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https://youtu.be/pSle1oJvsSg?t=50s awoo
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Go away.
stop awooing
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>>15203415 baka
>>15203437 baka baka baka
File: awooooing.jpg (350 KB, 1733x2000) Image search: [Google]
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>tfw people are re-memeing my "this is is a song, awoo, especially for you meme".

Is this what if feels like to be a parent?
Post the Vocaroo one. And since that has long since been deleted, posting the Jewtube version is fine too.
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I clearly hear blue and not awoo. Like it doesn't even sound close.
From Evangelion by the way.
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Can someone explain this to me? So zun ripped of these guys or what?
There are many such cases. Partly I guess ZUN paid homage or was just so drunk that he no longer remembered where he heard that melody before.
In 1 interview Zun said he was inspired by some old songs.

That's a rabbit, you retard.
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