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Se/k/ret Santa
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New thread, post gifts, unboxings, bitch about dildos and worry about getting fucked

Sent my targets stuff today
First Shitpost
Second shitpost.
Third Shitpost?
Fourth Shitpost
Fifth shitpost, still not sure if I'm anyone's target.
Oh god, what did I start
No shit
Hopefully my German friend is getting his package shortly
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I gotta box
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And there was a note.
Also I'm totally buying a fish now.
I'll even have you guys help me name it.
>That feel when you mailed something to your sekret santa anon
>FedEx said it arrived at destination address
>no word on /k/ if they actually got it
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Lotsa cool stuff.
Thanks Alabama /k/ommrade
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Not sure if ya saw this n8
Thanks man I dig it, and my wife had already bought me pants/bibs of the same camo like 2 weeks ago.
Your stuff is on its way to you, ended up shipping it all straight to you because poorfag, so expect multiple packages starting any day.
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Not bad not bad.
> mfw I'm in a screencap
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Hat fits very nice.
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It aint what its cracked up to be.
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also fucking 109 chairforce pencils!
>Betta fish
Name him Tyrone, because bettas are the violent niggers of the fish kingdom.
I even have a .40 I can get him
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There was a guy on this thread complaining about a molle gift he got and how it came straight from ebay.

If it was from me (not sure if it was because description was vague)

One- Quit yer bitchin. Theres more coming.

Two-As much as id love to ship everything all at once to you, i am headed to Thailand for my fight in two weeks and would rather ensure they get to you if weird holiday delays happen.

Also, its EXPENSIVE AS FUCK TO SHIP SHIT FROM AK! I am sad i cant draw dicks all over the package and leave weird notes, but i figure you would prefer the gifts themselves over having them sit at my house for a month before i ship them out.

so my /k/ondolences if you got shit gifts from someone else, if you ARE my target, you should be happy i think. Just be patient. I typed up a note for you to be sent in one of my gifts so hopefully they send it :)
Exactly my situation.
Joe from VA, did you get your stuff?
same situation. i'm left curious and wondering. does it mean he wasn't pleased? was made mad? i want to know his reaction!

not yet. usually takes a few weeks for stuff to get to me.
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>East German hats.
Based as fuck
Sorry no funny note with it but I feel you will be pleased.
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Thanks Hunter! I'll be making this:
Except instead of an emulator it'll be an innawoods pc with survival guides, network sniffers, and WPA crackers.
just to make sure i'm the person you think I am. what was specified on the "wishlist"?
What the fuck I want that.
Right? A guy in a thread a few days ago gave me the idea, so I did some research and found this sweet as design, I'm gunna use an FDE pelican case and call it the HNTR
That's cool.
>"wood sks stock, spam can of 7.62x39, lol 9mm, left handed kydex holster for a makarov"
ah no, I'm a different Joe in virginia, it seems. sorry mate.
If I can make it nice enough I honestly might consider selling some.
will buy/10 if its made well enough. Would be great for STALKERing challenges and what not. Or just stick it in my jeep.
I'll keep you guys updated
Well the other Joe should be pleased.
Have fun reaping the karma on leddit
Alabama here. There's a gift card for Petco in the betta bowl.

No need need for filter they breath from the top. And I suggest a cheap minnow if you want to see him in action.
This stuff makes me feel pretty giving. I kinda want to send another anon stuff now.
Wait till we have a burn list, the nmake a burned anon happy
Oh I definitely will.
Did you seriously count every single pencil?
Im an IL guy and I will not be home until after Xmas. Sorry guy that got me.
That book is pretty decent. Based Japanese commander
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>There's a gift card for Petco in the betta bowl.
Damn dude, you went above and beyond.
Has cali bro gotten his boots yet? I know your faggot ass wanted a dildo, but that was out of my price range this year, sorry.
Merry /k/ristmas!
Of course man. Its Christmas and what's better than making a person smile?

(Other shooting guns or shooting guns with the person you just made smile or sex)
sex even if they don't smile amirite
hoping NJ bro posts soon ;-;
Polish anon, what glock do you have?
I've got Glock 19.
Is posted
Kebabro, I'm sending your stuff tomorrow. Hope you like some militaria
Hey this is the joe from the wishlish. And yes lol 9mm. I just got my 9mm 1911 need food
Anyone get a fag named Jonathan from AZ?
Did you get your shit yet?
Not yet still waiting, I'm looking forward to it everyday.
any anon get a guy named Matt from KS?
USPS a shit. Expected delivery on December 19th. Currently in transit.
Anyone get Minnesota ZIP 55347 anon (not the one in jail haha).
Do you have the actual sks 40 pic
/an/ here.That's a half gallon tank and you will need to clean it constantly, full water changes every 4 days at the least and it will be covered in literal crap. They also need more than that kit contains including heating, filtration and a way to distil the water. Get a gallon tank if you want to keep just one, and use that one for water to be used for changes.
Beta fish for a beta boy.
This, Beta fish are treated like shit too damn often. Comb through craigslist for free tanks and then buy a fish when you have everything sorted.
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Hey Duke,

I'm sorry I haven't sent your thing yet. I'll try to finish it today and ship it tomorrow.

Do you prefer the looks of extruded aluminum (pic) or machined rod?
Now that I'm at home idk if I can machine the surface very nicely with my little lathe.
I personally like the pattern the extrusion makes, but it's up to you.
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I posted this the other day but I'll dump
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L.L. from Germany, has your package arrived?
I kinda want to see your unboxing post more than to receive my package.

>Gift range of $50
>receives $49.99 of wtf
The day /k/ counted to 5
Actually my pricepoint was ~$100.
>Obligatory sextoy
How many more will we see by the end of this thread?
Fucking poorfags.
Did we do a good?
Yes, I'm sure they would like that
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You know somewhere, someone sent a stranger on the internet a dragon dildo for Christmas
607'' grouping, do you think that's good?
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I sent myself one, does that count?
>not using a 20mm shell
>Implying I have one of those.
I'd post a picture with my dick in it, but I would rather not be b&
Quite possibly the worst Guy Fawkes mask I've ever seen.
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Excellent taste in artificial equine vagina.
>artificial equine vagina.
>/k/ - artificial equine vagina connoisseurs.
if I don't get a response within the hour I'm going with raw.
I've wanted to get one of those, but I'm too much of a poorfag for one
where and how much
What does it mean?

Last shitpost before bed
>tfw hoping there will be a box when I get home tomorrow
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just look under there penetrables
its the mare one http://bad-dragon.com/products
NJbro are you still here? Or did you get into shit for the box?
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It came, it came!
This is great ?swiss/french? anon.
First off, cheers for writing on the inside, got it sent to lefty parents because they're always in, and the mudslime banter would have gone over their heads.
The book looks great, and should occupy me at lunch for weeks, and the patch is very nice, subtly /k/ but not so much that it will be spergy, once I've worked out where to put it. I'm sure the keffiyeh will come in very useful under Shariah law, particularly so in combination with the chocolate.
p.s. the chocolate is some of the nicest i've had in ages, but why is there marzipan in it? why cake marzipan? Silly frogs.
p.p.s polish anon there are 3 things on the way, there are 2 that could fit in the palm of your hand that are additional things, the main thing is about glock length ;).
p.p.p.s there's a slim chance i can send something else out, but i will have to check on funds and if the law allows for it.

sorry. 3-lewd?
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Got my se/k/ret santa today. Fucking love it. Thats is most incredible on every part
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>that uniform

Great haul, post pics of completed rifle
Alright friends, I have received my package. Should I do the long unboxing or just the nitty gritty?
I dunno exactly what that uniform is. But i know its usmc. And will get yelled at for stolen valor if worn
Whatever you want m8, as long as it's comfy.
Nitty gritty.
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Too late! Here comes the whole spheal :3

It felt like a waited a while, but it was worth it!
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With that... uh... warning, lets continue.
>contents of box
>You're gonna have a bad time.
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>panic intensifies
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>Something definitely hefty
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Neat! I needed some sweet decoration.
>Why yes I did slightly panic when I unwrapped this.
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Box 2 of 3
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What the...?
I found a smoke grenade at an abandoned mine. Thought it was a frag 'cause it just said "GRENADE" on the box. Scared the shit out of me.
Alright it showed up. That shirt is a USMC Charlie dress shirt. Lowest level of dress uniforms. I kind of just threw some randomness in with the stock.
custom baton, that's pretty kool
Hahahaha! Wow.
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Snake! That's Pineapple combat lube! Manufactured to make sure your nether regions stay comfy in the middle of wartime sexcapades, or just fapping while firing a MG42 for the glory of the cube. And it's edible.
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Last box
>everything's a dildo if you're brave enough...
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>Hnnng. Thanks /k/ommrade! Wood and metal do make me rock hard. And I do have lube...
Fill it with RDX
> didn't get the canine vag
I only had the shekels for one.
At least I got a free 6 inch Ethernet cable...
I bought a glock19 gen 3. Cant pick it up until thursday morning. I stodd at gander for 2 and a half hours to buy the stupid thing. Ill be there at 8 am thursday to not stand in damn line.
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Cool story, thank you for sharing.
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Well I bought myself a gift.

Maybe I'll try it tomorrow if I can find some target loads in stock.

>mfw Cabela's is all deer slugs forever
can i have it
N-No it's mine.
i sent several
Wanna take me shooting senpai desu? ~~~
Pay ammo nerd.

And buy my WASR for higher markup cause I want a VEPR.
nigger I could have helped you get a fucking VEPR for 600 if you just asked. I told you several times that I am the man of deals when it comes to guns. You ignored it.

WASRs are fucking fine don't dis them. Their quality is back up. Its like circa i dont even know that were shitty but it just doesn't justify the 600+ price tag. They are honestly worth 400 at best. I'll buy ammo nigga. I'll bring MSAR again I got more 5.56~
Shhhh we live in cuck state and obongo should be spiking prices soon.
Thats not "Yeah sure lets go shooting!" thats "let me jew you bro, no homo"

tfw I guess I'm becoming anhero over the holidays. Wish me luck guys ;_;
That's not a no yo. At least you're not getting cucked by an actually Jew telling you you can't go to Nuggetfest.
tfw the group jew ;_;
>listening to jews
>having a job
>still having a job after going AWOL

right tell me how well that works for you.
So when we going nigga?
i'm a hobo, and i'm happier than you

it works great
I apologize, been busy with work and no sleep.

Uh....I have no idea what you're even referencing but what you feel is best is probably good to go.

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
Don't worry about it. I finished it last night and shipped it today. It should get there around Saturday.
I'm glad you like it, and i'm glad it fits! I got really excited seeing this. Merry Christmas, /k/omrade!
NP OH anon here. Eagerly anticipating my drop. It had better not be hornets....Again.
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Well all the randomness is awesome sir. Whats that square patch. I should knife it but ive forgotten. And the book is cool as hell.
The patch is for the 3rd Infantry Division. Nickname is the Broken TV
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>tfw your target never posted his present
>tfw nothing in mail for you and no mention on 4chainz about North Dakota bros.
Just sent my package. Finlandbro, sorry it took so long for me, but I had some trouble with getting one of the gifts. It probably won't make it before New Year, but I hope you don't mind.
>tfw have a target
>tfw haven't sent it yet b/c poorfag
>tfw probably won't receive anything because nogunz German

If you're reading this Indiana bro, I haven't forgotten you. I'll send you something this month.
>same for massholes

I'm not all that surprised, honestly.
we had a couple of mentioned. Mine was mentioned and a BJ ...
stop asking for me to suck your dick
>same and same
I know that feel.
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Still waiting on confirmation from BJ, though tracking said it got there around the 14th or so. Maybe he just doesn't post often, or maybe he hated getting what he asked for plus some random crap.
I don't know where your field jacket is. Some hobo in Chicago could be wearing a UCP jacket with Canadian flags on it.
God damn USPS.
I .. you.. umm.

who ever knows honestly, who ever knows.
sex with the person you just shot guns with, AND they're still smiling after=best Christmas
huh, maybe i should try that..

Hey nofuns, when we going shooting?
I'm trying to work something out for those who got burned. I'm willing to pitch in if others are.

I was away for business and wanted to make sure my sketchy mexican neighbors didn't take it.
Hey, Johnson/CCM/other santa organizers you guys may have screwed up because I just got a 2nd package from someone else. The upside is they bought the other half of my wishlist the downside is someone else may have gotten screwed. I can maybe send out a 2nd package but I'm just letting you know. Also I'll post pics and thank the kind anon in a sec after I compress the images.
I totally knew this would happen.

Just take it as it is and ignore it as anything other than my own fuck up. Like I said, a few times this will probably unintentionally happen.

Though 1 guy it will intentionally happen for but that's for other raisins.
People will still get burned and we will still have means to help them out regardless. Now post pics.

Another thing to take into consideration is that your sender might have sent more than 1 thing from different places. Last year I got sent 3 boxes, I only got 2 of them but 1 came from germany the other NH. Same guy just random stuff.
I sent an email - nobody has mentioned me. Trying to sort out if/when something will come but I don't think I was assigned as a target.
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It was definitely a different person but as long as no one gets screwed it's all good I guess. Here's those pics.
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I'll probably post a pic at some point wearing the NBC suit, M65 gas mask, and chest rig.
Yo texasbro, any word on that pack?
Should I be expecting shenaniganry?

Meant to ask last night but loldrunk
Quite alright, I'm actually offhome until the turn of the year, so that works better than well with me.
PT belt was a great touch.
Hey fuck face, don't fucking say you're gonna do it if you can't even organize it right.

There are people getting double gifts, people getting no targets but getting gifts, and people getting nothing this christmas after spending $125 on their target because of YOU. If you really think it is about giving and not receiving then maybe you should have GIVEN a fuck about us and GIVEN us the time required to do this right.

Seriously, you are literal cringey skinnyfag garbage and you should fucking kill yourself like you said you would on Steam months ago.
what are the initials of your target?
top kek.
Jesus Christ. What a fuckup.
This thread is the exact reason why I don't do internet secret santas anymore.
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>last year sent an AKM receiver, backpacking hammock, and a bunch of multicam uniforms
>didn't get my gift till February
>this year send $150 worth of shit but the anon hasn't posted anything
>probably won't get anything at all because the organizer fucked up so badly organizing this
Pretty sure this is the last year I participate. Unless the guy from last year organizes all the future Se/k/ret Santas, I expect a lot of anons will get fucked.
Meh, when it is organized right it can function well.

Johnson is a whiney little faggot though, and completely incompetent in all facets of his life. So when I saw he was running it I decided it would be best to stay out this year, and I was correct to assume that.
where does your target live?
On a lighter note I use that hammock all the time! I sleep so well in it. You are a good man Charlie Brown
I said it a few times. Due to people deciding they would send their information 2/3/4 times and the way it was inputted it got a bit scrambled at times. A few human errors. Honestly the way to have gone was just do one of those surveys and have it automatically set everybody into categories. Didn't have the time so I set it up quick.

If you have no target you are more than likely a target. If you have no target ever which I don't believe anybody has no target as creep has all the names I didn't assign, at this point then you can help out somebody who was burned. If you get double gifts, who the fuck are you to complain about anything and if you never get any then there are many factors involved. Sorry I'm not perfect, I didn't want to see the tradition die and had no idea creep was going to do it before I jumped on it. If you have a problem with it then you can go do it. If you are not going to host it than I ask you to understand that I know my method was shitty, I am aware I had many human errors and that I could have done this better. Oh well. Merry hoolidays or something.

Last time I got your back.

There were 100 signups and what, 10 people actually posted anything? Give it time anon.

And to reiterate, this is never about receiving. Its never about getting something equal, never sign up for this expecting to get something back.

I'm glad you like it Oregon bro. I was honestly hoping I got matched with you again since I have some cool stuff to send. If I do receive a something nice and the return address is on it. Some anon is getting a Benchmade Nimravus.
You're pathetic.


Man up and take responsibility for not even being able to organize simple emails dumb ass. You should literally kill yourself with that piece of shit Johnson you have. I hope you feel like shit for the people who all spent their hard earned money and are going to get nothing this christmas.

So really, congrats. You're literally worse than DR8CO now, and that's fucking saying something.
Nobody is lower than that fat Mexican.

Hell I'd sooner be friends with Ant-man than DR8CO
Meant for this little sack of shit >>28286900

The best part is I got him as my target and it took all of 5 minutes to find him online. Enjoy your gifts this year Dakota. I made them special just for you, after a diet of cheap chinese food and laxatives.
Oregon bro here. I almost sent a nimravus this year too.
Part of your problem was the three email addresses used... Which I still don't know which one will get me a response.
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Besides all the shit talking, you actually got things together and made the se/k/ret santa happen. Just like last year, if anyone gets burned I'm sure it will be sorted. Thanks for doing this friend.
3? I had one, creep has one. Theres no third at all.
>not already having him on steam and facebook
top kek
Was the color acceptable senpai?
>willingly wanting to have him on Steam or FB

I had him on both and all he did was wine about how CombatBeard ignores him and cry about being a virgin still. Till he met some fat asian on 4chan that lived nearby.

/k/lipz is full on cringe and looks like the wind could blow him away.
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Next year I will likely be hosting alone. It's less complicated and there is less room for miscommunication. if you still haven't gotten a match yet, email me. If you've already emailed me, hold tight until after Christmas and I'll go through the list and match up people as best I can. If US participants haven't received anything by January 15th let me know and I'll take care of you, same for International participants by Janaury 30th (account for more for customs and shipping etc)

Thank you all for participating, even though this year did not go as smoothly as last year you can see the Holiday spirit and how many people have gone out of their way to do something nice for a complete stranger that just so happens to part of the same crazy /k/ommunity.

I'll work harder next year to see that things go more fluidly.

[email protected]

I appreciate the effort and attempts you put into this Johnson.

>This shit coming out of your mouth
Thanks for the update!

Were you an Indiana anon??
to the brazil /k/ommando from santo angelo:
most of your stuff arrived at my place, but something is still missing and I can't afford sending two packages for at least 70$ shipping cost right now... I feel very bad for not getting you your stuff by /k/hristmas.
After everything arrived at my house, I still need to figure out how to put 125$ pricerange items into a max 50$ package, so you don't have to pay taxes for your presents. Brazil customs suck ass
what's the raisins for one faggot getting doublestuffed? padding out your friends with the neatest goodies?
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Repost of my gift to thank the kind kommando who was my secret Santa.

Also, Sully from PA. Expect a package on Xmas eve.

Merry Xmas fuckers.
Thanks to Johnson for trying his best, my guess is that a lot more people signed up this year and this is also Johnson's first time organizing. As always CCM is here to save the day, you always do good work and I'm sure anything horribly broken will get patched up. In the end I think that everything will work out alright. Thanks to both of you and Happy Holidays to everyone who participated.
Everything was perfect, thank you so much. OD Green is my primary wardrobe color. Thank you for participating and keeping the tradition alive.
Yay, it made it to you before Christmas!
I'm swiss, though from the french speaking part. The patch is actually the flag of the canton of Vaud where I live, motto is absolutely fucking /k/.
Now about the chocolate, it actually is quite standard supermarket (swiss) chocolate, but in my experience many people like it a lot.
Merry christmas and happy reading!
I hope CJ in NJ got his package okay.
What's the brand/official name of those gloves?
Far out. It looks like the sake arrived safely
Nope. A clean USPS package with nothing inside but gifts and newspaper + bubble wrap.
I'm traveling, as I'm sure a lot of anons who are in college or visiting their families are. Be patient! As soon as I get home I plan to do my very own autistic unboxing pictures.
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Marcus in Ohio! Did you get your package? Pls respond. P-pls...
It's one in the morning here, nigga.
I don't mean right away, I just mean generally. I sent it through the mail stop at my college, and had a nightmare literally last night that the retard freshman autist working behind the counter didn't tape the box shut properly.
Camelbak MP3 I believe. Definitely camelbak though
Swiss Münchenstein Stal/k/er here. How frustrating! The Package was delivered today but got returned to the Flowershop/Postoffice. So i went after work to get it but they have a such mess in the shop so the did not find it. I am so Pissed now... they said we'll call you when we find it. So fingers crossed!
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82 KB, 750x485
At least I got my dad a gift.
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2 MB, 5312x2988
Nice, my package arrived!
You made my day, thanks a lot mate.
While I was reading your letter I unfolded the carabiner and now I'm fucked... haven't figured out how to close it yet.
As you can see in the pic, the whistle is attached to my key chain already.

Second picture with the other stuff incoming...
push it down.
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3 MB, 2988x5312
second one
I love the rust on the sling
Is that a whistle made of a .223 casing?
Close enough. It's still fucking cool.
Best part is he made the whistle and the nails by himself!
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