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> search catalog for humor thread > no results /k/ pls respond
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You are currently reading a thread in /k/ - Weapons

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 151
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> search catalog for humor thread
> no results

/k/ pls respond
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fresh OC
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A greentext of my favorite ever Army story:
>Be in Afghanistan, on a tiny outpost.
>It's a shitty place. Like real shitty. In the mountains, get random sustained IDF barrages regularly, nobody can drive to use because the roads are covered in IEDs, resupply is only by airdrop, Blackhawks are afraid to fly in during daylight because of insurgent RPGs and an AA cannon they supposedly have.
>So, we were pretty isolated.
>Isolated people start to go a little nuts, and stupid stuff becomes funny, and turns into an inside culture.
>Some of the guys watch a marathon of Vietnam movies on a laptop one night.
>Start to jokingly refer to insurgents as "gooks".
>Meme turns into normal slang on the outpost. Even the 1SG uses the word.
>One day one of the platoon Lt's gets injured and evac'd out. His replacement shows up the night before we suspect a big attack is going to hit us.
>Up at 5am, prestaged in bunkers with weapons.
>New Lt is next to me. He's lost, trying to get his bearings, so talks to me.
>Mostly consists of me pointing out things that burned down or exploded.
>Bunch of gunfire and small explosions nearby.
>Some real close fire. (Turns out insurgents had attacked ANP, who had a position that lead to a school which bordered our outpost.)
>Bunch of dirt QRF guys run by (multicams faded to flat brown) screaming "Gooks inside the wire!
>"GOOKS INSIDE THE WIRE!" people screamed and started moving to various positions.
>I'll never forget the look on that Lt's face. He must have thought he'd been through a time machine.
Another story, not as long. Same place.

>Guy is leaving a few weeks earlier than everyone else. I don't remember the reason exactly.
>He was a cool kid. 18 or 19, slightly pudgy for infantry, but a DM that was always funny to talk to.
>Remember how I said Blackhawks never flew in or landed during the day in this area?
>Well his helicopter is scheduled to land at about 8am. Very unusual.
>He's like "Whatever, I'm getting out here."
>So I'm free, and decide to help him get his shit on the helicopter. A green dufflebag, and a doublestacked deployment roller bag is everything he has.
>We wait on the HLZ, and in comes the helicopter.
>We run up and heave the bags on.
>He is just about to get in when a round (could have been a PG-2, PG-7, recoilless, or whatever, we never knew) fires from one distance hilltop, goes over the HLZ, and detonates on a lower hilltop opposite it.
>The Blackhawk takes the fuck off and flies away.
>The kid is still on the HLZ with me, watching his ride and all his stuff fly away to parts unknown.
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this wasn't funny

at all

nor is this.

It's like that stupid fucking "i burnt down my woods" and "I drank hoppes for fun" stories that are so fucking stupid, only /k/ would believe them.

>onbly slash kay guys so fahnny maymay only kay ;)))))
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k makes a jaeger.png
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Round Dildo.png
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Damn kids screencap everything.

I don't know about you, but I think the screencapped replies were fucking hilarious.
The piers thing was all I had.
And when is grumpy cat not funny.
See he's a cat, that looks grumpy.... Get it!
Aw shit, thanks for using my OC, OP, brought a smile to my face.
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M-mah OC

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No, it was not funny. There is no punch line. All it was was a picture of a grumpy cat. You should feel bad for posting that image.
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Why you have face and bottom of blue spooky girl? git out.
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>not knowing skin-walkers frequent this board.
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>worrying about it
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Here you go
>implying a babby insurgent would have more than 4 or 5 copper pieces
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whats pt?
Jesus Christ, it's like summer reaches its crescendo just before it ends.
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Physical training.
Pussy toots.
yeah bro what's PT?
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Penetrative Therapy
I was being sarcastic.
I'm not a big fan of piers or the cat.
But it was all I had, so take you pills and fuck off!
did you really just use an exclamation point? As though it would make your statement any more definite or important?
penis time
Fuckin trolls

It means prismatic tuning

It's when they replace scope glass with a prism so you can see in all the colors of the spectrum out of your scope
>and watch the backblast you idiot.
>my opinion is now a proven fact!
if you found any of those funny at all, you have been here less than three months

>my opinion matters

Potty Training
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>look at me I told him so hard via greentxt :DDDD
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>i still think my opinions are worth a damn

should read


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1911 v Glock.png
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fahnny greentext
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a magical goddamned place.png
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toppest of keks
I agree >>22423781 is funnyjunk cancer and >>22423858 just felt like tryhard bullshit
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anon saves the president.png
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no one's forcing you to be here
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ateaf thread.png
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Not really /k/, but i posted it a while ago and everyone lost their shit so...
That doesn't mean anyone wants cancer here. Telling him to leave won't do shit.
>Both OPs provided a timestamp and a news report
You and the other pseudo-oldfag pretenders can choke on shit.

Look, whether you or anyone cares for that particular thing is purely academic. The fact of it, bitching about a certain thing has never, and never will get it leave any faster. It just won't. The best thing you and I can do is ignore it.

Remember, this is 4chan. Bump the threads you like so they survive, and ignore what you don't like, and it'll eventually die off.
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bella nugg.jpg
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Force me to leave, faggot. I've got no problem with the rest of the thread excluding >>22425344
cancer watermark for ants and >>22425397 advice dog spinoff garbage
>round reciever
I lost my shit the first time I read this:

What the say? Did you just say fuck me about? You bitching a little? I’ll have you graduate I know top of my Seals in the Navy Classes, and I’ve been raided in numerous Al Quaeda secret involvements, and I have killed over 300 confirmations. I am a trained gorilla. In warfare, I’m the sniper arm in the entire US force tops. You are targeting me but I’m just another nothing. I will fuck you with precision the wipes of which has never been liked before on this scene. Earth, fuck my marking words. You can get away with thinking that shit over me to the Internet? Fuck again, thinker. As we spy I am networking my secret speaking across the trace and your IP is being prepared right now so you better storm the maggots. The wipes that storms out of the pathetic little thing. You call your life? You’re fucking dead kids. I can be any time. I can weigh you in over seven hundred kills, and that’s my bear hands. Not only am I extensively accessed by trains, but I have no arms for combatting the entire arsenal United States, and I will use it to to wipe your miserable ass. You shit the face off of the continent. If only you could have commented what unholy cleverness your little “retribution” was about. To bring down upon you, maybe you would have fucked your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re holding the pay, you goddamn idiot. I will drown in shit fury. Sincerely, Your dead fucking kiddo.
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>Fuck again, thinker.
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auto nugget.png
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This is my wallpaper.
30 magazine clip?
File: bolt action PKP.png (1 MB, 1070x947) Image search: [Google]
bolt action PKP.png
1 MB, 1070x947

30 magazines PER bullet clip.


less recoil than a burping baby.
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Well fuck. That's just a thirty clip clip.
Also pic.
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call the commisar.jpg
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30 magazines per bullet per clip?! Assuming we're talking 30 round mags and 5 round clips that's 150 rounds.
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enjoy your v&.png
3 MB, 1536x1636
Look up "airmancp" on instagram.
I cringed so fucking hard.
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T-72 BTFO.jpg
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furry hickok.png
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My inventor's up in Heaven
but i've been cappin' fools since 1947

7.62, bound to penetrate
an appetite for slaughter i just might satiate

A tool for murder? I should be banned?
Bitch I was invented to defend the Motherland!

Get that polymer shit out of my face
I'm straight representin' for the wood-and-steel master race!

I don't give a damn about mods, you get what you get.
I'm a vanilla motherfucker, don't you ever forget!

30 rounds of stopping power, nothin' to cough at.
I'm loud motherfucker, I go 'BLAT-BLAT'!

300 yards effective range, think I need more?
Bitch you're insane!

You know I never jam.
Dirt and dust? I just don't give a damn!

Still not convinced? Head to the Gulag.

Do not pass 'Go'
Do not collect 200 rubles
Don't claim to be the best, don't you dare,

Cuz I'M the Number One in warfare!
Please tell me what this is
I didn't know that game had .50BMG rifles. Too bad it's a total shit game.

I need sauce on this.

For...academic purposes.
>mosin magazine
Infestation: Survival Stories

It's a gimmicky version of DayZ Standalone.
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Not even the Russians agree with you.
Daily reminder all of Kalashnikov's later designs were made with polymer.
Don't forget the Tactical Sniper Scope
Is it wrong to want a .50bmg Mosin to exist?
>formerly known as The War Z
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>Kalashnikov's later designs
Exactly. You don't put polymer on an AK-47.
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mein kampfy shoes.png
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What about a 12.7x108?
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That works, would be more Russian that way, seems like it would be a bitch to get ammo for though.
Still need to know where i can buy this.

I'm fine with putting polymer on an AK-74 or even an AK103, but AK-47s should stay wood.
Who cares. It's a 12.7mm Mosin. You only need one shot.
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milsurp is dead.png
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Nuclear passenger jet.jpg
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>How to spot a Communist.
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HKandy at Shot Show 2008.jpg
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Thank you greatly anon. Have this pic.
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>It's just the barrel shroud with a stock
>barrel shroud
>not the shoulder thing that goes up
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I almost named this /k/onstanza
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>yfw this is actually a canon thing because of Jeri the xenomorph.

The deadliest biological weapon in the universe, and now it can also use firearms.
>History knowledge
>you got none
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Furos-Pattern Power Sword.png
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Straight from /tg/s newest creation, the Chapter Master game
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It's "Flesh-gait" now. Skin-Walkers are pic.

>what is the pacific
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1 MB, 2128x1364
>Not "Knitler approves"

ITT screencap fucking everything
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1 MB, 1920x2560
Japan, those are nips, not gooks, dumbass.

>implying Japs haven't historically been referred to as gooks, in addition to nips, and tojos.

Niggers have historically been referred to as people, but that doesn't mean they are.

>He said nigger so he must be from /pol/!
File: edgeville.png (58 KB, 187x198) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 187x198

Population: you

There's no /l/ board
>>The kid is still on the HLZ with me, watching his ride and all his stuff fly away to parts unknown.


>Glock = Tediore

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>mfw I just started playing "old school" runescape a week ago
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>so edgeeee guys :DDDD





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I would definitely kill all the chilluns in the world for no gun laws.

Quints never lie. That's shooped. pixels &c.
That's the exact opposite of the message
>being unable to count
My Mental Choices Are Completely Interfering with My School Romantic Comedy

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38 KB, 839x372
Gun free zone=safe

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s.t.a.l.k.e.r gf.png
190 KB, 1000x250
this is literally worse than boku no pico is every anime
>proves wrong
>b-but you're lying! That's a fake picture!
>denial intensifies

That reminds me, why are there no women in the Zone?
What a beautiful love story.
>Pimp action
Why are there no women in the coal mines?
Too physically weak to do the work?
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No chechen is over there.jpg
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No matter how many years I spend on this site shit still catches me off guard. czechbro....
zone is all work and some vodka breaks
Plis tell me this is real.
it is you fucking newfag
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You seem mad, need a hug?
Why is that so hot?
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2 bore vs. 9mm.jpg
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>Bullet weight/type: 3,500 gr (227 g) Brass FNTC Solid

>Velocity: 1,500 ft/s (460 m/s)

>Energy: 17,500 ft/lbs
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ayy emt.png
708 KB, 505x846
because deep down
cthulu is love
cthulu is life
>round receiver
>not realizing its a Hex

Are you retarded
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243 KB, 1920x850

Here ya go, chief
>screencap fucking everything
this really needs to stop
No, I just need an eye exam.
I honestly cant wait for my computer parts to come in so i can play this games and many others
Here you go, chief
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Only certain people will get this
It's the Pacific
I don't see why this is funny, though I heavily approve of the cartoon itself.
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Commencing dump
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Forgot picture. Great start.
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needs more hickock45
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hahahaha so casual about it.
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Dirtyfox still hasn't posted any more of that coyote vag. QQ
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Been looking for this. Thanks.
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>Male Home-Made Bestiality Pictures and Movies
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This one might be a personal favorite.
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>The only guy who knows what gun it is
>Thinks it's a shotgun

Hold me, /k/ommrad.
File: Momma's Boy.jpg (170 KB, 600x450) Image search: [Google]
Momma's Boy.jpg
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Aren't FAMAS's supposed to be ambi?
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No clue. Sorry.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in furry faggotry, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret yiffings with a nugget, and I have over 300 confirmed spergs. I am trained in dragond dildo warfare and I’m the top shitposter in the entire furry fandom. Your ass is nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe your cosmoline the fuck out of your nugget with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my yiffing words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, muggle. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of fags across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare your anus for the yiffing, starfox. My knot will be the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your ass. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can yiff you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare dick. Not only am I extensively trained in the kama sutra, but I have access to all of the dragon lube the furry fandom has, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon your ass, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now your ass will paying the price, you goddamn muggle. I will shit furry all over you and you will drown in it. Your ass is fucking knotted, kiddo.
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>My knot will be the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your ass
Well done.
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Shit, not that thread again. That thread taught me that there are way too many animal fuckers around here.
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>that serbia loves ohio book

Fucking awesome
>my favorite thread - Dog Butts(new pics)
I'm done with the net for tonight.
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Pump Action Pimp
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