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How popular are anime idols compared to real idols?
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I would guess it is not much right?

Real idols are know by almost everybody, while anime idols only otaku know.
μ's keeps steamrolling it's way into the top of the Oricon charts for some reason. I imagine there are few people in tune with Japanese popular culture who don't know what Love Live! is by this point.

That said, knowing what something is and knowing who the idols actually are miles apart.
The fact that some job is depicted in anime doesn't make it an "anime something". OP's comparison is as silly as categorizing the characters of Inazuma Eleven as "anime football players".
It's especially silly because they're anime soccer players.
idol anime is the worst thing that has happened to the industry
a vapid marriage between idol fanboyism - probably the worst otaku out there, and the consumerism aspect of anime
i call it the ice cream parlor syndrome

these anime make the previous harem rom com fad look like satoshi kon masterpieces
Go back to /v/. Japan calls it soccer.
Who are you quoting?
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