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>Paying $20,000 for a piece of metal that costs $20 to make.
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>Paying $20,000 for a piece of metal that costs $20 to make.
>Settling for outdated hardware that's over 30 years old and not getting any younger
>Screwing law abiding citizens over this hard

Can we please just start a petition to get rid of the '86 ban when the Unstumpable gets into office? You can keep your $200 cuck stamps, but FFS, these laws protect nobody.
>Implying he even cares about your gun rights
>Implying he won't just keep it where it is
>implying he won't make things worse at his first opportunity to have a change of heart for the chilluns
Dreams, all this is just dreams.

The Supreme Court let us down in 1934 and many other times come think of it
Like that one time dark skins became humans.

And that time they defended dark skin rights.

And that other time where it became illegal to shoot dark skins even if they do something illegal.

And that time dark skins get a advantage over colleges to pick from.

And that time dark skins got free cell phones.

And that one time when they let dark skins in the military

And that one time were the president was a dark skin.


Atleast we had that one time were we infected the dark skins with the clap for the lols and denied them penicillin.
Why does everyone think that the president can just make or eliminate law all by himself?

Protip for those who got an F in civics - a repeal of the '86 "ban" would have to pass both houses and get an OK from the courts before the president can make it happen.

tl/dr: ain't gonna happen.
Just like Obama can't make Executive Orders and close the gunshow loophole?
86 ban should be gone, cans and sbr/sbs shouldnt be on NFA but machineguns and DDs should be kept on the NFA.
Just amend it to a bill funding puppies and books for kids. Easy ammo against people who vote no.

Machine Guns should be regulated, but the ban on new manufacturing is retarded.

I just don't believe it can happen, people keep pushing for more gun control and winning
Im ok with NFA DD's and auto's, so long as production is opened back up. Suppressors and sbr's need to be deregulated.
Pass a bill about gun safety that educates kids in school on the laws and regulations that have to do with guns.

Wait a couple years, now you have a generation of voters who wont buy into shit like "30 second clip half second clip round clip half second asault machine 200 babby per second"
There's a reason why we need the Hughes Amendment. Machine Gun crime was astronomical in the 80s.
Muh executive order. That's how FDR got his third term.
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Too bad Facebook "news" pages like Now This are spinning stories on how the NRA is taking guns to middle schools to indoctrinate them into their far right gun nut ranks.
Bait, but still Kek
>In Miami, where everybody asserted it was the worst, autos were used in <2% of murders
The advantage is that at a federal level with optouts similar to sex education they cant be "muh nra" because the NRA wont be involved. Schools need rifle teams again.

>indoctrinate them into their far right gun nut ranks.
Sometimes I wish the NRA had chill summer camps where you got to practice repelling down buildings and shooting ARs through windows and what not. Atleast that way the liberal memes would give us something.

There is a provision in the '68 GCA that gives the Attorney General the power to declare an amnesty of any duration he so chooses. The FOPA didn't remove this.

So all it would take is for a pro-gun administration to put an AG in place and have him declare an amnesty, at which point you could fill out the amnesty papers on the machine gun you found in an attic and totally didn't make in your garage yesterday afternoon, at which point it would be added to the registry as a fully transferable item, treated exactly the same as a pre-86 machine gun.

Oh, and this would be free to do. The $200 check isn't required on an amnesty registration.
>pointless trump shilling
>thinking trump will give any fucks about gun laws

lol :)
An awful lot of Stens would magically appear
From my understanding there have only ever been 2 murders with lawfully registered machineguns. One of those was by a cop who took it out of the police arnoury to murder a witness.

Well he does want universal concealed carry licenses
Don't forget that literally every single one of those was already illegal because it wasn't registered.
>there have been 2 crimes total (not just murders) committed with registered machineguns since 1968
>one was a cop
>the other was stolen from a SOT so its possession was already illegal and it was obtained triply-illegally
So...yeah. Does a gud job don't it.
Why would you waste time with STENs? If you have an amnesty there's no reason not to manufacture 240 sideplates, AR-15s, MG42s, M60s, etc. Basically anything you can get an 80% or parts kit for.
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>fa FG42s
Im not that guy but sten receivers are pipes, you could rush to a hardware store and buy an assload of pipes and serialize them. Everything easily convertible will be swooped up by FFLs and other people but pipes will be pipes. Furthemore compare the price of a pipe to the price of an m60 receiver you will see that its far more economical to make a bunch of pipeguns.

The correct idea is to find a laser cutter or waterjet cutter and cut a shitload of mac10 flats
Honestly a machinegun amnesty is what I dream of
People that own full auto weapons have deep pockets and a investment to protect.

Why isn't the NRA pushing for this?
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>mfw Ted Cruz for AG
>Can we please just start a petition

You're a faggot

>not even knowing about the multiple lawsuits

Fuck off
Stens would be infinitely harder than ARs or other machine guns

Stens aren't as easy as you stupid fucks think
Trump is actually a democrat. He has said so many times in the past, but he decided to be a republican now for the election.
He'll make gun laws worse.
Civilians don't need machine guns.
>inb4 muh amendment
It doesn't cover machine guns.
Sten's following the British sten design, yes. Sten as a colloquial for a blowback tube smg, nah.
Actually, it does. Arms means and individually useable and maintainable weapons. So blades, knives, pistols, rifles, shotguns, machineguns,
It covers all arms. I guess you could argue against bombs/missiles/nukes, because those are ordnance, but not machine guns.
Cops are civilians, but they get them.
So why can't you buy post 1986 machine gun again? 2nd is repealed? I heard not.
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2nd amendment was drafted at a time when cannon and warships were privately owned. Additionally, the Miller decision claimed that "The Second Amendment protects only the ownership of military-type weapons appropriate for use in an organized militia"; even though the actual verdict ignored that NFA shit was militarily suitable, the letter of the opinion allows machine guns.
Except the British came for the cannons and not flintlocks like you've been taught. The founding fathers had no problems with merchant vessels being armed as well as naval vessels.
Military age males count as reserve militia
Because of bullshit anon, because of bullshit.
BecausE we don't have a large enough following of people who want machine Guns who aren't 12 year old cawadooty fanboys
>implying he would get elected to begin with
>implying that he isn't a secret anti gun fag
I know perfectly well the Brits came after the cannons. Which I also consider arms. I was mostly talking about explosive devices and WMDs, because I feel there is more of an argument against those then against machine guns, which are clearly arms.
I had this same idea some months ago, after Emperor Trump wins, we should petition this.

Also some people should contact the NRA. About promoting it.
Get this /pol/ tier trump circle jerk off of /k/
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The Hughes Amendment shouldn't take passing both houses and court involvement like >>29313845 said.
This literally was an illegal amendment.

All it took was falsification of the records to get it in, it should only take a correction of those records to undo it.

A vote that failed should still not be passed, and this should be fixed even retroactively.



There is no "gunshow loophole", fucktard
>thinking Republicans will defend guns any better than democrats.
So how did it get passed through?
Charles Rangel failed to take a recorded vote. Technically, the only vote they took on HR 4332 was a voice vote.
While it would better than being forced to pay ridiculous prices to not go to jail,
>Being okay with letting the government keep a record of what you have

>thinking privacy exists
>it doesn't

You know why /k/ likes dragon dildos? They've had so many heads stuck up their ass that dragon dildos and horsecocks are the only way they can feel anything.
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and that one passed? how considering that almost 2/3rds didnt support it?
No it didn't pass but it was passed off as passed that pic is from the count of the "passed vote".
The point

Your head
If you're American, you're a traitor and an idiot.

So how is it recognized as law at all? Once the mistake was realized why didn't just strike it from the books? baka
wait, so the Amendment is 100% horseshit? Why the fuck is this okay in this day and age? Why wasn't a serious stand made against this shit? Better yet, why the fuck do we care? Making illegal shit is no more illegal than the law itself, apparently.

>inb4 why didn't you do anything, big guy?
I wasn't even alive when they passed this literal pile and I've been too busy crashing planes since then to do much about it
It took until the mid 2000 for them to release the tape of it under the freedom of information act and then we counted the vote and found out it failed to pass.
if you watch the whole thing they vote, the orator says the yea's have it, someone demands a written vote, the nays actually have it by a large margin, something something some asshole goes off again on machineguns proposes second vote or something they vote again (oral vote) jackass on the stand goes the yea's have it and oops that's all the time we have session adjourned.

the real failure is the guy that spoke up the first time not speaking up the second time.
So since they "counted it" it became legit? I can understand that i guess

/k/ommandos realize we don't even understand how laws are passed.

Believe me I'm ashamed too.
Fun fact. The president of the American Statistical Association, Dr. Fritz J. Scheuren, testified stated under oath
>“I find the existing [NFRTR] records are quite useful in an exploratory setting, but they are not accurate enough by themselves to be used in a confirmatory way,” including “for purposes of prosecution"
There is no ban on manufacturing them. We manufacture loads of machine guns in the USA. It's perfectly legal for you to make your own if the ATF approves your paperwork but they won't unless they make a mistake or you are manufacturing them for the ruling class and their military/police etc.
Cops are enforcers of the state so they get a pass on pretty much all laws.
>Nobody has corrected this for 30 years
Its surpring there hasnt been a lawsuit on the fact it didnt pass by majority vote. Thisi is better then the constitutionality argument.
He is correct.
Machine guns existed when the 2nd Amendment was written and ratified. Try reading a book.
Has anyone heard more about the court battle regarding the Maryland, etc AR ban? Last I heard it was bumped back down to a lower court that was told to re-examine it with "strict scrutiny" which many thought essential meant it would eventually be overturned.

I can't find any decent, up-to-date info.
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>Civilians don't need machine guns.

Then the armed forces must not either. Per constitutional amendment, I, as an able-bodied male of 28, am considered Reserve Militia as per the Efficiency in Militia Act of 1903, AKA the Dick Act.
It's not about what I need, it's about our right to have it
>individually useable
No it doesn't. Arms means any and all weapons. Both in the linguistic context of the time, and in the practice of the time (privately owned cannon).

> ordnance
Is an artificial distinction made later by the federal goverment. To argue against the private ownership of bombs is to use the very logic antiguns use (ie. "too dangerous for civilian ownership") but just drawing the line a little higher up.

There is no argument against explosives and other military ordnance that stands up to scrutiny; if you acknowledge that the right to bear arms is necessary to, among other things, empower the citizenry to fight against its government, then it is absurd to limit their power to rifles and machine guns while their enemy has access to missiles, nerve gas, and 2000lb bombs.
>implying more than 50% of the country likes him.
Not even that. If he wins, 2018 WILL go democratic due to cruz fans being disheartened and minorities being mad as fuck.

Then he'll worry about 2020 and be willing to do anything with congress to make more voters happy.

If Trump wins, expect AWB levels of stupid to come eventually.

If you look up anything on him, he promises everyone the moon, then promises he'll never do X when he can't deliver the moon. Then he just does X.
Miller decision was basically fudds getting BTFO even if tge court was trying to justify upholding the NFA.
I don't remeber which case it was, but there was an opinion of an appelate court in a later case that mentioned Miller and pointed out that even though it nominally allows all weapons that the military uses to be owned by civilians, this would render no distinction between militias/individuals and the military (because apparently there needs to be one), therefore the NFA is justified.

Anyone know the name of the case? I read it a few weeks ago and now I can't find it anymore.
berniefags wont let things like facts get in the way of their mindset
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