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/k/lothing #2
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So there was a lot of useful information regarding everyday casual CC clothing. One of the ones that stood out is a /k/omrade here mentioned Oxford button down shirts. I'm assuming this is the same shirt style he/you were talking about.

Anyone else have any more ideas? I might order a few of these
>tricking anons into not dressing like manchildren by saying it's for CC
I might be thinking too highly of /k/ but I like to believe most people here don't actually wear a 5.11 tuxedo or the punisher shirt, cargo shorts, socks and sandals combo.

I like to think that they mostly dress like normal, well adjusted adults who are trying to blend into the crowd.
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OP here, I have no sense of style. I usually just wear solid color plain T shirts and jeans or sometimes cargo pants (never shorts). But I'm tying to learn and improve.

I honestly don't know if these shirts look good, or if they are "hipsterish". I really can't tell. I'm fashion blind. But, they do look decent for CC in the appendix.

>CC with style

1. Get your measurements
2. Off to Ebay for dirt cheap lightly used or new dress shirts from big names like Brooks Brothers, Lauren, Tommy Bahama and others, get as close to your measurements as you can
3. Slight tailoring to match you, should be $15 a shirt
4. Buy dark jeans and some decent shoes that match
5. Have versatile as fuck wardrobe that can run from casual to relaxed business, or even business if you have it in you to throw a sportcoat or blazer over it

I do just this. I carry IWB at the 3, full size to boot. When I'm casual I'm Jeans, untucked shirt and rolled sleeves if it's warm. A more formal appearance sees the shirt tucked and a coat over it.

Versatile and spiffy as fuck.
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I want to secretly look like a cobra trooper.
>soon edc threads will include wardrobes


>inb4 leddit

Not going to lie, dressing well will only help you in life. I'm overweight and kind of fugly and I used to wear shitty clothes. After I browsed their FAQ and spent some money over the course of a year, I am more confident, look better, and am much more respected in my everyday life. Plus learning about how clothes are supposed to fit can teach you how to carry well.

Also most liberals are much more willing to listen to you if you don't look like one of those turds in the 5.11 tactical pants, american flag t-shirt, duty belt, tactical cap, and oakleys.

Plus ZZ Top was right. Chicks go crazy for a well dressed dude.

Also get a fucking haircut.

I don't mean a $12 Supercuts special. Find a proper fucking barber and spend $30-$40 on a haircut. Spend $20 on a proper beard trim/shape. Invest in good hair styling product.

what IS a good haircut though? For someone who doesn't know anything about style. How would they know what to get? I typically must get medium fade haircuts because it's simple, and I don't know what else to get or what is "good"
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That's what your barber is for.

Walk in and tell him to fuck your shit up.

You'll have a discussion with his input and I bet it works out.

That sounds like a terrible idea
>I don't mean a $12 Supercuts special. Find a proper fucking barber and spend $30-$40 on a haircut. Spend $20 on a proper beard trim/shape. Invest in good hair styling product.
>spend $30-$40 on a haircut
Homo please.

Drive to your nearest beaner neighborhood and get an $8 haircut instead. Unless you have a mil/dependent ID, then you can go that route and have it done in about a minute and a half.

Thanks, I don't like looking like a palsy patient cut my hair.
I love the slickback, but my hair is too thin for it.
Maximum cringe itt
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Not everyone wants to look like a autist.

Not all of us can go to work looking like Joe six-pack.

Some of us like to convey a half decent appearance to those around us.

Some of us even like to be touched by attractive girls, and the laws of kingdom Animalia bind humans too.

30-40 dollars for a haircut? Have fun paying that every two to three weeks to maintain that look. Unless you can afford it, fuck all that noise.
>wearing a plain oxford shirt is now "hipster"

truly the term has lost all meaning then

I spend the 30-40 once a month.

I go back in the middle of the month and spend $15 to get a shape-up and beard trim.

Don't work at Mcdonalds.

like I said. I'm fashion blind. Typically when I see people with bright colored button down shirts they wear skinny jeans where I live. I'm trying to learn. So teach me
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>anons itt complaining about a $30 haircut
that shirt you posted was gray, nigga!

you color blind too?

This here >>29281774 is actualy pretty good advice. I have all kinds of designer fashion because of myhabit and ebay and I pay almost nothing for it. Be choosy and avoid the ostentatious shit that's going to be out of style by next season and stick to classics like the Brooks and Lauren he mentioned and you'll be 3/4 of the way there.
nah man, i did this a few months ago after letting my hair grow all shaggy n shit, and let her do her thing. turned out to be the freshest fade ive ever had. not saying don't give any input, but let them do their thing.
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>tfw I'm wearing 5.11 pants and a punisher shirt right now
I could make the excuse that I just threw something on since I have the day off, but that's just denial. At least I'm not fat
>someone told me i should wear button up shirts
You literally had to be told to wear shirts? What do you normally wear?
Hahaha. I tip my fedora to you sir!
Place I go to is an old fashioned full service barber shop and I pay $25 for the works. Sure I'm out the door for $30, but you're saying 30-40 for just the service and that's dumb. Plus if you're lucky enough to find the right hometown barber, you can get a nice cut for 8 bucks.
>spend $20 on a beard trim

Find/print a picture of a celebrity with a sharp haircut, bring it in and point to it and say "do that pls". Get multiple angles if possible if it's not an obvious style.
Alternately, just get a high fade with something relatively short on the sides and scissor trim on top.

Pretty sure Mcdonalds has robots running their restaurants now. Which means if you work at mcdonalds, you're either a robot, or you work corporate. Either way is a win in my book.

solid color plain T shirts and jeans.
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>he is small enough to look like a good little cuck in a button shirt
>he doesn't buy a $15 wahl trimmer and buzz his own hair

If your quads fit most store bought jeans, you are a fucking twink.
That is the cringe factor, you don't know how to get a haircut or wear a shirt with buttons you stupid faggot.
ok maybe at home or a trip to the store
but if you're going out like to a bar at night or to any sort of event? you wear a t-shirt?
>thinking clothes matter

Fashion sense

In that order. A good looking dude who lifts and gets out of his BMW in a well fit black T and jeans is literally a recepie for getting pussy.
Retards buy it thinking it will totally eclipse their autism and hide their shitty, flabby body enough to pull girls.
$50 isn't expensive
>for a shitty baggy button up
You could get that same fucking shirt offbrand for like $10

>trip to the bar or a event

I mean.. I rarely do things like those. I work a lot. But when I do hang out with friends. We usually go shoot. Or/and go to the store, but food and beer. Then chill out and grill food at my friend's house and get drunk watching COPS. It's pretty fun actually

Question though, where did you learn on how to dress? I've never had anyone teach me during my life. I'm just learninf this now
dont ever get a fade on a military, they are experienced with fading your shit up senpai but usually half ass it and do it as fast as possible and some barbers dont properly blend your hair into the fade
If you don't follow fashion and trend $50 for a durable shirt is worth the money.
>buying poorly made clothes
>any year
>he doesn't know a lot of that shit is made in the same factory but branded different

I have a chinese knockoff jersey I got for less than a third of what the "official" one would cost. I was gifted the "official" one later. They are literally identical aside from the tag.
you ain't seen shit yet, check out arc'teryx

>I bought one of their jackets and don't regret it at all
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jacked kunts look aight in button-ups, just can't button the top button

Agree with buzzing own hair.

On the one hand, yes. On the other hand,
>well fit black T and jeans
is not trivial (as evidenced by the fact that so many people don't know it) and does not equate to "clothes don't matter."
Zip up sweatshirts. Baggy enough for CC, warm enough for north PA weather and can replace jacket in fair weather. Oxford like shirts for summer, usually don't CC as much in the summer. Jeans in the winter usually paired with spandex thermals. Cargo shorts in the summer.
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Gay shirt, Id know.

Dress better, stop putting on the "Imma-good-Christian" act. You're on 4chink.

Just don't wear skinny jeans and you're fine.
I wear blue jeans and undershirts. People severely under appreciate how comfy undershirts really are.

Of course, never wear skinny jeans
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This is my advice for men who do not currently own a suit and want to get one:

>Medium gray, charcoal, or navy in color
>Not black in color unless as part of a funeral function
>No pinstripes
>No pinstripes
>No pinstripes
>Classic fit or slim fit are acceptable
>Get your suit tailored
>Black shoes:black belt or brown shoes:brown belt
>If you intend to carry a gun www.thebeltman.net is the only way to go
>Don't button your suit so you can have easy access to your firearm
>Don't wear a hat of any kind unless you reach age 50 and have a particularly masculine look, otherwise you will be embarrassing yourself
>Cut open any stitched closed suit pockets and suit vents
>Have at least 1 plain white dress shirt
>Have a white pocket square
>i rarely do things i work alot
what u wear on casual friday at work'

>how u learn to dress
looking with my eyeballs at the world around me
just look at people and stuff
>not wearing skintight clothing
>not "action hero" carrying the gun
>not leaving people wondering if that's a gun in your pants or you are just happy to see them
I work in a buying office and work closely with our private label product developers.
Your general statement is very wrong. While I don't doubt you have a nice knockoff jersey, there is by and large a very substantial difference between name brand product and private label, 3rd party, etc.
The thing with your knock off is, being unlicensed, it very well could be off-clock overproduction from a worker at the very factory the official one is made. But while that is a possibility when someone is willing to break legal production contracts, it is not how legitimate off-label products are produced. And while many factories produce products for multiple businesses, as they are afterall, factories/businesses and would be dumb to produce exclusively for one company, brands are extremely protective of their intellectual property and factories do abide by restrictive covenants and information no-share contracts.

Usually quality. All my shirts for work cost $60-130 +tax unless I find them an outlet for cheaper. All look sexy as fuck.
So glad im a married fag musician.

>that homeless tattooed guy look

I'm a Armed Security officer, so dark blue police style uniform with Level 2 body armor.
I grew up in a rather strange family. My old man was a libertarian gun nut. When he was working it was 5.11 tactical pants, OD green or black ACU style jacket, and combat boots. Dude also had alot of hair. Down to his mid back. When he wasn't working he either looked trapped in the 1990's or like a fucking hells angel. Since I grew up as a metal head like him, I grew out my hair. And picked up alot about looking nice from my whole family because I had to know how to take care of my hair, and how to not dress like my dad.
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Fits my curve perfectly (my figure & gun).
>body armor
>on casual friday
You don't need to pay that much if you can explain to a halfway decent barber what you want. I have an ex-military guy that does mine for $8 a pop (non-vets are $10)

A medium fade works well enough for my head shape. It's not fancy, and I get it cut every two weeks to keep it from getting too long on the sides.
>"c-clothes don't m-matter!"
>specifies clothing type and fit

you're a powerful kind of dumb
>not just wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt all summer
Shut your jew mouth


a nice cheap thing for blue collar guys like me are dickies button down work shirts, they look good even if you buy them a little over sized, i can conceal full-sized handguns with ease under mine.
>long hair

I almost guarantee you look like shit. unless you're built like christ hemsworth long hair is a mistake.
some of the advice in this thread is really terrible.

it explains a lot of what I see at gun stores and the range though.
Oh no im not like viking level hair. Think a little bit longer than jim morrison. It works. Ive got an IT job in a real office. And with some fitted clothes and my hair back I look pretty slick. My old man however looks like, well an old man.
I personally wear it back in a ponytail because fuck wearing it down and all that noise. (not the person you replied to)

Generally as long as you can pull off a beard/mustache you can do long hair, down or pulled up in a ponytail.

>Generally as long as you can pull off a beard/mustache you can do long hair, down or pulled up in a ponytail.

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Has anyone tried the whole thing where you just wear the same outfit everyday? Not just one outfit but you have several duplicates of the same shirt and pants.
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Son, I am disappoint.
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That feel when you look like Ian, all hair included.

confirmed. you guys all look like edgelords. i bet you even open carry.
As this is /k/, I can't help but mention both camo pants and military color shirts for casual wear. ERDL/Woodland pants with boots or otherwise simple shoes (bright sneakers clash badly) is a popular look. Modern/digital patterns will make you look like a tacticool fag. Olive/Navy/Grey/Black shirts match with everything. If wearing camo pants don't wear a camo jacket, it's autistic.
TL;DR muted colors go with everything.
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