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does anyone have the story of that guy who goes to a party, fucks
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does anyone have the story of that guy who goes to a party, fucks a skinwalker and she steals his grandfathers 1911? and then she comes back to his house and he hides away from her.

also general skinwalkers thread
>a omega beta faggot runs away from a cute skinwalker girl that was trying to bring back his gun and tried to be his new spooky skinwalker girlfriend

Jesus fucking Christ I would be the happiest man alive to have a cute skinwalker girlfriend that loved me.
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>mfw he said nowhere that guy was omega beta
>mfw youre talking about yourself
This I would pollinate her tiny little spooky flower and make little honey beas and honey flowers eith he

Fuck my phone!
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nice try
>you'll never have a skinwalker young girl that will have sex with you and will love you until you die and take your skin and wears it to remind herself of you
A true kommando will definitely risk his life by fucking a skinwalker and making a relationship with one
Someone should go do this and come back with results..........if they make it if course
Why am I thinking this is something that antman would actually do?
Never change /k/
>Go out with skinwalker GF
>Spot hot chicks
>She takes their skins
>We fuck like crazy
>Make jokes about how I wore her last night

Why the hell would anyone want to have a relationship with a skinwalker!?

Who the fuck would even do that!?
Antman definitely would there's no denying that fact
What would make you think that antman would do such a fucked up thing?

Surely he's not that crazy.
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