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If you were allowed to kill one person, who would it be (no need to explain why), with what weapon, and when/where.
No thanks FBI
Col. Mustard, in the library, with the candlestick.
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I'll need some time to think about that.

You should go ahead and share yours.

I look forward to committing domestic terrorism in the name of our mutual ideologies.



Rabid dogs


On your birthday in front of your entire family
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slave education program.jpg
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Obamobo with this
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OP, out of guilt, by cucking him over a period of 30 years.
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that is so hot
your mom, in bed, immediately after your conception, with the hooker heels she lured your father with
That is so fucking hot.
Donald Trump, with a taser, at his inauguration speech.

This is the only scenario in which i want him to win.
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Myself. When I have the courage.
What is going on in that pic? Why is there a guard?
God damnit anon I didn't want to fap again tonight.
I think it's one of those voice actress/J pop idol greeting event. They got guards because of cases of things like a guy trying too hack two gooks up with a hacksaw, think they fucked up a models face and removed a few fingers.
>there are actual govt employees who use that actual tactic to imprison people they coerced into saying things that their agencies made illegal
>(so they could coerce innocent people to say those things and arrest them)

Does anybody else feel like the US government is predominantly made up of evil people and really fucking stupid people?
She looks like an uglier version of Bailey Jay, ugh
I'll take, "Why is a man who fires people on television with his children going to be president?" for 200 Alex!

Yes, and turns out so do most Americans...
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If you had too fuck one, which would you pick?
Why not both?
Assad, just to troll /pol/.

I'm thinking with an air strike that could easily be the work of the Turks, the Americans, the Saudis, or the Israelis, that nobody owns up to.
Fuck ugly baily jay right in the vagina while hot baily jay squeezes my ass together and fucks my buttcheeks.
Kayne west

By having NASA tell him he has been selected to be the one and only hope to save the world and then firing him into orbit in a small capsule where the only edible materials are laxatives and small nike branded bottles of kim kardashians piss with Beethoven's 5th is playing on loop.

The hidden cameras footage will be edited to make a nightly broadcast reality TV show.


Kayne West
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trump with a 20mm rifle
to see that gory explosion of orange skin and blond furr would be quite the sight i imagine
That pic is wrong.
I T ' S S O F U C K I N G D E E P
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George Soros, 120mm Abrams main gun, Sabot.

ALSO any 19K here (both active and former) up and drunk tonight?

Motherfucking TUESDAY!
Loli Angelina Jolie, muh dick
>not canister
you mean as in 'why's there no camo on that big ass rifle' yeh i believe it's a marketing picture done by truvelo to show off the gun
OP here.

Well the jokes on you, cause I have no plan of committing to anyone.

Because I know no one in the right mind would commit to me.
Whichever asshole makes the news at the time, on television with a table leg. Maybe a kettle bell because who gives a shit. What you described isn't an assassination anyway. Maybe that fucker or one of big twelve. Ill either be knocked off within a year or live the rest of my life with people staying away from me
>rifle not covered or concealed
>posture is wrong
Right through the chest bitch, unless you believe that rumor that it can kill you flying next to you at 5meters. (which might be true, had a TC that was in desert storm that claimed that was true)
Why is the Anti-Gunist not listed here?

Inb4 Shilary and the alphabet soup group coming for our mosins.
That was the fucking correct answer my friend
Kim Kardashian
On her lawn with a note that says #YOLO

Meh. At least we'll be one less idiot.
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>posture is wrong
well it does come with a little tripod so i can't really blame him for the posture
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>The gubmint is ebil
>Posting social media-tier "controversial" opinions
>Le ebin Jeopardy reference

Posted by two mouthbreathers who use government provided and/or overseen utilities to post on a jahapapaneez animongus website.
>projecting your faggotry
I don't really want to assassinate anybody, I just want OP and the rest of the anons posting gay assassination fantasies and memes to stay out of the gene pool. Though judging by some of the posts here, that won't be a problem.
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With an exploding cigar.
Why didn't they just like buy out one his guards to shoot him?

I'm not exactly convinced they actually wanted Castro dead.
Your father's self-esteem

>With what weapon
My dick

Tonight, in his bed, by wrecking your mom's pussy while he sits in the chair and masturbates.
I see that you actually know nothing about Martin Shekle.
>believing trump

He's pandering. There's no way in hell he'll push that through. If anything, he'll sacrifice gun rights in one of his "deals" with the democrats.
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Trotsky, Ice Pick, in Mexico City
george soros, explosive toilet paper roll
Hard to buy out people who were taught gommunizm from an early age. On the flip side, the soviets found it easy to get Americans to spill the beans on the government because they could just offer a large sum of money, and money makes the western world go around.
one of the closest attempts involved renting out an apartment overlooking a key area, having a couple of guys shoot an RPG at castro, and then have them try to escape. Everything was set to go, but the team chickened out at the last minute when the realized they would probably be killed if they fired.
Get over it, faggot. She left you, time to start a new life somewhere else.
It's not courage to kill yourself, dumbass
Assuming the assassination won't be interfered with, the next POTUS or Putin, depending on which country is willing to pay more.
>doesn't know American dragon killed him while boxing

Why this guy? After reading about him, he's actually not THAT big of a dick. He's pretty annoying since he's super arrogant and smug (especially when it comes to the WuTang fiasco) but thats about it.
Regarding the pharmaceutical increase of their HIV pill, that only applies to insurance companies and not the individual. If a person is uninsured and can't afford their prescription, they can apply to receive them for free.
Plenty of other people who deserve to die over this nobody
That's a fucking sexy bolt.
>falling for the fbi honeypot

Who ever has a huge bounty on them so I can get a sweet pile of cash.
Leave mai husbando alone ;-;
Fucking Taylor Swift with a .243 bolt action
I guess he was just really good at evading death then. Lucky guy, I suppose.

What would the next step of the plan even be after killing him? What would the US do next in that time and scenario?
Scarlett Johansson with my penis in my bed tonight
leave it to a chink to be more ugly than a cross dressing faggot
Linetrap is qt tho
Hillary Clinton, My dick.
>stop liking what I don't like
>tfw you took a messy dump and didn't wash hands then shaking thousand otaku hands.
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>tfw not latex vac bed yet.

I just want to be put in deprivation and toyed with for hours on end.
I will destroy ISIS
>I just opened up the package of my FBI jacket I ordered online
>time to take hipster thrash pics
What is courage then?
>Hillary Clinton wins the presidential election
>The nation cries out in pain at the results
>Hillary gloats on national TV, claiming she is what this country deserves
>Assassinations are attempted by poisoning, even a stabbing is tried
>All attempts fail
>Inauguration day comes
>Hillary protected by 4 inch bullet proof glass
>Crowds are dead silent, no one cheers for her
>"I swear..."
>14.5x114mm flies through the glass
>rooftop shooter stands and screams "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!" and jumps off the roof, falling to his death
>Hillary is painted everywhere, one of her arms is lost in the crowd somewhere
>Crowd suddenly goes wild
>Every woman's panties are immediately soaked
>Bill Clinton can be heard laughing four states over
I've keked into orbit
>Le assasinate trump maymay xD
Where's the Hitler comparison?
rolled my head back in laughter
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Trebuchet and an iron lung
March 4, 1933 inauguration

Hopefully America will be free of commie faggots when I return.
>hating on pharmabro

reddit pls go
Not like suicide though. Like, a copy of me.
Weapon: Bare hands
Where: a mountain peak
When: sunrise

>walk up to other me
>me: you know what must be done
>other me: so be it, there can be only one.

And then we fight to the death to figure out which me is the better man.
> I'll take <question> for $money, Alex
> <question>

Have you ever even watched Jeopardy?
Shot dog, this sounds tight. You have to drop your corpse off the top though.
No, the dead me gets a viking style pyre.
Who do you think would win, you or you?
>Killing a Fed with a dog

>fight to the death
That's a euphemism for "fuck each other" right?
Do... Do you think youd fuck yourself? Ive thought about it
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Pelvic thrust.gif
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>Kim Jong Un
>my dick
>with the whole UN watching.

Matt Groening
Bart head's shaped dildo
While forcing him to watch the sorry excuse for a cartoon that seasons 22 and onwards are
Myself, with a Minuteman-III, in the middle of Los Angeles
Would they be able to fight back if they saw me coming or is it one and done or can I do whatever and they're essentially paralyzed? I wouldn't feel right killing someone without hunting them down first.
Stick long funnel down her throat and fill it with thermite and a fuse.
Then laugh hysterically as she coughs up sparks and molten iron.
Their hands are all soaked with smelly otaku cum anyways so it balances out.
Martin's pretty based, actually
>hates big pharmaceutical companies
>gives medication away for free to needy
>uses his profits to further research infection
He just hates news outlets like CNN, which is why they paint him with such a bad picture.
1963/Textbook Depository

This time there will be no mistakes.

You for being a butthurt AIDS ridden nigger faggot.
>her VP then proceeds to send ATF door to door to confiscate firearms
Is this what you want?

I would never kill Trump. And most certainly wouldn't use an IED. And there's no way in Hell I would even think about doing it in front of Trump Towers.

Would never happen.
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>sides are now in bullet time mode
I wonder if that black guy is a model, his face structure is literally what every edgy company looks for

Myself, via heart attack, later this evening after I finish these pizza rolls.

Dumb bastard is actually eating them. He won't know what hit him.
Teddy Roosevelt and his time-traveling Rough Rider on top of Mount Rushmore in the greatest shootout to grace this nation. I then piledrive him off the top of Lincoln's head.
Who is this?
sr bee has entered the building
Mugabe, with a locally-procuerd rifle, while he's out at some public event.
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> OP

> smash two small porcelain figurines and use sharp broken piece of porcelains as knife

> rural farming area in southeast Asia (probably Thailand or Vietnam)

It will be know as the...
> Knick-Knack Paddy Whack.
I wont say who... but blowing from a gun seems fun... (if you don't know what that its is where a person is tied to a cannon and its fired though them) literally blowing them to bits
We're here to discuss assassination, not your childhood.
Then educate us, wise one.
I doubt that is a 20mm.

What gun is that?

>avoids all questions
>such as the confirming that the money gained from Daraprim is indeed going to research
It's a meme you dip
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Just do yourself a favor then and kill Karl Marx then. Why go for a branch when you can go for the root?
Thread replies: 119
Thread images: 20

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