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Birthday Gun.
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Hey /k/, my birthday's coming up and I wanted to get myself something special. I was wanting a good all around handgun for bedside duty. While I already have various guns which I rotate around, I want one that's better than what I have and is an all around ideal handgun. For reference here is my current list of guns which I use-
* Beretta 92fs 9mm
* Glock 22 Gen 4 .40 S&W
* Springfield Mil-Spec 1911 .45
* Ruger GP100 3 inch .357
So hit me up with suggestions. Budget is around $1300, and I'm open to anything besides a Glock as I already have one and am not a fan even after shooting about 2000 rounds through it. So /K/, what do you recommend?

why are you asking us? get what you like
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Yea, I know this thread is pretty pointless I just like too many guns and can't decide.
I was considering it but after seeing the torture test on the military arms channel I'm not fucking with it. It failed from being wet lol.
Glock 19
ignoring your assumption that the unica is the only gun mateba made, they are often north of $3000, not $1300.

Your mom failed from being wet, fag. I bet it's her money thats going to be buying your gun, baby boy.
I'm 33, married, and have kids but whatever guy. Did I strike a nerve? VP9 fag maybe?
S&W M&P 9 Pro Series C.O.R.E., Then use the rest of the money for an mrd.
Beretta 92 is my bedside gun. Get that or a 2" Chiappa Rhino .357.
Some Sphinx.

Or a USP tactical with the match trigger.
You have a list of good bedside guns. Personally I find 92 series easy and pleasant to shoot but too large to carry, an ideal bed gun, your preference may very but unless you find all 4 of those you listed untenable (though both of those full size make great hd gats), get something fun or of interest to you for enjoyments sake. If you don't sport shoot, hunt or simply enjoy shooting beyond having a hd firearm, put that money elsewhere.
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Sell your milspec and add that cash to your budget and get a good 1911.
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Yea, I currently rotate between the 92fs and 1911. Honestly I'll probably stick to those but I've been wanting something with a rail to mount a light. Oh and I love shooting. I go to the range at least 2 or 3 times a month, best hobby I've ever had.
My Mil-Spec had been phenomenal, I could never sell it(pic related). Thousands of rounds through it from cheap fmj to the best HST's and not a single malfunction. I will own a Les Baer one day though. One of my dream guns.
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