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Reimu is going to shut down Gensokyo because she didn't
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Reimu is going to shut down Gensokyo because she didn't receive enough donations, /jp/.
No gensokyo=no youkais
Time to open a bottle of good wiskey! It's party time!
So she's going to murder pretty much everyone by doing so. Thanks Reims, you bloodthirsty whore.
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Is there a way anyone can prevent this grizzly fate?
im willing to donate but only if reimu let me kiss her armpits
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Looks like Kancolle can finally take over /jp/

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Give me a moment to evacuate all the fairies to the promised land of freedom...

Okay, now you can shut it down! So long, Yooks!
Kancolle is piss.
Condense your Reipoo threads Reimufags
Please read,
a personal appeal from Gensokyo shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei

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Gibs donations
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or else you will die
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ya'll niggas tell me right nao which dj is this from
or i sware on me mum i'll fookin murder Raymoo
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A Personal Appeal from Hakurei Shrine Maiden Reimu Hakurei

We are soon entering our 600th year of providing a well-reputated public shrine, and I want to take a moment to ask you for your help in continuing our mission.
The Hakurei Shrine is facing new challenges, like the recent Youkai outburst in the nearby city, but we're also encountering new opportunities. Both things however require major funds.
The Hakurei Shrine is based on the common idea of providing a sacred ground for worshipping, rituals as well as major events for the mere consideration of a small donation. Thousands of people, from all over Gensokyo, visit this shrine throughout the year, praying, asking for advice, or sometimes just chatting with the shrine maiden.
This is a radical strike at the heart of an increasingly faithless, socially weak culture. It is a radical strike at the assumption that our world has to be a place of hostile debate and antagonizing. It is an appeal to the best within all of us.
The result so far has been mediocr- I- I mean… great success. Thanks to the wonderful volunteers who help out in maintaining the shrine, we are now the single best known shrines in all of Gensokyo. Of course, this also means that we have to manage more and more people every year at the Hakurei Retai Festival.
The pressure on us increases daily, Youkai extermination gets more complicated as those beasts continuously find better ways to evade the attacks of our shrine maiden… We're having a hard time keeping up with the expenses.
In order to move the Hakurei Shrine forward, we need the help of ordinary people like you, people who share our dream of a friendly, faithful society.

Aya keeps asks me: "Why are you doing this? Why are you wasting your life on something as useless as this?"
I think you all know why.
I'm doing this because I chose to. Without me, not only would our cities be run over by Youkai, but the Hakurei Border would be in severe danger of breaking, thus making the border between our world and the human world collapse.
I'm doing this for the people. People like you, who come to visit me and pay the gods tribute. People like you, who still believe in the good in man.

We're already taking back Gensokyo. With your help, we can take back the world.
Please consider a generous donation to the Hakurei Shrine.
Our miko lives on nothing but tea and snacks.
I'll just give her a pack of meat so she doesn't have to live on snack foods and tea nonstop.
I heard 'our miko' spends 97% of her time eating snacks and drinking tea and 3% exterminating youkai. I also heard that some of her time recorded as exterminating youkai was actually spent drinking tea and eating snacks with youkai. J'accuse.
Reimu being poor would be most memorable
I would donate.
I genuinely think she deserves more love and money. I dont understand how she solves all tne incidents and the human village just ignores her.
From a purely practical point humans should be supportive of Reimu, Reisen and Eirin. Best contributors.
Are you supposed to be a nigger or a chav?

In no small part form the fact she possesses the capability to wipe the entire villiage out if she pulls a temper tantrum.

It's not that they're ungreatful, it's just that she's terrifying in the same way Yuuka is, and the less time you spend around her, the less likely she's gonna snap and exterminate you.
She doesn't throw tantrums and hasnt killed a human.
There is no excuse for her current situation, other than people taking her for granted.
Much like Yukari.
Hell if Reimu did snap Yukari would just kill her for breaking the balance. Then she just needs a new shrine maiden from somewhere. Still Reimu is safe. If you arrived in Gensokyo would you trust her?
I would, with my lfe. Again she has never shown any problems with humans.
I'll give her money for dat ass.
I'll donate monthly if she lets me in the kotasu
Yukari cannot win against Reimu. It's preposterous to think she can!
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She should get "Kawashiro Ltd" tattooed on her left leg, and "Bunbunmaru" on her right. Easy 1000 Yen every time she takes flight.

That's just bloody rude. Are you implying Reimu consists largely of excrement?

We all know Marisa is the only one that does the hard work.
Yukari is an ambush youkai. She would just need to gap poison into Reimu, or just gap her brain into some wild animals nest.
I'll donate some money for dem armpits.
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