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PMC/Mercernary company
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I want to start up a merc/PMC company.Any idea where to and how to start ? This is also a New Rhodesia thread.
Fuck you.
Generally, PMCs are started by ex-sf guys who get a bunch of also ex-sf friends and look for work. Thats how EO and Blackwater started. If this isn't you, you probably lack the connections to make it work.
I'm monitoring this thread for the impending lulz.

Step 1: get a group of like minded individuals with pertinent experience.
Step 2: get them licensed for armed security/ VIP protection, etc.
Step 3: advertise
Step 4: start getting gigs and slowly build your business and reputation.
Step 5: keep this up and you'll eventually get there.

You'll have to start small most likely and work your way up to "We're a PMC company". Most of these companies are started by ex military, but it is a business so nothing says you can't start one, but you will need to get these individuals hired on.
Could I start a company with people, and do some job clearing out gangs in Chicago ? How would /k/ or anyone else go ahead toppling Mugabe ?
>I want to start up a merc/PMC company.Any idea where to and how to start

Yeah, join the military and think this again in about twenty years
Done my countries conscription before.
Worth a total of jack and shit
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Senpai why you hurt my feelings.

Sorry to break it to you, but they lied to you, the conscription is worth shit. Get some more xp in the army (spec ops and such) and on the field and network. If you can't do that in your country's own army, get a green card and join US Army or French foreign legion and see what your situation is after +5 years.

Either that, or become a lawyer how knows how to deal with the legal stuff involved.
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Who is going to trust U and your merry band of faggots to solve their problems with volience for millions of dollars?

Is my wife a money grubbing whore?

Does my family hate me?

These are questions you should be asking yourself
>could I round up a posse and go kill niggers in an American city?
What do you think is going to happen there?
If you are asking 4chan how to do this then you cannot do this.

Go be 16 elsewhere.
Asian. I did do an extension, and was a regular for a while.
Doesn't Nigeria hire people to clear out the Bokos ?
It'll make America great again.
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>Done my countries conscription before.
Watch out guys, we have a real operator here.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
fucking autist thread

rhodesia lasted for 14 fucking years, it sucked dick and was a failure
well technically it was just an independent continuation of the british colony and they fought against 2 separate communist insurgencies and buttfucking un sanctions the entire time

edgelords like op are still retarded but in terms of tactical innovation a lot of the stuff they did was really ahead of its time

Mugabe pls go
It's impossible. The zimbabwean military is actually competent.
Find a bunch of guys with similar interests and bring your OWN gear.
Go to some hotspot, advertise yourself, and make yourselves known through feats in combat.
Eventually somebody will hire you and it will usually be some middleman for a larger government/military agency like GRU
Now you are a merc doing GRU's dirty work.
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Would you say you'd be one of GRU's minions?
What did you learn
Starting up a gun company would be easier and safer.
>GRU's minions
>How would /k/ or anyone else go ahead toppling Mugabe ?

Mugabe is going to beat you to it at this rate.
I wish metal gear kiddies would fuck off.
Idk why but I'm laughing my damn ass off.
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>tfw i now want an comedy movie about a handful of /k/ommandos starting a pmc company
>equipment consists of nuggets and random milsurp
>firsts gigs would go horribly wrong, but they get better. kinda like kick-ass yknow

Heyy, that's pretty good.
>How would /k/ or anyone else go ahead toppling Mugabe ?
show up in zimbabwe and offer food for support, over 25% of zimbabwe is at risk of starving to death
Likely you would need either a lot of connections, a lot of money to smooth over those connections, or both.

Other than that you would need to start small with security pleb work. Have tour people go through various training courses a rigorous testing to move up the ranks in your organization for better pay and/or gigs.

Start to phase in more training, riskier gigs, better equipment, and stricter restrictions on who you let work for you. Then bring in the armed guard certifications.

You've heard it before, but military or even police work would be hugely beneficial to you in understandinf how laws and jurisdictions work. The public would not want a bunch of trigger happy thugs infringing on their rights. Image and uniformity would be huge ad well. You want people to see your unit and feel safe.

First income would likely be self defense courses (hand to hand, situational awareness, concealed carry), with security feature installation (doors, windows, cameras, alarms, ect). Then work on getting places to put your people.

Bonus points if you get into disaster relief and search & rescue. If you can get people to say "Those guys do great work" you are golden and it will open doors.

Note that I, like most people here don't have any idea what Im talking about. I would be surprised if anyone here has started a PMC. This just seems like the most likely area of approach based on my limited knowledge.
>hired by Nigeria to train local anti Boko Haram militias
>out of the twenty instructors, five are sent back to the states after contracting every known STD after a night out
>seven are hungover as fuck,wasted entire pay on alcohol and cocaine and go home right away
>one died due to being a fat fuck/heat exhaustion
>remaining forgot their guns at home/ didn't want to take their range toys to Nigeria or are noguns
>somehow manage to train two militias to be good snipers, kill one nigerian because he said "I wouldn't worry about it" when asked if he was tired and the rest were drilled for hours on trigger discipline only because Mtumbe Ngumbe accidentally touched the trigger before he was supposed to fire during the live fire exercise
Except for the "Hereos" part, it's talking about "If they take out the armor - we will be dead, but mother russia will remember us, etc"
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except Putin was KGB not GRU
Oh I know he was.

put Igor Serguns face on instead

It should be a mockumentary.
>>firsts gigs would go horribly wrong, but they get better.

kinda hard to get better when you're dead
>we knew it was gonna be a hassle bringing Carl, but considering that he was the only one of us with first aid experience and because all other prospective employees turned down our offers due to us being labelled a domestic terrorist organization we had no other choice
>I still regret the decision. Because we've caught him four times drinking ethanol and he refuses to train people unless he takes pictures of them naked first
>But that's nothing compared to our comms personnel. To keep it short; never hire North Koreans
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By popular demand.
I'm pretty satisfied I just wish the GRU emblems cleaned up better on the resize. I tried a couple different sources and they all turned out the same. Fucking Paint.

>James here is an iraq veteran. He's kind of a dick, but we brought him along cause he knows how to deal with the heat and such
Cut to James
Cut to James, private interview
>"i hate this place it's too fucking hot jesus fucking chirst i mean fucking hell i'm like fucking sweating so much it's like standing in a fucking shower but the fucking shower is boiling hot and it's like fucking coming from INSIDE ME and fuuuuck"
Thats a good ass idea! Like Juan Mireles in Michoacan starting the autodefensas to clear raider scum, we should do that to eliminate gangs, fuck joining the police
Im of Latino descent, I could handle HUMINT with the Chicanos
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>we were super excited that at how much we were being paid until we saw that it was in pesos
>at that point we realized most of the zeros on the paycheck were worthless and found out that we had managed to go bankrupt for the fifth time
>thank god for the North Korean contract though. Easy money I tell ya. Just don't tell the UN
>wait, are you still filming?
Working with local officials is essential to getting shit done in an area. The goal would be to eventually replace the police.

It could be amazing.

Should show them doing random jobs all around the globe.
Yes and organizing community leaders, exactly what he tried. But how to curb impending corruption in a growing urban pmc group?
There will always be corruption. The goal should be to make sure the good deeds outweigh the bad.

Set up a system that is so symbiotic that they couldn't banish you if they tried. Eventually people would get used to feeling safe and having clean streets and they won't ever kick you out.
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