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best handgun cartridge, and why it's the tokarev?
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File: 8675480377_a7600eeb7b_b.jpg (419 KB, 1024x625) Image search: [Google]
419 KB, 1024x625
best handgun cartridge, and why it's the tokarev?
.45 or youre not american
>muh knockdown powah
Penetration of softarmore
So I am not a fat, burger shoveling idiot who mistakenly thinks everything about him and his country is better?

>sorry actual Murcia bros. You guys are pretty cool. I just can't stand these guys.
Tok is good, but 9x25 Dillon is the tits.
File: 10mm master race.jpg (269 KB, 960x686) Image search: [Google]
10mm master race.jpg
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I can confirm this.
I want a Russian Tok, or at least one from Eastern Europe, but all I can find at decent prices is Norinco shit. Well, I guess there are worse things I could be addicted to rather than spending money on guns.
Get the new zastava yugo m57 from Century international arms. It's 250 plus comes with extra mag plus factory built safety and it's still made in the Eastern Europe.
FO-FO tho
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2 MB, 3264x2448
Fuck off retard.
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