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Tell me about your first time shooting.
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Include approx age, location, gun, if you can remember
>scout camp
>some shitty 22
>deer lease
>a browning auto-fudd in .243 win
>range with dad
>.22 ruger pistol
>church .22 shoot, designed to bring in atheist gun nuts
>a Henry .22 levergun, I don't remember the exact model
>it jammed and took twenty minutes to clear, even with a knife
And thus my hatred of leverguns was born.
Still though, I was lucky to even be able to shoot. My dad was a noguns fund who had never touched a gun before.
>skeet range
>some rental 12 ga
>Out in a field with my dad with paper targets
>some 22
> 15
> way out in some SoCal desert with my LAPD father by an abandoned mineshaft and a bombed out shed riddled with bullet holes
>shit was spooky
>Berreta 92fs
>grandfather's back yard
>some .22 crickett knock-off
>8 or 9th birthday
>s&w snub nose
My gram knew a sheriff, he bought me a bb gun for my birthday then gave me a gun safety course followed by letting me shot his service weapon at cans.
>kapooka (ausfailian army recruit training)
> a beat to shit F88 AUSTEYR in 5.56
>local range
>.22 ruger wheelgun, .44S&W, Glock 9mm, ruger lcp .380

Friend was making sure I was a reliable addition to his "shit hits the fan" group
>uncles ranch
>.22 and a .22-250
>aged 9
>hanging out with my friend who was a catching a jug behind the bowling alley
>after he gets his cash he shows me his gun
>nickle plated 1911 in .38 super
>sneak into the abandoned concrete plant
>start shooting at crows
>lil ginger kid whos fishing nearby away screaming

many lels that day
>nickel plated
>38 super

Was this friend of Hispanic decent, per chance?

>SHTF group

literally the crossfit of the gun owners
> 3
> 38 special

No, not bullshitting, lying, or trolling.
Remember the first time I shot a 45-70 at like 8 years old, bout fucked my face up, hit the bill of my cap instead.
Nope classic NW white drug dealer stole the gun from one of his fathers friends
Pretty much same as OP.

Camp Stewart (Texas summer camp)
22 rifle
I was probably 9 or 10 yrs old

Actually just got back from visiting family in Houston and got to shoot my great-grandfathers M 1917 Enfield he used in WW1
>indoor range basic handgun course
>Ruger 22/45
>little, I don't remember
>at a quarry or something
>Remington 7400 in .280 Remington
>dad's friend's field
>yugoslavian sks

i was afraid at first, but after i put a round through it, i fell in love
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>mom yells that there's a huge woodchuck by our shed (been digging huge tunnels under the concrete)
>dad is gone
>I get the dbl barrel .410 fox from dads closet
Dead woodchuck. She was pregnant as shit too. Milk dripping out of her woodchuck tits. Dad wasn't even mad.
>next to a large pine copse in my grandpa's pasture with my dad
>Stevens/Savage model 87B .22lr (basically an economy marlin model 60)
>5 or 6
>Alaska, just off a highway shooting into an inlet
>Winchester model 63

My dad wanted to teach me to shoot, so we hopped in the jeep with some empty milk jugs, rifle, and ammo. It was either fall or spring. Grey wet cold day, my favorite weather for shooting ever since. We filled up milk jugs with water and plinked them and watched them drain. I thought it was the best thing ever.

Then I asked my dad if people bled like that when he shot them in Nam, and he got real quiet for a minute, said "no" and then told me to pack up, time to go home. Oops. I didn't know any better.
When I turned 18 I bought a Ruger Gunsite Scout chambered in 308 with saved up money. 21 now and I own the original scout, custom built ar15 and a Remington 700. Poor college fag, otherwise I would add more to my collection. I shot my first round at a local range . I had no clue what I was doing and didn't even bother to buy ear protection. I heard ringing for a week.

Is he named Mike?
>fishing with dad
>m1 carbine
Was in late 20's.
shooting range in upstate New York.
Just a few days after the Mumbai terror attack
A TON of pistols. I remember a Baretta, a CZ 75, a Glock, and some revolver in 9mm.
>at a friend's house
>some shitty 22

One hell of a gun. Put a sick cow down with it one time. Shot it in the nose, and when my uncle went out there to check if she was dead, she gained consciousness and came up pissed. He filled it with lead afterwards haha. Was like a machine gun.

>range with dad
>shot a marlin .22 mag

good shit
>some glock in 9mm
>friend took me to a gun range
>ruger .22lr target pistol
>sig sauer 9mm
>turned me from anti to pro-gun.
No. Not mike.
>the range
>glock 17
>12th birthday
>Top Gun range in Taylor
>basic .22, followed by a .40
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did you drink the milk?
>inna backyard
>gallery-style swinging metal targets
>Anschutz .22 bolt-action rifle
I remember when I started hitting the swinging goat target about 4 by 3 inches wide at 70 feet and my dad told me he loved me
>I love you too dad
your friend is a faggot and so are you by association
>Somewhere in WV
>Good ol youth .410
As a 5y/o, I despised the recoil of that shotgun and begged my dad to let me shoot a .22...
>4 or 5
>bolt action .22
>single bullet

didnt go shooting again for about 10 years, when I did the Hunter Education course and they took us to the range. Cops even came so we could shoot their pistols. There was a guy with some BP muzzle loaders too.
A few months later, I shot my first deer. 1 shot out of a month of walking through forest and driving up oilfield roads. Next time was another 11 years, bought my SKS and took it out for 2 separate shooting sessions, around 300rds. That was a year ago and I haven't gone since.
>4 years old (seriously)
>dad helped me hold and shoot his friend's full retard MP40
My first black eye I remember came from a .410. My uncle told me to shoot the can and tossed it. I swung to shoot and un-shoulder the shotgun. Caught myself in the face
>dad took me to friends farm
>shoot pop cans with great grandads Remy 512 .22
>still have the .22

Even though it's old and not worth much It would be the last firearm I'd ever sell
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>BSA Camp Tom Hale
>Shitty unzeroed .22

>mfw first jam
>12, I think?
>.357 saddle rifle, forgot which model
>.410 single shot
>Partridge hunting w/dad
>Family Friends House
>12 GA Winchester Model 37A single shot.

My father told me to say "pull" when I was ready. I said pull, the clay flew, I shot, clay was dust, and we did that for the rest of the day.
>Squirrel hunting
>Bastard jumps to the tree above me

>5y/o me starts crying because I held the gun on top of my collarbone

Still one of my favorite memories..
>grew up with nogunz dad
>date whitetrash gurl
>her dad gets shitfaced
>insert 10 gauge
>teaches basic fundamentals and between the two of us send 30$ of 1oz federal shok slugs down range

I have loved guns ever since
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>Ft. Leonard Wood
>M-16A2 that had been remilled from an A1

I feel out of place here now.
>Rural area, so backyard
>Ruger mini-14

Shot the hell out of my dads old '94 Ford Taurus after its engine blew out.
>Grandma's House
>Uncle's property
>Winchester .30-30
About 15, at my friend's house shooting clay pigeons. Damn near killed him that day, first time with a gun and had no clue what I was doing.
>around 10 or 11
>at friends house
>he is already shooting a garand
>too fucking tiny at time to handle such a large caliber
>his dad sees this and proceeds to toss me an m1 carbine
>he says "do stuff"
> I mag dumped a plastic deer and called it a day
>19 years old
>go to local fair/carnival that comes around once a year, pretty big.
>be inna Ausfailia
>see shooting galleries
>pissy little .22's that look like they've been dragged through a pigsty and cleaned with brake fluid and cosmoline
>first time really shooting, single shot bolt action, not sure on the specific action but the round dropped in and it felt like it was pretty loose, you didn't need to really force it in anywhere like i've seen people reload a mosin or K98
>first time shooting ever, remember what /k/ said about shooting, breath slowly, focus and fire on exhale, don't hold breath, squeeze trigger, don't jerk it
>pop, missed bullseye, hit above and tot he right about a centimere
>probably 5-10meter range
>sights busted to all shit
>correct self, next two shots all skim the edge of bullseye
>pay 5$ to go again
>first hits up and to the right, again
>next two pierce the bullseye, manage to feed two shots through the same hole.

Was pretty stoked. Won my at the time GF a stuffed panda. Was more excited about feeding 2 rounds through the same hole though.

10 bucks to shoot 6 rounds of .22 though. Wanna get my license but it ain't cheap.
>be 8
>go to friends house
>go fishing/trapping/whatever the fuck else a group of 8 year olds did without adult supervision
>main buddy asked if we wanted to do some shooting
>being 8 year olds hyped up on call of duty (finest hour had just come out) we all said yes
>friend runs in and gets his dad, dad brings out his 12ga, friend grabs his 10/22 and some .22 pistol
>we all shoot the .22 for awhile, somewhat afraid of the 12ga
>friend shoots the 12ga first, knocks him on his ass
>other friend does same, knocks him on his ass
>me being the bigger guy in the group, call them all pussies, take the shotgun, and fire
>get knocked on my ass
>we all laughed, shot for another hour, and then went fishing again

I feel like it was a pretty positive first time, had a lot of fun, but didn't get heavily into guns until I was 11 or 12
>family farm
>Colt Ace .22lr 1911 trainer, Colt Woodsman, Ruger Mk1, and (because Dad's an asshole) S&W 29 .44mag
>yes I have a permanent scar from where the hammer hit me right below the right eye because dad gave me a full-power .44mag at 6
>17? 18? I honestly forget.
>One the property one of one of my family member's friends owns
>Remmington 1200 Magnum into a TV we needed disassembled
>trap range with muh pops
>12 ga
Not including shiit pellet guns?

>at a fly in fishing lake with buddies
>get dropped off at cabin
>shotgun chillen against the wall
>easily 300 shells
>we cant just use all the ammo
>but we can
>fuck around with shotgun while fishing and being drunk
>grab the weed wacker from shed and weedwack all around the cabin and clear all the brush and shit, and chop up probably a half a years supply of wood
>sorry for using all your ammo m8
>dont worry this place looks fucking fantastic

6 years later I own the cabin. Go figure.
It's not an actual "group", jesus. Just our joking way of referring to people we know who can handle a firearm without shitting their pants.
Indoor range with friends.
.22 LR target pistol. Can't remember the make, but either a Ruger or Browning I think.
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>year 2008
>age 23
>Just bought my first fun, a Remington 870.
>My wife and I both shot our first gun in the Utah desert
>Barack Obama: Gun salesman of the year 2008-2015.

> around 15
> my local range
> 8mm K98 Mauser German capture

I cannot recall if I shot this first or my Grandpa's .17HMR
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>went to the range with my dad for the first time
>his transferable ar-15
I am so fucking happy he introduced me to firearms

replace the guns with drugs in this and it's pretty funny

>>be 8
>>go to friends house
>>go fishing/trapping/whatever the fuck else a group of 8 year olds did without adult supervision
>>main buddy asked if we wanted to do some drugs
>>being 8 year olds hyped up on Grand Theft Auto (Vice City had just come out) we all said yes
>>friend runs in and gets his dad, dad brings out his heroin, friend grabs his bong and some pot
>>we all rip the bong for awhile, somewhat afraid of the heroin
>>friend shoots up the heroin first, knocks him on his ass
>>other friend does same, knocks him on his ass
>>me being the bigger guy in the group, call them all pussies, take the heroin, and shoot up
>>get knocked on my ass
>>we all laughed, shot up for another hour, and then went fishing again

>I feel like it was a pretty positive first time, had a lot of fun, but didn't get heavily into drugs until I was 11 or 12
Am I wrong to be envious of the little brown kid who has a nicer gat than me?
pls, that's a different story for a different time, now :^)
> 11
> dad took me shooting to get me ready for hunting season
> remington 760 30 06
Makes me sad this turned me off from shooting for a while. Damn gun didn't fit me at all.
> tfw never went shooting with my dad after I got into guns since he got too weak and ended up passing away
It's the one thing in my life I regret. I think he'd be happy with how good of a shot I've become though
C7A2 5.56-mm
At a range when i was in the army
>bought my first gun at 27, ruger lcp, by myself, found a range, rented a lane alone.
tfw I wish I had a dad to teach me this stuff. My dad grew up in a commie country so he was pretty anti gun until we had the talk, and I told him I got into firearms.
>4 or 5
>Des Plaines Conservation Area
>Winchester Ranger 12ga
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I was 13. The first two guns I shot were a Tiger Dragunov and an M1 Garand, in that order, then some other guns. The recoil on the first two got me so bad I hated shooting for a few years until I hit my growth spurt. Now I love it.

>Garand's face when I pull the trigger
>Grandparents after Xmas (Dad's Present to me)
>Remington 597 .22lr
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>indoor shooting range
>GSG .22 AK

It was a blast, but tfw middle east and strict gun laws
>local state range with dad
>glock 17
>6 or younger
>30-06 with great uncle
It wasn't even from the recoil. The noise and everything just scared me. The experience turned me off of guns until I realized I was being a massive faggot and guns are fun as fuck.
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>army training center, Nonsan
just ordinary Nogunz country life
>on granma's ranch
>5 years old
>given bb gun
>run around with it shooting whatever wasn't alive or part of the ranch
>7 years old
>given 22
>given more serious safety talk and told where I can shoot it
>fuck that just take out the bb gun and run around tactically freeballin
>Drunk uncle pulls out Makarov
>Fiddle around with it
>Didn't know it was loaded and safety was off
>Shoot him in the ankle
He wasn't even mad,though
holy fuck dude
>boy scout camp
>mfw we had Anshuctz .22's with diopter sights
he was probably drunk and thought he shot himself
Hunter safety course that dad took my bro and me through. So many years ago...

After all the class there was the field test with fake animals. Lastly was the shooting range.

Get handed a rifle literally taller than I was. Five shots. I ask if they're all rounds designed for the fun and set up at the table. Bolt action them all in.

Fuck that targets way far off.

I line up and shoot. Miss. Shoot again. Miss. Fuck. Shoot again. Miss. Shoot again. Miss.

At this point I can hear everyone behind me talking about how it's story be expected that I miss all the shots, what with being a tinyfag.

Final shot. Lock it in and shoot...PING! that little round target practically further away than I can see goes spinning about.

I'm all smiles and everyone else is astonished.
>Basic triaining

Probably the only other cool part about basic. Fuck those sadistic psychos that enjoyed the tear gas chamber.
>'bout 7
>bro shows me how to use his Co2 that punches full soda cans through
>takes me to the rocky beach
>lets me shoot a bit, three plastic boats to shoot up
>he wanders off with babes
>for three hours I fuck around with it and I lost a cylinder clip insert
>spent at least half an hour trying to grab it between two boulders
>finally exhale to get it, climb back out
>shoot the last of the Co2 or pellets, forgot which ran out first
>the fucking plastic boats still float with over 40 holes in them

Was fun.
>dad has gun in hand
>tells me to to get in the truck
>well I lived a good life, bye bye world
>go inna desert 10 minutes away
>shoot pop cans and such for a couple hours with 10/22
>indoor shooting range
>mossberg 702 .22lr
>on a hunt
>uncle let me shoot his side by side 12 gauge in the air

with 14 i shot a rifle the first time, a .22 hornet on 100 meters (3 shots) and all the holes touched each other
i think i never shot that good again kek
Same here.

Scout Excursion to a military base
Shot some .22 rifles, and by shot, we got to pull the trigger and nothing else. We weren't even allowed to press the gun to our shoulder.

Now I pay 100 dollars to shoot 20 rounds of ammunition at a shooting range where the guns are bolted to the table.

Gotta love Australia.
> 3 yo
> probably at grandparents' cabin inna woods DOWN BY THE RIVER
> bolt action single shot youth model .22, Cricket I think.
I don't remember my first time, but I do remember how my favorite thing to do growing up was to go shooting every time I visited the grandparents.
>Swat(It's europoor version) range with dad.
>Mp5 and AK47
I fell in love with guns that day, too bad most of the team got KIA tho
Europoor here.
With a proper gun:
Haderslev Kaserne (praktikum)

With airrifle much sooner
>be me
>german, age 14
>practicum at hunter/forester
>fun shooting practise
>.243 win with scope
>7 or 8
>Shooting range next to a police station
>Dad's competition pistol [spoiler]in .40 S&W[/spoiler]
Had a great time, placed my second shot pretty close to my intended target, though looking back it was only at 7-10 yards away.
>army range
>SAR 21
>dad's shotgun couldn't hold it right and shot it up against my bicep. Had a huge ass bruise for a week.
>totally worth it
>liked guns before, loved them ever since.
12 gauge bird shot break action
stock bounces off my shoulder and up into my face
hit the clay anyway
>1980, well before gun ban
>sitting in living room at night
>abbo breaks down front door
>grab shotgun dad always hit below couch
>safety is off for some reason
>point gun at abbo
>expect gun not to fire
>pull trigger
>gun fires
>notice blood splattering on front door
>abbo goes completely limp and falls to floor
>stare at his eyes
>he's just staring at me, looking shocked
>not moving
>keep staring at his eyes
>mom, dad and sister fly downstairs
>call police
>for the entire time i'm just sitting there staring at his eyes
>had to go through therapy for 9 years
>still not better

and that's how i got PTSD at fucking 10 years old, i can't even look people in the eyes anymore
SAR 21 Assault raifu
Your mom
My dick
>abbo breaks down front door

Yeah, they're real good at that
Same but 21 yo.

It was nice.
>uncle's ranch
>Ruger revolver

First 4 shots were .38's, the 5th was a .357 magnum and almost sent the gun flying out of my hand. My uncle is still a prick to this day.
Please tell me this is a lie. Somebody. Hold me, /k/
>went shooting with my uncle innawoods in NY
>shot a 10/22
>and some birdshot out of a 12 gauge
>there was only one target though so we were just kinda blasting at random things
>had a hard time getting to go shooting again until I was 18 and got my own gun because everyone I knew was a YA ONLY NEED TO SHOOT TWICE A YEAR (to sight it in and when hunting) types
>outdoor range in the hills of Southern California
>Shitty Taurus snub in .38 and Ruger 10/22
I only recently found out the revolver had misaligned sights. No wonder I was such a shit shot with it.
Dad buys my first .22 rifle
Go to range & learn

Owned over 60 guns since then
>outback skeet shooting place, cheapest in France yo (this sport be expensive as fudd in France).
>Baikal double-barrel / double trigger 12 gauge

The bore looked like Iraq since it was rented free of charge, I ND with that rifle once too.

Friend who brougt me here gave me the opportunity to do the most /k/ stuff I could possibly do while being a teenager in a strictly no fun allowed country. He also was a dick bc he putted Super Magnum slugs amongst my buckshot cartridges. My shoulder went purple after 75 shots.
>be approx 10
>go to grandpa and grandmas house on the country side
>my grandpa has been a hunter since i was as young as me
>he asks me "he little anon wanna go shot one of my rifles with dad?"
>He gets out his 22. lr and his hunting shotgun
>set up a range in the yard with a steel target, using a stone wall as support
>grandpa goes through all the rules
>we go through two boxes of 22. and dad tries the shotgun, but i didn't get to shoot it
>great bonding experience with grandpa and dad
>grandpa promise to take me hunting
>grandpa gets sick
>it's cancer
>he survives the cancer but doesn't hunt anymore

I still wonder if i would've gotten into hunting and gotten myself a license if he had taken me but i guess i'll never know. The important thing is he is still alive and kicking.
>boy scout week long camp out w/ a 22
>I was dirty, sweaty and so fucking tired and still loved every part of it.
Too bad boy scouts turned to shit.

My second time was years later at a range with a 9mm handgun. That's what really got me into shooting.
>20 never shoot a gun
> .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
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> 10
> uncle's house
> some. 44 magnum without ear protection

Now I never forget my ear protection and I love revolvers
>backwoods nc
>shooting dip cans off a stump
You shot a .44 magnum with 10? How did your arms not broke?
I am not a midget
>returning from knee surgery (born with deformed right leg, up to 14surgery until 17yr old)
>depressed as fuck
>Be at papy's
Papy was a french algerian military engineer, he worked for the french army with the rank of capitaine, building bridges and stuff,
He was part arab, but he married a jew. his religions were patriotism, guns, steam engines and gastronomy.
>89yr old granpapy askq me what I wanna do
>"I wanna be a cowboy"
>papy smiles, calls a cab and tell me we are going for a tour
>okay papy.mp3
>old timer fill up a whole briefcase of heavy things and push my wheelchair to the cab
>grandmother is furious, papy tell her to fuck off
>half an hour later wa are inn a Paris suburbs (pantin) district, next to the graveyard
>one day I will be there tells papy
> we arrive at gun range, RO start to argue when he see an 11yr old and a wheelchair but pappy show him a card and he fuck off too...
>open briefcase
-11mm73 french 1873 revolver
-.22lr unique pistol
-Webley in .38webley
-.44 russian S&W N°3
-mab c (.32auto)
-mother FUCKING COLT WALKER (italian replica)

In that order
"If you aren't a runner or a boxer, be a sharp
My mum was pissed but she saw the smile on my face.
My grandfather died in my grandmother arms 2yrs later at 91yr old.
I miss you papy
>17 new year's day
>inna scorching desert in southern CA
>cutesy 22, remington shotty, and 9mm
>boot camp
>M16A2 with irons
>scored expert
>went on to fourth award expert before 4 years were done
And they say they don't just put names on rosters just to fill them
Qualed three times in a 4 month period
My first time I was 1, dad put my hand on the trigger of a .22lr

My Nephew's first time was yesterday shooting my AR, he's 4.
>5 years old
>hunting camp in Mississippi
>pretty decent 22
>killed my first deer with that gun, it was an 80 lbs doe
>3 years later niggers stole the gun
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>Pellet gun
>tfw Eurofag

But it all went good, I married a beautiful Iraqi-Kurdish wife and work in Suleymaniya now. I own 2 AKs and a Shotgun.
>age 9
>hanging out with those degenerates

Dafuq man. Did mommy or daddy abandon you?
>Army Cadets
>Down at the ranges with an SA80
My instructor said I was very consistent
> Granddad's 22LR pump gun
> Sears 30-30 after I got used to the .22

>indoor range with my grandpa and uncle
>uncles glock 17 and grampas 1911
>mfw shooting the 1911 for the first time
>grew up in libshit state
>parents weren't anti, but just never bothered to jump through govt hoops to buy guns
>go to visit family that moved to WV for memorial day weekend
>fuckhuge house by a state park, massive plot of land. Cost under a half mill
>uncle takes me to his backyard range with a Mossberg 500 and a few boxes of 00 buck to remove Budweiser

It was fuckin great
>8 year old skeltal vidya wimp
>Grandpa's field
>Scared to death of recoil
>Single shot .410
>Fire 3 times, my twiggy self intact
>Wow, that's fun!
>Next up, 20ga
>Start getting really nervous about the size of that yellow shell
>It's also a slug
>Fire, hit target, shoulder bruised, and plenty of EEEEEEEEEEEE
>dislike experience and touch nothing other than a Red Ryder 'til about 14 when I got a 10/22 for Christmas.
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>18 I think
>a month before I joined army
>Dad took me shooting for the first time to "make sure you're not afraid of guns"
>gives me a magazine for his AR to load
>goes and bullshits with his brother
>lol how do I do this
>put all 30 bullets in
>go show him
>anon how did you put all the bullets in backwards
mine's pretty typical

8-9 years old
at BBQ
"adults" think it'd be fun to watch kid try a shotgun
4 or 5
Our family property in central Missouri
first a bb gun, then a single shot .22, and finally a beat the fuck up single shot .20ga that's missing the butt plate for the stock.

all in one day.
> in early teens
>at an indoor range in Connecticut
>Dad's silver Walther PPK in .380

Like 8. Cub scout camp, BB shit. Shot .22 rifle within a year or two of that
>uncles farm
>my dad had been asked to do ballistic tests on some safety glass that local transit wanted to install in the buses
>grab a couple generic calibre rifles/pistols
>dad let me shoot his 10/22, AR15 and 12ga side-by-side

Everything penetrated the glass they planned on using. IIRC they opted for a Kevlar back board and then safety glass at the side where the driver could see it.
>12 guage mossberg
that shit hurt back then
>Living with my grandparents
>Some weird .22 with a polymer folding stock
>7 cans in as many shots
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Soviets everybody
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top lel
> 10
> backyard
> Glock 17 or 19
>Literally a gook in redneck country
That is fucking inhumane. How do you Australians live with yourselves?

oh god anon, im so terribly sorry
>Out on the edge of a farm

Shot an old punching dummy until the head came off.
> innawoods with muh grandpaw
> double barreled 20 gage at an empty coke can
"Remember if you wanna double your odds pull both triggers"
> fire
> fell flat on my ass and got a bruised shoulder
Still had fun though
First handgun and first rifle EXP were also kinds interesting
>up in a tree stand with dad.
>ruger 22 i think
Children have epithesis, so their bones aren't solid, or brittle. Some people call them growth plates. They're rubber like, and solidify through puberty.
10, Afghanistan, H&K G3
>local range with boy scouts
>some bolt-action .22
Think that was the first time I ever saw an SKS
>Somewhere around 7-9
>My dad's friend had a small arsenal with him that he brought to the range
>In one day shot more guns than some grown men do
>Dad hands my brother his 1911
>My brother almost gets knocked in the face
>imma 20
>in da gum range
>i shoot da two gun
>it go bang bang
>ita maka holes in da paper
>aunt and uncle's property inna woods
>Remington Model 512 Sportsmaster

>markham park
>innawoods with dad
>dad's CZ 75B

>6 or 7ish
>grandma's backyard plinking coke cans
>an uncle's low-powered handgun

I don't have much memory of it, just that I didn't feel that impressed while doing it. Was kind of boring, really.
>17 or 18
>Take hunter safety course
>Shoot a muzzleloader first, then a .22, then a 12 gauge
>After class, we went to someone's property to shoot some more
>Finally shot the 870 I got for Christmas
>Shot 2-3 shotguns my brother had
>Shot a little raven, probably a glock 23, and maybe some more I'm forgetting

good day
>join Army Reserve
>C7A1 with elcan sight
I enjoy shooting a lot more now that it's not my job, only got my license (lolkeknadian) 2 years after I left the military.
>redneck af, backyard with dad
>20 gauge, .410, .38 spc, .44 mag
>Arms almost broken, literally
>Paint all over yard, trash pile in woods next to trailer expanded
>Can't go outside because of paint and broken glass
I'm not making this shit up
> be at Australian basic
> week 2
> here's a f88. Steyr
> fix my sight too close to eye
> adopt prone unsupported
> 20 rounds of f1ball
> load n cock
> 3 round bold adjust grouping is 87mm
> my dick hard but my eyebrow is cut and bleeding
> coach tells me "maintain that point of aim, don't break position"
> empty magazine
> have Steyr eye for the next two weeks
> corporals call me pirate the rest of time there
Worth, loved firing dat rifle, even if she's a bit heavy
What's catching a jug?
>NRA rifle range
>Ruger 10-22

shot a nugget and missed the target by a mile because I'm a skinny fucker who lacks the muscle to hold the damn thing and I have awful eyesight in the first place
>6 or 7
>some range in south cakalaki (muh homeland)
>12 gauge shooting skeet, but some guy would hold the butstock in his hands and take the recoil while I just pulled the trigger
>load n cock

You're a weak piece of shit. Bet if you even made it through, you're in some ridiculous gay Corp like bandied or APAC.
>At BSA summer camp in TN (which I really didn't enjoy other than the shooting, I left BSA soon after because I only liked the camping and none of the other shit)
>single shot bolt action .22 from bench and 20ga pump in trap

I had a great fucking time, especially the shotgun part, although I was scrawny and they didn't really tell us what to do, just kinda have us the gun, let us have fun as long as we were safe. Because of these, the 20ga almost knocked me over and I fucked up my arm like >>28028549 by shooting with the stock on my arm, not my shoulder.

Despite having such a great time, it was actually airshit + cod that later got me really into guns, not this experience.
>outdoor range with dad and bro
> ruger police service six (dad was retired cop)
>woods with dad
>20g youth w/ poly parts
Age 4 some shit .22 bolt action rifle. Shooting milk jugs full of water. My dad thought to train me early on gun safety and shit.
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>with my grandfather
>back on railroad tracks
>h&r 22 revolver

I miss that guy. Alot.
>scout camp
>some shitty 22

Yeah pretty much the same with me.
Same here, only the .22 wasn't a shitty one. Nice wood on it with a scope. We just shot sandstone rocks and cans. I hit every shot
>Thank you call of duty.
>hunter safety course
>20 gauge
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>Know WWII re-enactors
>Receive offer to shoot Beretta M1938A
>Given full magazine, brief instruction on operation
>Told to aim at field and let loose

Photo of a Beretta M1938A.
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>Around 11
>Friends dad takes my friend and i to go shooting inna outdoor range
>having fun shooting a 10/22 and a bolt action .22 that i cant remember what it was called
>Friends dad lets me shoot his .308 twice
>shoulder bruised for a week

good times, better times
>Army cadets
>.22 LR
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you're doing it right
dam man that was so long ago. Summer camp in West virignia when i was like....8

shot bolt action .22lr rifles at paper targets. I shot the clothes pin holding the target to the stand and the "RO" got super mad

didnt really think much of it. My love for guns didnt really hit until i was in college
>woods, father's gun
>7.65mm, some czech vz

3 shots at a bottle, all miss. loved it.
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im fucked up soooo
> young, under 8 probably.
>shoot grandpas 22lr
> with grandpa shootin his guns, on side of road 300 ft(legal limit) from said dirt road
>pop a 25cent washington in the face with it. >keep coin to this day.
>forever gun sexual
>i now have acquire allllll of his handmedown guns
>so fucking thrilled
>in florida now, must pay 23 dollars to shoot at range.
>happiness faded away.
>banana plantation
>.38 revolver
>shooting banana trees, bottles and cans
First time to hold a real gun. My father teach me cleaning and maintainance b4 that.
I'll share.

>Be 10, afraid of kick making gun hit me.
>Uncle decides to have me shoot his high powered deer hunting rifle, I forgot what it was, but kicked like a BITCH.
>Shoot 3 shots, miss all 3 because I don't know what I am doing and he didn't tell me how to do it
>"Anon, if you keep squinting and wincing like that, the scope is going to hit you in the face."
>Exactly my fear!
>"Here Anon, let me show you how to do it right."
>He sits down, aims, pulls trigger
>BAM! Right into his fucking eye. Giant ring of indented flesh, swollen up around it. I freak the fuck out as this is worse-case-scenario terror fuel for me.
>Uncle looks me in the face and says, as blood begins to pour from the swelling, circular cut...
>"Anon. That is how you do not shoot a rifle."
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I was young. Preteen, definitely, probably
>11 or 12
My family went to an indoor range when my dad, my mom, and my oldest brother bought their first handguns, all Glocks. The first gun I ever fired was my mother's Glock 26.

>be a pre-teen shut-in
>only exposure to the concept of guns is movies, video games, and finger pointer gun fights
>naturally get terrified when it's my turn to shoot
>revert to the hand posture from my training
>pic related
>Dad swoops in and makes sure I move my stupid thumb out from directly behind the slide
>booger hook is off the bang switch, repeat: booger hook is off the bang switch
>crisis averted
>squeeze trigger like how Dad said I should, breathing out slowly
>hit the target first try at 20 yards
My shot placement was absolutely terrible, but I felt like a boss the rest of the day. Plus, it snowed. We lived in Memphis, TN then, so snow was a big deal for us kids. That was a great day, and I'm glad I got to share it with my family. I'm also glad my Dad protected my idiot kid self from getting the jammed thumb of a lifetime.
Thanks for this thread, OP. Got me reminiscing.
>Mossberg 185D bolt action 20 gauge
>Makeshift clay and tin can range innawoods
Hunting gophers with my dad when I was 12 to help the local farmers. 10/22 with a green mountain bull barrel
>Be 14
>Visit older cousin in Vancouver
>Takes us to a shooting range
>Has a Glock 22
>Fire a couple mags through Glock
>One of his friends who is also there offers to let us shoot his guns
>9mm P229 and a Benelli Supernova
>Only 12GA rounds he has are 3-inch magnum slugs
>Shoot a full tube of them
>Couple mags through P229
>A couple of his other friends let us shoot scoped, bolt action .22 and .17 HMR
>Then one of them lets us shoot his AR15 (short-barreled, ~11.5 with big flash suppressor)
Was pretty cash
1911 and a glock. Really enjoyed it, definately want to pursue it
21 btw
My first rifle is a Mauser. Love the action on those old rifles.
You wouldn't have happened to have been a partisan in the past would you?
You should shoot a long gun next.
Try a bolt-action rifle. They're fun.
>ur mums puzy
> 6th birthday
> ben avery gun range Michigan
> Beretta 92fs
I was a little scared but got used to it after a few shots. My dad shot his 45 and showed me the rules and all that. I shot the 45 and set it down after one round, I was scared shitless of the 45 until I was about 10.
>Working as an intern with a local PD
>Gun range training day for them
>Training with AR-15s (Don't know the exact model),pistols, and bean bag shotguns.
>AR-15s have foregrips, extendable stocks, flash suppressors, and EOTech sights
>Helping them set targets and collect brass in-between scenarios
>End of the day my supervisor asks me if I want to shoot a 20-round mag at full auto
>First time shooting and I get a full auto, police equipped AR-15
>Gives me 20 rounds, shows me the stance and tells me to just hold the trigger till there are no bullets left
>Holy fuck full auto, holy fuck that target is gone, holy fuck this is fun as hell
fuckin abbos
>Upper Austria, near the Bohemian border
>K98 kurz
>somewhere in Texas
>some .357 revolver

My uncle told me that he loaded 4 or 5 .38 specials and 1 .357 magnum and let me and my younger brother shoot one round each. Brother shot first and got a .38, I got the .357. It took so damn long to get over my shooting flinch due to that
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>9 years old
>some police range
>some type of glock and then an AK
>less than 10, not exactly sure
>woods behind uncles
>bolt action .22

I remember shooting a big tree and I think I swept everyone after shooting but cmon it's a single shot bolt
I think I've shot before this, but this is the earliest I remember
>in the rocky mountains somewhere
>m1 carbine
>10/22, ar15, mosin nagant, Mossberg 500, some glock replica in .40
RM cadet camp (britbong)
L85A2 (semi auto SA80) cadet rifle in 556
>About 12
>Shore of some river
>Side by side IZH
>summer camp
>some kind of .22 bolt
>shooting range with one of my church leaders
>first time shooting is with a .357 Ruger New model Blackhawk
>then .44 Ruger Redhawk, ww2 era M1 Carbine, and Glock 9mm

I started off lucky. My favorite was the M1, by far.
>Cadet range
>.22 No. 8 Training Rifle
>clay range
>model 12

recoil is fun
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>10 yrs old
>uncles farm
> Remington 870, 12ga. 3" shells
> good thing I was fat, or else the recoil would've broken my shoulder.
>thank God for hearing protection
>back yard
>suppressed mkIII
>shooting range, from 30 m on a full body plywood target
>AK5C 5.56 mm

basic training, missed everything, didnt have the red dot sight on it yet so i'll blame it on that
> 10
> 7mm mag
> out at some land we own

Everyone in my family thought it was funny. Bruised me iirc. But I didn't care it was fun. Still shoot that gun today
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>top of a tiny hill next to a forest
>hunterized m38 mosin

my uncle was a hunter and took me and my cousins out to shoot some paper in the middle of nowhere.

havent shot since.

I am now 20

>such is life in eastern europe
>quail hunting with dad
>ruger red label 20ga
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>age of 8
>working steel plant for cow tongue and borscht meal
>dad still in gulag for another 4 years
>mum picks potatoes don't see her much
>three more paychecks can afford boots
>floor boss comes over
>Ivan phone
>I pick up
>It's Stalin
>Nazi's march, calling on commrades!
>I do what I must for the Motherland!!
I wish that wasn't so accurate.
Fuck communism
Is that a Panzer IV on the coaster?
>family farm in Alabama
>uncles 10/22
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Classic Americana, right?
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