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File: war bikes.jpg (267 KB, 1280x853) Image search: [Google]
war bikes.jpg
267 KB, 1280x853
Why don't you own a war bike?

Operators get war bikes
WW2 Greatest Generation gets war bikes?
Why don't you?
File: War bike 1.jpg (187 KB, 1280x853) Image search: [Google]
War bike 1.jpg
187 KB, 1280x853
I have a Cannondale mountain bike because I'm rockin like Dokkin.

File: BMW R75.jpg (235 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
BMW R75.jpg
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Because the VA is slow getting my shit straight so I can buy my Ural Gear Up.
File: Kawasaki KLR650.jpg (140 KB, 731x1023) Image search: [Google]
Kawasaki KLR650.jpg
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Are they going to put this KLR650 on the steam launch catapult?
Legit the only reason I want to be SOF is for the dirt bikes
File: 1932 Bohmerland 600cc.jpg (173 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
1932 Bohmerland 600cc.jpg
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This was more of an auxiliary use on airfields
File: Kawasaki KLR650 Diesel.jpg (53 KB, 736x515) Image search: [Google]
Kawasaki KLR650 Diesel.jpg
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Its just a recruiting tactic
File: 1939 BMW R12.jpg (188 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
1939 BMW R12.jpg
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File: 1947 M-73.jpg (171 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
1947 M-73.jpg
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I've decided that my dream innawoods/SHTF vehicle will either be an ATV/SxS(like a RAZR) or a KLR650 or Honda XR650L. They're light, fast, fuel efficient and relatively cheap and easy to maintain. I gave up on the idea of a pickup truck or a Jeep a long time ago
So did the SAS if we are to believe the Syrian Raid stories.

With an ATV I'd reckon you can mount quite some load on them and extra fuel. The added benefit of being able to use those ATV as weapon mounts for HMG's and other weapons.
File: war bike 2.jpg (271 KB, 1280x853) Image search: [Google]
war bike 2.jpg
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A bike for you and your buds.
Dont forget the dr650 even more bulletproof than the xr
i dont have a war bike but i have the front panel to that radio.
Oh yeah, I somehow completely overlooked Suzuki. In your opinion, what makes it more bulletproof than the others? Legitimately curious btw, I've only owned one ATV and I've never been a bike fag
Not if you're Lithuanian special forces
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i ran a dnepr for a couple years.
>people constantly asking me 'are you going to restore it?'
restore it to fucking what?
Thread replies: 20
Thread images: 12

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