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What does /k/ think of the OV-10?
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What does /k/ think of the OV-10?

The Super Tucano has a cooler name and looks cooler. As for which is actually better, I don't know.
Pucarà is sexier
It's pretty fantastic. Perfect COIN craft because it's got the ability to carry cargo.

Excellent design. It's perfect for COIN, does a million utility jobs, and is purty, too.

Usually when people complain about it, they quote the stats of the vietnam-era version (OV-10A). The more modern one is the D, and there's a G coming out that's under development.

I was just recommending the tucano over the bronco in another thread, but that was special circumstances. If you want a turboprop plane for a variety of uses, then the Bronco is 90% of the time the design you want.

are the props counter rotating?
>no articulated 20mm canon
>no cargo compartment
Get the fuck out.
I second this. Love its adaptability, and after finishing a squadron s commanders memoirs, I have a deeper appreciation for these things. Nothing says COIN more than being able to fly low enough to smell Charlie campfires and direct snake eyes and napalm accordingly.
It's pretty fucking awesome.
Isn't there a version of the Bronco with a fixed 25mm cannon mounted on it, kinda like the Hind-D?
Looks like it'd be fun to fly even in a civilian guise.
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