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Msrp of the desert tech mdr. What do you guys think.
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Msrp of the desert tech mdr.
What do you guys think.
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>2+ years of constant shilling
>Releasing a MSRP while still missing a planned release time to try and keep their product relevant
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>"mike sierra romeo papa"
THe peace of shit doesn't even come with iron sites at 2 grand fuck that prize id expect it to suck my dick.
I'm really interested in this gun as a bullpup that can swap between .308 and 5.56.
Ha ha fuck that. what did they think they are HK or COLT or something?
Ridiculous fucking prices.
Good job alienating 90% of the gun buying population and good luck getting and relying govt contracts.
7.62nato rifle doesn't come standard with a twenty inch barrel standard.
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>MFW in Russia, Navy SEALs are actual seals.
>+2000$ for 7.62 rifle
if i wanted an overpriced battle rifle i'll take the SCAR H
>tavor killer more expensive than tavor
looks like im getting a tavor
About what I expected.

Don't forget : bullpup = instant 50% markup
Less than I expected, I was saving for a $2600 price tag on the 7.62 model
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>For 1500 burgers I could buy a Gucci custom AR-15
>For 1500 burgers I could by an AUG
>for 1500 burgers I could buy a Gucci FAL
>for 2000 burgers I could buy a tavor
You do realize their other offering is a $4k+ bullpup bolt action gun right?

That being said, if the .308 actually hits stores at or under $2k I'd be interested.
How many guns actually sell for their MSRP though?
I will probably pick up the 5.56 version. Already own a scar 17s so I don't really need the .308 version.

> posting a thread about a moderately expensive gun while only 17 year old memers are awake.

You might as well have literally started a thread about delicious grapes,
so that they could all tell you they're super sour
>while only 17 year old memers are awake
It's 2 in the afternoon.
. Only the faggots that own SKSs and still live at home are posting right now

Fuck off Californian.

It's 4pm in actual America
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The 7.62 version is only $2,300? That's far lower than I expected.
Yep. People who can justify spending $2000 on what amounts to a coolguy toy are either lounging on their yachts or at work right now.

Anyways, I'm glad it's coming in lower than the previous projections. I was already all over this at the price given by euro optic way back when, but this just sweetens the deal.

Still crossing my fingers on it not being an unreliable, inaccurate piece of shit though. I don't want to settle for an RDB :'(
Looks pretty cool but for the price I could just build a nice AR, which I was planning to do before I heard that these would be comming out soon.

K-k-kill yo self, nigga.
Wow, that came in under my expectations. And that's MSRP.
Now watch as they pull a keltec on manufacturing capacity and they become unicorn guns selling for the same price as their SRS
Kel Tech's RDB is better and cheaper.

Srs isn't hard to get...
Than a product that isn't even being produced yet? And by what metric? What are you basing this claim on?
Also remains to be seen, though to Kel-Tecs credit (and much to my chagrin) the RDB is reasonably priced from the few that are on Gunbroker.
>Charging as much as the AUG's with optics for the .223 model
Wew lad...
Well my thoughts go like this:
The real problem areas with bullpups are the trigger, mag release, and ejection. Everything else is almost identical on these guns: they're both polymer, made in the USA, and both come in 5.56 (I'm excluding the MDR .308 because that would be apples-to-oranges)
>the RDB ejects downwards with a super simple system == better than a weird side-eject system on the MDR
>the RDB has a decent trigger according to early handlers; so does the MDR == they're both about equal
>the RDB has a tavor-like mag release; MDR has an AR-like push-button == purely subjective which one you prefer
Therefore, I consider the RDB to be superior. But furthermore, the RDB is supposed to be coming with iron sights...

The RDB is supposed to be $1,500 vs the $2k for the MDR: http://www.keltecweapons.com/our-guns/rdb/rifle/
RDB does not come with irons, unfortunately. Also the ejection of the MDR is simple and rather ingenious.

Also listing the MSRP of a Kel-Tec is meaningless. Take the PMR-30 for example. MSRP is $454. I defy you to find one listed in a major retailer for less than $500. Or a CMR-30 for less than $900 (MSRP $630). The current RDB prices on Gunbroker are around $1650, or right at Tavor prices, and about where the MDR should sit, assuming they follow typical industry trends.
>the RDB ejects downwards with a super simple system == better than a weird side-eject system on the MDR

Stating that one is better than the other is also purely subjective and based on preference.
The MDR's "weird side-eject system" is just a dust cover and can be flipped down making it eject like most other bullpups.
>the RDB has a tavor-like mag release; MDR has an AR-like push-button == purely subjective which one you prefer

RDB mag release is too close to the grip causing issues.
Opinion discarded.
nutnfancy being a retard doesn't make the mag release any less shit
memes aside that mag release does look fucked
>MDR has an AR15 style AND a Tavor style mag release == better than the limited choice and unergonomic sheet metal RDB
>MDR ejection port, when opened, is easier to inspect and resolve a serious malfunction which requires chamber/feed are access such as a stuck case or bolt over brass == better than the way-up-inside-the-magwell-only access RDB
>MDR has easy caliber conversions rather than buying an RFB additionally == better than shitty oranges
>MDR has slim MLok fore-end == better than fatass sticklebrick RDB
I think this is a symptom of the RDB's extra long bolt travel for its behind the magazine ejection. The added length required behind the magazine moves the magazine forward, which moves it (and the magazine release) closer to the pistol grip, which they don't want to move too far forward or else it will end up with ridiculously long length of pull, something regular ejecting bullpups already suffer from.

Desert Tech made note of this in some of the media day stuff a while back, that they moved the pistol grip forward to give more clearance from the magazine to the firing hand (also notable that this is the reason the very first firing prototype videos had the shooting holding the rifle thumb-up instead of using the pistol grip - he's a pretty bigguy4u and his meaty hands would probably butt up uncomfortably against the magazine).

I haven't bothered to do any scale comparison or anything, but I imagine the length of pull on the MDR is also probably longer than say, an AUG or Tavor, because of the added length of the .308/short action mag well on top of moving the pistol grip forward for more hand clearance. We shall see.

Either way, the MDR's Tavor style mag release looks much much better than the Tavor and RDB. That's the way that style of mag release should've been done in the first place. It's just as accessible and functional, but way more protected against unintentional activation.
Tell me why i shouldnt just buy a SCAR at that price point?
Do you want a bullpup?
If yes
If no

> needs literally 74 adjustment positions for the gas system to be reliable
Because a 308 SCAR is almost $1000 more?
I don't know what I'm talking about: The Post
Do tell.
because bullpup

also completely convertible,
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Everything keltec makes is cheap proof of concept "I guess it works" tier shit.

Desert tech makes GOAT long range precision rifles
the quality of the products each company produces has to be taken into consideration.

A SCAR 17 should only cost you ~$2,750.

That's a hard pill to swallow. I'd rather have an AUG or Tavor (I have both, but let's pretend I didn't) than a relatively unknown newcomer. I've said the same thing about larger, more experience companies (Daniel Defense) when they've introduced .308 AR rifles, too. And jump between .223 and .308 doesn't seem as significant as the gap between making a bolt action rifle to a semi-automatic bullpup.
>try to keep their product relevant
I was going to post about how "nobody's going to buy it at that price!", but then I looked up the MSRP of the Tavor ($1999), RFB ($1929), and AUG ($2099).
Making it competitive, but not making it stand out, especially considering how pricey the conversion kits are.
>relatively unknown newcomer
>Desert Tech

Yea, but it will HAVE conversion kits.

You don't get that option with the other three. I find that a very attractive prospect myself. Although I'll still wait a bit after the MDR is released to check out reviews and whatnot before I pick one up.
>relatively unknown newcomer
Except they have already proven themselves with the SRS. Yes, it's a $3k+ tacticool bullpup bolt gun, but it performs like a $3k+ bolt gun should and then some with the easily interchangeable calibers.
Opinion and post discarded. You're a mega faglord and should probably kill yourself.
no "AR killer" will stay beyond a couple years to a decade because they have to compete against a 50 year+ standard rifle that's sub $600 and does 90% of the AR-killer purports to do.

unless desert tech or sig mpx or whatever are selling them for sub $1k, they will never be a meaningful market for them other than snowflake fads.

the other side of the coin is to have a "killer app" for the rifle - some very real power advantage that makes the cost of procurement and logistics and training worth it. something like workable telescopic ammunition with very high ROF, low individual unit cost when equipping an agency, or so on.

it's for these reasons that no one will care about the MDR or MPX or Stoner LMG or XCR or ACR or whatever. they are nothing other than expensive plastic AR-15's with no market support, no logistical capacity, and largely meaningful difference in performance.
Protip: it actually costs money for a small company to develop a new gun and tool up for the production of said gun. AR15s are as cheap as they are due to economies of scale and the smaller manufacturers generally aren't making all the parts for their rifles, Desert Tech has to.

That may be the case, and shooters that have Desert Tech products may well feel confident enough in their ability to deliver that they'll buy the new design. Desert Tech will, however, be facing an uphill battle with respect to marketing this rifle, given its price point. (it's not a $3k bolt gun nor is it a ~$1,000 AR)
I might sell my SCAR17 for the .308 version.
And a 308 MDR would be around $1900 (in theory). So that's $850ish difference. Or to round up, almost $1000.
Who the fuck ever claimed it was an "AR killer"?
>Someone on /k/
They don't count. The MDR is a new offering in the growing bullpup market, a market that does not include any AR.
>But no one wants one!
Just like no one wants anything but a Honda Accord or Ford Focus.
This is very true, but its important to note that regulations can cause distortion in the desirability of a product. Here in Canada AR15s are restricted to the range only, so any new 5.56 rifle is a blessing. Actually any new gun is a blessing.

Till it gets banned or restricted or refused classification by asshole mounties.
>Desert Tech will, however, be facing an uphill battle with respect to marketing this rifle, given its price point.
>It's MSRP is similar to other bullpups
>It has an improved design compared to said bullpups
As long as it performs as well as its competition and they can keep up with demand, they'll do fine.

I'd be willing to bet that if an individual were in the market for a bullpup, this would easily be in the running for them.
I don't think anyone here thinks this would be anywhere near an AR killer, and anyone that says different is baiting or a moron.
traditionally, you take a loss on your first years of production in order to gain market share. they aren't doing that - they are passing on the price of development and manufacturing to the consumer and not gaining market share or mind share among consumers, for which price is the single most determining factor.

they suck at business.
>Who the fuck ever claimed it was an "AR killer"?
>>Someone on /k/
>They don't count. The MDR is a new offering in the growing bullpup market, a market that does not include any AR.
>>But no one wants one!
>Just like no one wants anything but a Honda Accord or Ford Focus.
it's going to be a weird niche rifle like the bushmaster M17 in 10 years time: a few people have them, they have no market share, and nobody cares.

Unless you have quantitative information, I'm going to label this baseless speculation. Moreover, the market for bullpup rifles was always a niche market. The ~$2,000 price point is higher than other offerings, but it's not completely unreasonable.
That's MSRP, should be about 200 less in decent stores. On top of that it'll go down in 2-3 years, which is when you should plan on buying it to make sure all the kinks got worked out and it doesn't have too many bad reviews.
>a few people have them, they have no market share, and nobody cares.
Like every other bullpup ever.
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>baseless claims
>Who the fuck ever claimed it was an "AR killer"?
You completely missed the point of that post. On /k/, shills always post about new 5.56 "AR killers" as part of their shitposting routine.

The MDR, while I'm sure it's a nice rifle, will not succeed without either of the two things that anon stipulated - it will need to compete on quality and features or on price (hopefully both). Without an application with high demand (killer application) and without any meaningful advantage over the current market combined with a price point that is becoming harder and harder to meet (with shrinking buying power mostly), it's doomed to be a fad rifle after a few years.

The ACR and XCR are hanging on just barely because they are part of manufacturers that have a tiny user market and the manufacturers make all kinds of other products to support it when the ACR/XCR by itself is barely profitable unless significantly sold above cost.

The contrast to a rifle like the AUG or SCAR which are very successful is mind share (AUG is very unique and sci fi and that grabs attention as well as having a solid track record in the military) and performance (the SCAR is a very lightweight and "modern rifle" in .308, something that the AR-10 and similar struggled against for decades.

The HK91 and clones compete with an insanely cheap after market and lots of mind share from film/TV. the FAL has a historical vibe from television (south america and african conflicts of the 80's) and anglophiles the world over.

The AR-10 is very popular thanks to increase interest in .308 in an infantry rifle platform and a scaled-up AR-15 is pretty easy tool for, is familiar, and has excellent market support when it shares some 40% of it's parts with the AR-15.

the MDR, ACR, XCR, MPX have almost none of those in significant enough quantity to offset the high initial price with little after market (magazines, some lower components typcially, the MPX stands out as being able to take an AR-15 upper).
It's not even that much higher... And again, this is all going off the MSRP, street price will hopefully bring a couple hundred bucks off and they will be directly in line with other offerings.
i really want to like the the MDR, but unless they change their strategy, it isn't going to go anywhere.

>not being a business major
okay, congrats on your W2 and stuff. lemme know when you can refute anything.
>What do you guys think.

i think the first axiom of the digital age always applies.

op is always a fag.
literally crack open any text book or search around on google, or just ask business owners: most small businesses fail in 5 years because it's a fantastic money sink without making certain decisions to remain competitive and relevant and capture market share.

there is no free lunch; if MDR is selling under MSRP per unit, then either the development costs are being born by investors or other accounts in desert tech, or are being passed onto the consumers.

while i can respect it isn't cheap to make a new rifle, develop molds, tools, infrastructure, and assembly lines; a unit price of $2k is a bit hard to see. maybe they're selling at cost initially and will have alternate SKUs that are significantly above cost that will offset that, but i don't see any real pricing for those.
>business major
Please tell me how your degree gives you the ability to estimate how much it costs to produce a gun and gives you the ability to tell whether or not a product is being sold at a loss before the product even goes to the market.

>if MDR is selling under MSRP per unit
The gun hasn't even been released yet, it's impossible to tell if it will sell for under MSRP or not currently.
Fucking idiot.
Supreme faggot.

A few people like this guy who know what's up. Face it, they fucked up and this will be a meme gun at best that maybe 6000 people in the US bother to own. They needed to come in right over 1K to see this get picked up and that's not happening. See the MDR next on Forgotten Weapons in 2050.
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you seem mad
>The gun hasn't even been released yet, it's impossible to tell if it will sell for under MSRP or not currently.
The SRS and HTI have really retained their value and continue to be sold around MSRP, so the same will probably happen for the MDR.
>Duurrrr it needs to be affordable to proles like me or else no one will buy it!
Damn, the poor fag rage is intense tonight. Guess all you guys living paycheck to paycheck are broke from Black Friday "bargains".
>samefagging this hard

>They needed to come in right over 1K to see this get picked up
>poorfagging this hard

Just because it won't be in your budget, doesn't mean it won't be successful.
Its direct competition will be the Tavor and AUG as well as drawing some people away from the FN 17s.
It's probably going to sell as well as those rifles.

For a guy who pretends to know about business, you're ignoring some major points like considering the cost of r&d that goes into making a completely new rifle, ensuring you make enough money to continue production to meet demand past the initial run, and most importantly competitively pricing the rifle without fucking yourself.
Not that guy, and maybe I would go so far as to say GOAT, but Desert Tech's shooters consistently perform well at PRS using their rifles, and they are the manufacturer to offer the highest accuracy guarantee with a factory (non-custom, no special fitting) rifle (1/2 MOA with their ammo). Some other riflebuilders offer better accuracy guarantees, but every one of them is a custom rifle shop that puts a lot more hours and effort into their each of their rifles than DT does. That speaks to the quality of DT's engineering.

So maybe not GOAT, but they ain't no slouch either.
Oh yes poorfags for not wanting to spend 2k to start.
My angry rant was my only post till this one, ass.

You are fucking morons. Why would I pay 2 grand for some shit that offers nothing to beat even a run of the mill AR or the proven Tavor? You have no idea what I own or how I do. I'll tell you the secret though, I don't waste my money and that's why I have it.

The AUG doesn't sell, no need to compete with a gun with zero market share, tard. This thing is overpriced for what it is period. It's maybe a $1200 gun on a good day. Let's see you shill in 6 months.
>I was going to post about how "nobody's going to buy it at that price!", but then I looked up the MSRP of the Tavor ($1999), RFB ($1929), and AUG ($2099).
I'm seeing $2295 for the AUGA3
FS2000 - $2779
SCAR17S - $3273 (!)
RDB - $1545
M17S - $1799

Am I missing something, or are all these 'business majors' just completely retarded? $1999 is easily competitive with all of the other options in the market.
ITT No one knows how the fuck MSRP works
>offers nothing to beat even a run of the mill AR
>MDR is more compact without being an NFA item
>if you want to go with an NFA item you can get the 10" barrel MDR-C that's about the same size as a P90
>MDR can be had in .308

>or the proven Tavor
>MDR offers the ability to convert it between .308 and .223
>MDR ejects forward instead of to the side so you can switch shoulders without getting hit in the face with brass
>people who've handled the MDR so far say that the trigger is better than the Tavor and other bullpup options
>MDR offers a mag release up front so you can hit it with your trigger finger instead of having to use your left hand
desu senpai in the day of the 600 dollar AR nothing is going to compete because nothing offers enough to offset the price difference, unless you are rich(everyone is getting poorer).
>everyone is getting poorer
You're a fucking idiot

Ok, the top 1% aren't but they aren't buying 2k meme guns.
Bullpups are, have been, and will continue to be a niche gun with a niche market. The people buying them generally aren't even considering buying a $600 AR or already have one.
No, really.
You're a fucking retard.
The entire world as a whole is getting richer.
The "wage gap" is getting smaller.

You are part of the 1%.
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Please tell me more libertardian, I really want to be convinced by your hot opinions which contradict the reality which americans see all around them.
>Oh yes poorfags for not wanting to spend 2k to start.
Regardless of your economic status, it's not worth it to you, and that's cool.

>My angry rant was my only post till this one, ass.
You sound an awful lot like the other "business minded" individual and jerked him off in your post. Forgive me if that screams samefag.

>Why would I pay 2 grand for some shit that offers nothing to beat even a run of the mill AR or the proven Tavor?
Then don't and stop bitching about it? If you don't like the thread, you're free to leave.
It's not for you, and again, that's fine. We have no clue how well it will perform, or sell until it actually releases.

>The AUG doesn't sell
Baseless claim

>This thing is overpriced for what it is period.
Please, do tell why this is.
Even if you ignore the fact that it's a completely new design, what other rifle (bullpup or not) is fully ambidextrous, piston driven, and has caliber conversions.

Name one rifle that comes close.

Cool buzzword bro, I guess getting the best bang for your buck is shilling now. And I'm not talking "this $600 AR shoots 5.56 just as good as that $2k space gun." I'm more referring to this>>28014959
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AUG A3 M1 16%22 OD.jpg
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I think I'd rather buy an AUG A3M1 for less, and get a rifle I know will work perfectly out of the box.

>Hurr the real world doesn't agree with my fantasy
>Everybody who isn't a billionaire is living just like in the poverty porn that Oxfam pumps out
>Muh communist professor told me that things are getting worse, so they must be

If you're getting poorer, it's because you're a fucking retard.
It isn't in any way indicative of America or the world.
I'm just telling you they fucked up. I wanted one of these 9 months ago when they were supposed to come out at an MSRP of about 1500. That's now over. They are fielding a 2k rifle that offers nothing at all over the competition but stupid ambi shit that all us real shooters know is just icing and not actually the cake.

Your money so put it where your mouth is.

Literally irrelevant in terms of the US.

But instead of getting into a link posting war with a moron I will simply ask, why are both major political parties being taken over by populists? Why is there widespread resentment and anger among the middle class? Why are so many millennials living with their parents and have shitty low paying jobs?

Oh wait, it's because they are actually doing so well, right?

Talking to libtards is like talking to an autistic person, reality doesn't matter to them.
>poorfags: the post

Though I agree, not everyone is interested in a 2k gun. Same reason the SCAR isn't an "AR killer"
>I'm just telling you they fucked up. I wanted one of these 9 months ago when they were supposed to come out at an MSRP of about 1500. That's now over
If $500 is really that big of a deal to you, sorry to hear it.

They are fielding a 2k rifle that offers nothing at all over the competition
Caliber swapping between 5.56, .308, and 7.62x39 and likely 9mm, which I intend to take advantage of, and it's a bullpup. No other rifle has all of these features and all of them are at about the same price point.

>but stupid ambi shit

I'm left handed and I like to shoot with friends who are not. Being able to pass around a bullpup without getting hot brass in my face or theirs is pretty nice.

>all us real shooters
If you're a "real shooter" and do more than just punch paper on a static range, you'll find ambi weapons pretty handy.

>Your money so put it where your mouth is.

Fully intend to once they've been out for a few months to make sure they're worth the hype. I'm pretty hopeful right now and as long as it isn't a jam-o-matic or has some other unforseen issue, I'll get one.
The MSRP was never $1500, that was the initial MSRP of only the chassis without a caliber conversion kit.
>They are fielding a 2k rifle that offers nothing at all over the competition*
Forgot to greentext that, woops
Once again you have no idea what I do. >>28015309
$500 isn't a big deal but I do not buy a $600 C96 that is rusted to fuck. It's called not being a fool with money. Why would you pay what is basically a $1000 premium for bullpup
+ ambi. Cause that's what you're doing. Oh its so you can pass a gun at a range. And I'm the one who needs to think about real shooting. Ok, champ.
>Why would you pay what is basically a $1000 premium for bullpup + ambi. Cause that's what you're doing.
See >>28014959
>Oh its so you can pass a gun at a range. And I'm the one who needs to think about real shooting.
>Rifles can't be used on a static range with family/ friends one day and in a dynamic/ challenging course the next.

Anon, do tell what "real shooting" is.

Also, literally no other rifle has even close to the amount of features this one does and they're selling it at nearly the same price as every other bullpup.
In what world does brand new design + more features + initial launch = needs to be $500 less than its direct competitors. It's better on paper in every way. Not good enough to switch if you already have it, I'll give you that, but it's still better and at the same price.
>Why would you pay what is basically a $1000 premium for bullpup + ambi. Cause that's what you're doing.

Let's put this in simple terms
>Put a forward ejecting dust cover on a Tavor so it's lefty/ weak hand shooting friendly
>Add a new mag release so AR fags don't have to change their muscle memory
>Add caliber conversion kits for .300blk, 7.62x39, and 6.8spc
>Leave the price tag the same

And it still won't be able to take .308.

If that doesn't appeal to you, which it obviously doesn't, /arg/ is that way>>28013559
Feel free to shit up their thread.
Don't forget the considerably better stock trigger, so you don't have to buy an aftermarket trigger.

So really, it's cheaper than a Tavor. Because using the stock trigger on a Tavor is as dumb as using the stock sights on a Glock.
Ok bro. You and your $700 conversion kits can have fun. Like I would ever want to swap caliber on a gun beyond something like a .22 conversion for a pistol that costs as much as a slide, as it should, instead if baking the opportunity cost into my rifle.

That's a 2k rifle btw that does nothing except not shoot brass in my face when I practice my 1337 corner drillz. Like I've said see you in 6 months when they go bankrupt and you have zero aftermarket for a gun you didn't even buy. Shilly McShillerton.
Both of these companies rely heavily on Gov't contracts.

SCARS go for $2500+ in 5.56 or .308 & seem to sell pretty damn well. Tavors are also still very popular.

Please explain why these wouldn't sell?

FYI Desert Tech also keeps it real:
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boy those grapes sure are sour
Posting a pic of your MDR when?
>When facts & reality are clearly presented to me by someone I don't like I completely disregard it because I'm a massively dense faggot

Mag release look fucked yo.
Man, you are insufferable.

Just because you are so smart that you won't waste your hard earned dollars on any old luxury item doesn't mean that other people won't, or that those people won't be getting exactly what they want out of their money anyways.

How do you think luxury AR manufacturers manage to survive? Or why there are so many of them? Or high end optics? They are literally offering the same rifle/scope range with literally the same functionality at huge price markups, and people eat that shit up. Each person finds value where they will.

That's a 2k rifle btw that does nothing except offer novel features and more configuration options compared to other rifles at its pricepoint and market niche. It has LITERALLY THE SAME MSRP as the Tavor and those are selling perfectly well (and you can be damn sure IWI has fewer opportunity/development costs rolled into that $2000 than DT does).

If you can't see that there isn't reasonable potential for this rifle to sell perfectly adequate numbers to not destroy Desert Tech, I don't know what to tell you. Sure, there's plenty of potential for things to go wrong. It could still turn out to be a piece of shit. But to dismiss it solely on your own unwillingness to pay a perfectly competitive MSRP takes a special breed of egocentric myopia.
>Like I would ever want to swap caliber on a gun beyond something like a .22 conversion for a pistol that costs as much as a slide, as it should, instead if baking the opportunity cost into my rifle

I think you're massively underestimating how big of a feature it is to have a .308+5.56 combo that accepts DPMS & STANAG mags for around $2,700-$2,800. People will eat that shit up. Think about it, it's got the cool factor of not being an AR, but with all the control features everyone wants. Plus you only have to spend money on ONE optic.

That makes it pretty enticing for a lot of people.
This, they over shot hard, especially since HMG is releasing a STG repro for under 2k
>Plus you only have to spend money on ONE optic.
This is a pretty big selling point for DT in general. With return to zero conversion kits, the MDR conversion will cost $700 but keep you from having to buy another $500~1500 scope plus mount.

>and you can be damn sure IWI has fewer opportunity/development costs rolled into that $2000 than DT does
The price of the Tavor really bothers me. I guess it's where the market will bear it, but IWI must have already recouped their development costs through their military contracts, and now they're just selling off their leftover Tavor bits to consumers while they roll into their X95 contracts, which they've explicitly stated they won't bring to the civilian market until after they've sold enough of their now obsolete Tavors.
So many poor and salty fags in this thread. Considering how expensive Gucci ar10's are, this is a good price. Unless people have explicit knowledge of the company's fixed and variable costs, it is stupid to speculate on their pricing strategy. Tavor, AUG, galil ace, and most ar10s have much worse pricing strategies. Fucking Daniel Defense 308 is $500 more than the mdr!

their phonetic alphabet listing of MSRP makes me hate them on a molecular level
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impotent poorfag rage: the movie: the thread.
>Plus you only have to spend money on ONE optic.
But you dont. The POI will change when you put the other barrel on. This does nothing other than save you the markup of having a level mount which most people who buy this gun would already have.
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If I want a fixed lop .308 bullpup, I'd get a bullpup scar
Are you even literate?

>3d printed
i bet that'll last, also that 1913 rail sure does look comfortable to use as a cheek rest
But you do. Each barrel will have a repeatable return to its own zero. You just need to zero for your 'primary' caliber, then make note of what the zero offset adjustment for your other calibers are and spin them on the turrets whenever you use that caliber.
>I want something worse in every conceivable way and also twice as expensive since I'd have to buy a SCAR17S and the conversion on top of that
Far too expensive for what it is. I understand that creating the tooling for new guns is expensive but there comes a point to where you can no longer continue to pass the cost on to the customer.
>then make note of what the zero offset adjustment for your other calibers are and spin them on the turrets whenever you use that caliber.
so basically the exact same thing you'd do if you had a optic on a level mount and moved it between guns as I previously mentioned

I paid $2k for my RFB, i'm sure DTA will find people willing to pay the same for theirs. Depending on what people say about it (if it ever comes out) i'd considering moving over to the MDR, but at this point id be surprised to see them even release the gun.
lever. fuck me how do I keep fucking this up.
Ah, true. Guess you just have to weight the cost of the conversion vs another rifle and accessories or convenience.
Where are you getting an A3M1 for less than $2000? Or for $2000 for that matter?
I imagine the charging handle would get in the way too
Dude I would shake your hand for the major comment

>Hurr I'm a _____ major so I know this because some overpaid retard made me read a text book

I have an engineering degree, but I learned 99% of what I know on the job...
What if I just think it looks cool and am not invested at all into any other semi auto rifles yet and I make enough money to easily save up for this? Sure i might be a special snowflake but in all lilelyhood I will only ever be shooting this gun for fun so I want something cool and different. That said it's retarded to really be judging this thing too hard before it's out. The biggest reason I wouldn't buy one is if I can't find one in person to hold in my hands and get a feel for it. If you can find me another bullpup that converts between 5.56 and .308 for cheaper point me in that direction.
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Payed 2100$ for the A3 M1. Well, then.
>If you can find me another bullpup that converts between 5.56 and .308 for cheaper point me in that direction.
It isnt exactly what you want, but for the cost you could buy both a RFB and RDB, they're both going for ~1500 on gun broker.
2k for a Tavor? You mean like when they first came out right? You can get them for $1,500-1,600 all day now
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I want a RDB. Fight me
I don't see where all the buttmad is coming from. I feel as though after release, depending on popularity, it'll drop in price. Really won't know until it happens, I guess.
I have hope for this.
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> People with lots of disposable income
> Working the day after Thanksgiving
Nope, we're on Holiday today. Only poorfags have to work on Black Friday.
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That particular youtube sperglord is usually right though.
Well I worked Thursday and Friday. $400/day isn't easy to pass up.
For the non french speakers, "mdr" in french stands for "mort de rire" (dead from laughing) and is an equivalent of "lol".

So for a french, the desert tech mdr is like "le lol rifle".
The wealthiest people in the world are entrepreneurs. When you own a business, you don't get days off.
So it's France's KEK-10?
The AUG, Tavor, and SCAR 17 all have an MSRP around 2k, and in case you've missed it, the Tavor is doing really well right now. A .308 bullpup for about the same price is fantastic if it works. Stop being poor.
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