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lets start it off >Iraq and Syria are controlled by ISIS
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invasion of IRAQ for 4chan.jpg
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lets start it off
>Iraq and Syria are controlled by ISIS
>You are apart of the joint chief of staff and have to create a plan that will destroy ISIS
>Afghanistan and Taliban peace talks went successful and Afghanistan has given you full authority to use their country and soldiers for any means necessary (No suicide missions)
>Your allies consist of UK, Norway, Canada, Germany, and Sweden
How do you successfully liberate Iraq and Syria from ISIS while making sure no Muslims revolt in response to the invasion?
what we're already doing, basically, except don't make the obama mistake of "muh arab spring" and support assad in syria. iraq would be the same as the current plan.
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Glass the middle east. No one can bitch about the invasion if they are all dead and mixed with melted sand.
I take Sweden and Canada and have them kicked out of NATO since they love muslims/ISIS so much.

Then Me, UK, Germany all get together and glass the entire middle east. Afterwards we go out to a bar and smoke cigars while reminiscing over the good ol' days.
Give command to China.
Follow China.
Support Chinese posts.
Behead those who insult China.
>Your allies consist of UK, Norway, Canada, Germany, and Sweden
Litterally who? Give me France, Poland and the Czechs. Norwegians can tag along.
you dumbass, the point is to make it difficult, hence why i gave you weak allies
Whats the fun in that? You want Vietnam 2: Electric ISIS jigaloo?
1. Recruit tradesmen and militiamen from muzzies in Allied cunts as well as Arab cunts.
2. Kick out ISIS
3. Divide Syria and Iraq into zones of administration:
>Shia Syria - administered by Hezbollah
>Sunni Syria - administered by Jordan
>Sunni Iraq - administered by Tunisia
>Shia Iraq can probably administer itself, but let's give them to Azerbaijan just because we can
>Kurdish parts - administered by Kurds
>Turkmen parts - administered by the PKK, because that'd be hilarious

4. Force all military-aged unemployed men into work details, headed by tradesmen who will teach them skills
7. Have informants in every detail, find ISIS and send them to a re-education camp, we're going East German on those fuckers
5. Give them each a decent wage
6. Give that wage directly to their mothers/grandmothers/step-mothers, have them handle the family finances
7. Men can only leave if they have a full-time, legit job offer, or they have at least two children
>put swedes naked in the desert
>the IS feel that familiar boypucci smell
>they go for it
>bomb the IS and the Swedes at the same time
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>>Shia Syria - administered by Hezbollah
>>Sunni Syria - administered by Jordan
>>Sunni Iraq - administered by Tunisia
>>Shia Iraq can probably administer itself, but let's give them to Azerbaijan just because we can
>>Kurdish parts - administered by Kurds
>>Turkmen parts - administered by the PKK, because that'd be hilarious
Use a combination of kill squads that are armed to the teeth to follow up leads and do in and out search and destroy tactics.
To give you intel and to not retard it up like America has, you have plainclothes taliban agents and afghan intel squads to sway public view and get targets while not being IED'd in a hummer like half of the muricans have.
That'll sort out small towns and urban areas with a guerilla isis prescence.

To sort the large bases and cities where isis has a militia prescence it gets a little harder. The strength of our given force over them is our training and tech. Use European drones/satellite to spot compounds then airstrike or artillery them with shared support capabilities. Send in kill squads after. Cities will need to be blockaded by armoured forces and garrisoned on the outskirts by infantry. Stop any isis military supply from entering, let civvy supplies in. In fact you're going to want to pump in humanitarian supply because you know isis aren't a stable government at all. They will try to stop you doing this most likely and they will lose a shittonne of civvy favour doing so.

Obviously I'm not going to go over everything in detail bc I have a lecture soon but isis militia forces will not be able to take on our allied forces head on. The key here is to force them to try to use guerrilla tactics which will be very hard as we won't be very mobile at all. Let small outposts and shit of theirs wither on the vine eventually. When they begin to stop trying to charge us with technicals away from our zones without potential for collateral damage they will switch to tactics weve seen so far, this will allow us to now easily claim territory in crucial places.

This is a guidline that will need to be altered and evolved as tactics and scenario will change.
Use the guy above's method of division and labor too
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I bet you can't even find a single fault in my plan.
Good shit anon but what about militia prescence to remove beforehand?
That sounds pretty fun desu
Inter-faith range days and nasheeds a là the metal/rock vs. rap crossovers from that magical time from the late 80s to early 90s.

Tell them to lay down arms in 2 weeks and be spared. Meanwhile. drop leaflets in Baghdad telling them to gtfo within 7 days. If they don't surrender at weeks end drop several dozen MOABs on baghdad and grind it to dust. They don't surrender after that we wage total war until victory.
start carpet bombing
drop MOABS
nuke Dubai
Use half of our minute men ICBMs on Mecca
load C130s and C17s with pigs and drop them on what is nuked/carpet bombed
This. The Iraqi government has a lot of intel to share, as does Assad's government. We would be doing a lot better in Syria if we could just set aside our bullshit quarrels with Russia and Assad and just agree on coordination and intel sharing.
>Putin lights up the American sky with nukes

Get rid of the Kurds

Firepower doesn't solve anything. Go coach a high school football team if you can't think critically.

so let Canada take the lead?
Why not let Jesus take the wheel?
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never said there was a problem. It just sounds a lot like BPRE

nah, as much as some MP's are under Chinese influence, the infiltration of Canadian government isn't as bad as one thinks (CSIS wouldn't allow them to reach the inner circle of government for the time being)

Letting them flood into your country doesn't seem to be solving much, europoor.
One word: nukes.
>I get my news from breitbart and fox

400 million people live here, an extra 10 will keep us at replacement levels.
Immigrants are bad when you have high unemployment, like America does.
We have 3 percent so it's chill.
Why do idiot Americans always treat nukes like they're magical make-the-problem-go-away thingie.
Modern Nukes aren't meant to kill people, they're meant to destroy other nuclear silos.
I would take the 1 billion strong Chinese army and rampage through the desert.
>Modern Nukes aren't meant to kill people, they're meant to destroy other nuclear silos.

Want to know how I know your retarded?
>Put the civilian population into concentration camps.

>Civilians in these camps undergo massive reeducation to western values, something similar to the level of denazification. However more ruthless and more unforgiving.

>Anything out of these camps and strategic controlled areas is fair game for extermination.

>Save nukes and bio weapons. Every single weapon in the available inventory is used on every target suspected or real. No prisnors.
air strikes and COIN missions in areas where the enemy is a bit stretched out, for areas deep in their territory have special operators hit them with snipers, IEDs, and VBIEDs (basically a taste of their own pie).
Make sure literally every enemy city/base/hot dog stand is under attack.

Investigate turkish ISIS ties and put economic sanctions on them if they have any ties, which they do so the investigation is more of a formality. Remove them from NATO

Pressure saudi arabia to ban wahabism of any form.

Endorse Kurdish autonomy.
Why don't we focus on the real threat. [ IRAN GAINING POWER ]
Isis is such a proxy war bullshit. They Weill never hurt any western country in a way like 9/11
>roach detected

befriend the kurds
This, minus Norway, those fags are a lost cause.
Oh, and Baltics as well, them crazy Latvians/Lithuanians
I'm not Turkish, they are really intelligent and smart and kind people though.
I'm a Chechen and every one knows Kurds blow ass.
every one of those terms is incorrect.
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listen ere u lil shit.png
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Wall it all off. Install cameras. Cover the action with gopro drones.
Sell them Coca Cola
Id say its a poor replacement if you put in something entirely new that has no business there.
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>I'm a Chechen
Assassinate the Saud family and the leadership in Qatar, offer an alternative to Assad, either you shape up and rule for all your people and not just the alawites or be beheaded publicly, bomb the Kurds out of existence, bring back Sunnis say in politics in Iraq
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Let the Syrian goverment still exist but under much scrutiny to prevent a power vacuum, and also fund Kurds as they hold American values.
W-what about norway senpai?
What´s this meme with muslims beeing afraid of pigs?

That they don´t eat them doesn´t mean that they are afraid of them...
>be JCS
>ISIS needs eliminated
>contact CDC and weapons R&D
>have them do research on homogays
>create fast-acting, drug-resistant HIV
>prep a SEAL team
>have them inject ISIS goats with HIV
>men out fighting and away from their wives get infected
>couple years later problem solved
>what ISIS?

>year down the road
>refugees fleeing from catastrophic goat fuckery
>merkel lets them all in
>some have super-AIDS
>gets into German population
>only nationalists left in Germany cause they were the only ones who wouldn't fuck camel jockeys
>Germany becomes a superpower again
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