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Ryona is pure. There isn't a purer Senran besides Ryona.
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You are currently reading a thread in /jp/ - Otaku Culture

Thread replies: 37
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Ryona is pure. There isn't a purer Senran besides Ryona.
Isn't Ryona that fetish where people jack off to girls dying in video games?

Not exactly dying, it's more like getting beat up and being hurt in general, dying is just a consequence,

This is a video game that people jack off to but it is not the game you are thinking of dudebro
please take care of yourself ryona
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Yumi is the lightly salted potato chips of senran kagura
I love Mirai! Even on /jp/!
Pretty alright, but not very interesting, and when you start consuming you kind of lose track of things and end up overdoing it and realizing there are much better things you could have done?
Ryoubi is the sweet chilli potato chips of senran kagura
I want to abuse Ryona by refusing to abuse her!
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Very good and all-around satisfying, but not something you ordinarily think to pick up?
Hibari is the marmite potato chips of senran kagura
Fuck off to /vg/ already
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That's really mean, dude.
Ryoubi is more salt and vinegar in her corrosiveness, but I can see where you're coming from.
Yumi = main chick
Ryona = side chick

This has always been my belief
You damn adulterer. I hope you explode!
Using Mirai as you personal disposable single use cocksleeve!
Is the anime worth the time and bandwidth?
How could anyone jack off to Senran Kagura? It's full of gross titcows and there's not even any sex. You know this is a board for games with actual porn in them, right?
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lewd card games with /jp/
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No, marrying Mirai and making her the happiest girl on the planet!
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>How could anyone jack off to Senran Kagura?
I jack off to Senran Kagura.
>It's full of gross titcows
Opinions, etc.
>and there's not even any sex.
Sometimes less is more; sometimes a cute pout and an exposed bra is ten times more erotic than hardcore sex.
The jay is a board for otaku culture and all things related to it, not just hgames. It always has been.

Unfortunately this does encompass idols.
But there is a flatty and she's even the best girl.
Neither pettanko senrans are best.

They're in my top ten and I want them to do fun things with my dick, but they aren't the best.
this isnt really /jp/...
Uh it does. If you were talking about 7 or 8 years ago you would be right though. Holy shit it's been 8 years, someone kill me please
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I have enough honor to stay faithful after pic related. She knows that until then, I have to purge all of my filth and disgusting sexual habits from my body to be a proper husband and father, and Ryona is the perfect dumpster.
I'm pretty sure Yumi knows that fuggin Ryona while you're going out with her is a sign of poor judgement.

Get over it dudester. Join people like me who enjoy aimless sex in public bathroom stalls with our favourite blonde meat toilet.
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dude... wut
in 2008 and 2009 idols were not allowed in /jp/. after that they gradually gained space in the board
Most of you fags are forgetting that Ryouna is perfect wife material for the (few) anons skilled and tactful enough to be her master.

Can you properly discipline a trained assassin that dual wields fully automatic handguns?
>Uh it does
in response to
>Unfortunately this does...
I "kotowaru" this judgement!!!

If i have to lose yumi over it then ryona can it the road!
Thread replies: 37
Thread images: 12

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