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Where do you sell your figs and stuffs? I'm moving soon
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Where do you sell your figs and stuffs?
I'm moving soon and I'm looking to let some go
Is it me or ebay prices are retarded.
I mean $160 for a printed signature board?
I want to stain Madoka's hair with my cum.
I'd like to cum in her ballet slippers and make her do a dance for Homura with them on!
Hawt. I want to see Homu eat the cum out afterwards, and have her suck any cum caked to the bottom of her socks.
jesus christ this is going for $160? I've got a few in a forgotten drawer somewhere.
Are figs worth more if you sign a certificate that says you never jacked off onto it?
Those signboards only sell for like $50 at best, I've sold a few now from the different showings I've been to. You can certainly find them listed higher but I doubt they're being bought at that rate. I sold on ebay by the way.
>Is it me or ebay prices are retarded.
you should visit the fumo thread
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