Does this mean I have a chance now?
>Her face when /k/ommandos start DM'ing her dick pics
Fascists man
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I wish my gf got this excited about /k/ related stuff. I built her an AR15 for christmas, she's shot it twice.
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aww yis.gif
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There's only one thing I like in this world more than firearms; and that's cute redheads.

I approve the fuck outta this thread.
while I'm deep down booty bothered by seeing white girls with black guys, I really, really can't blame them. I mean have you SEEN black girls? What the fuck, man.
that's what you get for getting your girlfriend something she doesn't want, idiot
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Seeing this, I need a bottle of 3 Gingers Whiskey.
> two rifle
> two magazines
Whew lass
Is this loss?
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well you do always lose with them
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Why are non Weapon Outfitters Redheads with Guns so hard to find? Why does Roy have a monopoly on the Tactical Ginger industry?

Why isn't the Free Market Self Correcting? Damn Libertarians are liars.
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here you go.
on second thought, this might be from WO also
i've spoken with Roy at WO, bretty gud dude

NSFW warning on this one lads

this is amazing

I hate you
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Thread replies: 44
Thread images: 24

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