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The tokyo olympics is going to kill comiket.
Isn't that kind of good? They won't have to pretty it up come Olympics time if it's not in Tokyo.
One time, when I was young, our family moved. There were no survivors.
Moving it away from the inevitable "WTF JAPAN?!" and "anime is for pedos" tourists and media can only be a good thing.

Hopefully people will still participate.
They are talking about using a smaller venue. They are also worried about less people attending meaning we'll have even less releases for comiket. You are also forgetting how iconic big site is, but you guys don't care about that at all from the looks of it.
Sluts ruined Comiket

The Eternal 3D Pig strikes again !
So they come back for the next one? Stop this panic bullshit. Nothing will happen in 2020, foreigners will fuck around a little in Japan, the Japanese will grow even more racist because white pigfuck can't behave themselves and so on.
I wish the Olympics would just go away. It contributes nothing to the world.
>It contributes nothing to the world.
I dont know anon, I liked how it put things in perspective when CHina got the olympics and hyped itself up for national pride to the point of fake fireworks and lipsync and it was a great show.
Then my country got the olympics after that and showed the world just how shit modern Britian is, becuase god forbid we even have the industrial revoloution without a bunch of nonwhites, and dont forget modern Britian needs a token BMWF couple.

I would say the olympics is a good way to judge how fucked a country is.
hello john green
Fucking this.
>the Japanese will grow even more racist because white pigfuck can't behave themselves and so on.
So despite the africans and crime, them voting a half black half Japanese girl (who looked terrible) as miss Japan was them being more racist?

Face it, they are the next ones on der judens hitlist.
Olympics are also killing all the fap material with it's heavier censorship.
>Modern Britain is shit because interracial couples
Lay off the /pol/, dude.
Who are you quoting?
Africans? Anyways, Japan will be fine. Die Juden got other shit to worry about.
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