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Visual Novel translation status Amagami - 1st day patch Released
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Visual Novel translation status

Amagami - 1st day patch Released for PS2/PSP, "1504/2308 original edition scenario scripts translated (65.2%)"
Aokana - Common route + 3 character routes translation done
>AstralAir - prologue patch released, 39,482 / 64,880 (60.85%) lines translated
Ayakashi Gohan - 49% complete
>Black Wolves Saga: All scripts translated and edited 59/65 through TLC
>Bunny Black 2 - Translation half done
Clover Day's - Common + 1 route done, other routes + 348/711 KB, 92/764, 338/846 and 74/722 KB translated
HaraKano - Ayana Seno's route patch released
Haruka Na Sora - Sora 11.29% translated, Kozue 23.73% translated
>Harumade Kururu - 65.5% of the initial route translated
Hoka no Onna - 45.12% translated
Irotoridori no Sekai - 1747/50663 (3%) lines translated
>Ken ga Kimi: 116/122 scripts translated, 108/122 scripts edited
Kiminozo - Common route translation complete
Koiken Otome - 97.90% translated, 88.90% edited, prologue patch released
Kurukuru Fanatic - 87.5% translated
Lovely Cation- 26% of lines completed
Majikoi A-1 - 64%
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Commie project actively in editing
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - 2nd project with 2.2 scripts translated
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - 3rd project released ch 1-5
Monster girl quest paradox - Being translated, new partial patch
Muv Luv Total Eclipse - 25% translated
>Noble Works - 55,675 / 57,690 (96.5%) lines translated, partial patch released
>Nursery Rhyme - 12032/32977 lines translated
Oreimo Tsuzuku - 266/268 scripts translated, 196/268 through TLC+Editing, 121/268 scripts finalized
PersonA - 44% translated
Rewrite Harvest Festa - 22583/30040 (75.18%) lines translated
SakuSaku - 100% translated, 31858/49257 (65%) lines finalized
>Starry Sky In Summer - All scripts translated and edited, 137/177 scripts through TLC
SubaHibi - 100% translated, 2nd editing pass and QC remain
>Sukimazakura to Uso no Machi - 6,139 / 30,513 Lines (20.1%) translated, partial patch released
Tasogaredoki no Kyoukaisen - 100% translated and edited, QC and technical work remains
White Album 2 - 17052/35275 (48.34%) lines of closing chapter translated
>Witch's Garden - 42930/67201 (63.88%) lines translated, 2221/67201 (3.31%) edited, prologue patch released
Yosuga no Sora - Translation status is Common route 100%, Sora route 100%, Nao 78.42%, Kazuha 100%, Akira 89.73%, Motoka 32.17%, Common and Kazuha fully edited
Official work

Gahkthun - Demo out, 12/23 release
Free Friends 2 - 100% translated and edited
Higurashi Hou -Watanagashi released
>Bokuten - 73% translated, 35.18% edited
>Da Capo 3 - 70.3% translated, 70.3% edited
>OZMAFIA - 92% translated
>House in Fata Morgana - 95% translated
>Myth - 87% translated, 81% edited
My Boss Wife is My Ex - 100% translated and edited
Kuroinu - Being released as 3 seperate chapters, 18.13% TL 18.13% edited
Supipara - Ch 1 100% translated and edited
>Yurirei - 100% translated and edited
Himawari - TL and editing finished, in scripting
Beat Blades Haruka - 100% Translated and edited
Umineko - Picked up
>Tokyo Babel - 91% translated, 21% edited
Negai no Kakera - Picked up
Princess Evangile W Happiness - Picked up

Sonicomi - Fully translated, building launcher
Sumaga- Fully translated, in editing
Trample on Schatten- Translation 83%
Flowers - 100% translated, in editing, preparing to port
Seinarukana- Waiting on LE materials. QA checking.
Django - Waiting on translation.
Sumeragi Ryoko - 100% translated, waiting on test build
Sweet Home - 24% translated

>WAS - Released
Fault Milestone 2 - Side Above released, GE still to come
Grisaia trilogy - 2nd title in TL through end of Nov
Atom Grrrl - 100% translated
Narcissu 3rd - 88.54% translated
Narcissu 0 - 89.23% translated
WEE 3 - 8.26% translated
Nenokami - 37.79% translated
Root Double - Kickstarter preview up
Kokonoe Kokoro - picked up
Sacrament Sheep - In Beta
Memory's Dogma - Kickstarter reached goal
Chrono Clock - Picked up
Tenshin Ranman - Picked up
Witch Boy - Kickstarter failed
Darekoi - Picked up
Wagamama High Spec - 2016 release
Mayoi Hitsuji no Kajuen - Picked up

Harmonia - Through Steam GL
Little Busters - Picked up
Tomoyo After - Picked up
Muv Luv Trilogy - Kickstarter succeeded
Lucky Dog - Possible iOS released based on the ongoing text only fanTL
Work being done on a fanTL of Shin Koihime with hopes of getting it licensed
Wish Tale of the Sixteenth Night - 2946/10293 (28.62%) lines translated
Kyuuketsu Hime no Libra - Kickstarter started
Magical Eyes - Winter release planned
Zero Time Dilemma - 2016 release

>Stuff like this has been either added or updated since the last thread
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I'm slightly curious if mangagamer is going to list their top ten best sellers this year. While they've never failed to do it before, the usual blog tag they use for such things (A Look Back at ....) has already been used with no such ranking for their current promotion. There's also the fact that such a list, if they were to include third parties, would likely have several third party titles pushing out their own. It'd be kind of a shame if this is the year it ends.

As always, this tracker is powered by anonymous like you, so post order numbers if you got em'
>Da Capo 3 - 70.3% translated, 70.3% edited

Only 2 more years to go.
>Albatross Sky Butlers 2: Parfait of Wrath (in translation)
Giga? Light? August?
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Japan is already getting Dal Segno.
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What the heck is Eastern Soul Food? Clam chowder and pizza?
Will Kouryuu break if he has to translate DC3, PP and DS in a row?
I think she's talking about things like Amish food, which is pretty damn good.
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>Irotoridori no Sekai - 1747/50663 (3%) lines translated

inb4 it dies again.
Dies Irae means "Day of Wrath" in Latin.
>Albatross Sky Butlers 2: Parfait of Wrath
>Parfait of Wrath
>of Wrath
Dies Irae confirmed.
>Tasogaredoki no Kyoukaisen - 100% translated and edited, QC and technical work remains

I wonder what type of technical work they're doing.

... I wonder what type of QC they're doing.

Cuddle blanket and wall scroll that rolls onto bed to lay on lap.

fucking geniuses.
ASB2 isn't half as good as the original.
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102 days left.
>Bokuten - 73% translated, 35.18% edited

Godspeed translator.
Eat a cock, Dan88
>It might not be Himawari, but it's a pretty cool game too. I should enjoy it as long as there are no problems with logistics.
Holy shit, are you guys making a mountain out of a game that he thinks is worse than Himawari.
The guy loves Himawari, that's not saying much.
He loves Dies and Baldr a lot more.
>Himawari - 10
>Dies irae - 9
>Baldr Force and Sky - 8
Yeah, right.
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A staff member at MG likes shriveled peen.
>>Noble Works - 55,675 / 57,690 (96.5%) lines translated, partial patch released

Cmon already!
This is where we explain the difference between critical scores and being an actual fan of something, because guess which one he talks about all the time and put a lot of time and effort into work on, and which one he had to be paid to translate.
Please look forward to the 2017 Sekai Project release.
I think Kouryuu will likely stick to short to mid size projects for the foreseeable future once DC 3 R is done. I also doubt that DC3 will sell enough to warrant its fandiscs getting translated.
I doubt DC3 will sell enough to warrant DC3 getting translated.
>SubaHibi - 100% translated, 2nd editing pass and QC remain
Is this officially dead yet?
Thanks for the update
You're welcome.
What with the PS3 translation being ported to the PC version of Eiyuu Senki. I wonder if anyone is taking the extra step translate the few scenes that still aren't translated.
Is bunny black machine translated?
>good art
>cute girls
>steam version
Would be MGs best selling game of year.
I would love if someone made a patch that doesn't remove H, just leaving it untranslated, that would be nice enough.
Alright, thanks.
Good news! Baka-tsuki got mass DMCAed and the owner no longer wants to host. Say goodbye to one haven of machine translated garbage.
RIP in piss, I can't remember the last time I saw anything on there that didn't read poorly.
There were a lot. Just not the mainstream series.
Uh, what?
https://vndb.org/v683 another giga kusoge
I know that. I want to know why he's bringing it out of nowhere when it has never once been a part of the lol kamige set of games.
Moogy and friends hyped this game as kamige since a long time ago. You must be new.
>critical scores
Not everyone is pretentious faggot like you.
No, they didn't. They all played it for a week because they watched Saenai Heroine and suddenly decided it'd be cool to start liking Maruto.
Moogy doesn't know Japanese.
> Moogy and friends hyped this game as kamige
Moogy rated it 7.
When making up things, try doing it about things which cannot be so easily verified to be false by 3rd party observer.
How could they have hyped it since a long time ago when none of them had played it until six months ago?
> Moogy rated it 7
You are wrong. He rated it 8. Which is quite high by his standards.
Still not in his top 20, and a far cry from "hyped this game as kamige since a long time ago." He's got Natsuyume Yawa ranked higher and when's the last time you've heard literally anybody even mention that?
Well, it has a kamige status in Japan.
>People arguing about what someone else's opinions are

>Using his opinions as a standard on eroge quality

All hail Lord Moogy.

If you had not been born, we would all be copy pasting text onto html file open on firefox for rikachan to translate our porn games.
>someone made a claim that Moogy said a game was kamige a long time ago
>he never did
>he only played it recently

Sour grapes, bitch. Don't try to rewrite the argument to pretend like you weren't caught being full of shit.
And is all but unknown in the west, not even so much as appearing on any of the polls for games people want, which makes it appearing as part of his list out of nowhere extremely suspicious.
I can't even tolerate hearing about something unless based Moogy-hecka-dunno has said it is good
You're the one who said that Parfait kusoge which is totally not true and I prove it. Stay salty.
You're flailing, Ti9. You used to put a little effort in.
Aroduc confirmed to be a machine
A machine powered by hate.
What about Steins Gate sequel?

Tokyo Babel at 100%

I guess he'll be dedicating his time toward dies irae now.
How many more years do I have to wait for Seinarukana?
All of them.
About as long as Subahibi.
like what
>all this speculation about conjueror
>none about Baldr Fist Equilibrineko
Who are you greening, fuckboi?
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Why is JAST preventing people from having waifus for Christmas?
tlwiki is down.
Anyone have a clue why/when it'll be back?
dead god please let it come back
What's even the point of it now? Fan TL is dead and most of them update on their blogs instead.
I'm working on something based off material that was up on the site. Plus, some people were still contributing stuff, although very slowly.
It's Baldr Sky.
The entire extended site that it's hosted on, Tindabox, was infected full of spambots and nobody noticed for weeks. The whole thing is toast and may or may not be salvagable.
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Look on the bright side, Ixrec and Moogy's sites both went down with it.
MangaGamer is now hiring fuwanovel machinetranslators too? What the fuck?
I know he's doing editing instead translating, but I can't see someone believing that MTL is okay being good editor.
>I finished editing Sakura Santa

I dunno, seems like a good match to me

Remember when people were saying MG had one of their crack editors on the job editing the Sakura games, and so the quality would skyrocket?


That will teach people for believing shit from MG.
It was me (the >>14512427), and I didn't claim it would skyrocket.
Also, MG never promised anything about quality or editor, it was my 勝手な期待. Because, why even bother hiring editor then, it doesn't make sense.

Why don't you guys read it before bitching? He's been betatesting with MG for a while now.
>Why don't you guys read it before bitching?

> reading Sakura * games
Why would I ever do that? I have 1200 proper VNs downloaded and waiting their turn in my ever-growing backlog.
How many confirmed kills though?
Seems like dovac has come back once again.
Remember that he doesn't want you to talk about stuff he does when he publicly talks about them on his twitter.
Exactly as predicted. This certified attention whore lasted 1.5 months this time.

And he's blessing us with new gems already, https://twitter.com/dobacco/status/678751853970984960
To be fair, the recent Twitter changes are complete bullshit.

Now people are looking for things to get angry over.
That Sumaga and Iroseka i dunno how much i can wait before i am dying.
Yes, that would be ideal.
Is Aokana a machine translation? Who is Astro? I've been out of the vn translation loop for awhile.
> Is Aokana a machine translation?
> Who is Astro?
Fuwatard with ATLAS who works as "translator" for Sekai Project now.
This seems to be basically Aaeru.
It's precisely Aaeru. Let's not remember how completely fucked up translations that she said looked great. This guy's done the exact same thing.
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MG has plans.
the last survey was just a disappointment
Plans to release more nukige and garbage like Sakura crap.
I made some solid requests last year, but I wish I would've put more thought into my picks beforehand. This year I have a short list made up already.

Also, I wish MG would allow 3 picks from current partners and 3 picks from new partners, because it's possible MG can't partner with those new companies for whatever reason.
The survey was answered by a bunch of retards from god knows where (probably tumblr and or reddit) and top answers were for VNs that were already released from other publishers or something almost impossible like F/SN.
Don't forget the new shit on the block: AJTilley!
It was also administered by retards who thought that Mangagamer had a partnership with Softhouse Chara.
MG promised a free Steam key for eden*, which likely lured in Steam users. And at least a few of the major news sites had articles about the survey. Add in social media and fandoms into the mix and you have a recipe for casuals.
Heh, they did a better job advertising this dumb survey than their own games.
The survey made people realize that they exist, so I guess that's a form of advertising.

The survey also asked where people get their vn news from, so that helps them.
I requested Tokyo Babel and MG listened. Does it mean I'm important?
It means you're casual friendly and will likely be listened to. What are your top picks this time around?
Apart from obligatory Light begging I haven't really decided yet. Bishoujo Mangekyou series or maybe Boku to Koi Suru Ponkotsu Akuma.
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We have similar tastes, anon.
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Gahkthun sales are not moving. Time for them to start advertising to furries.
I thought it was out on the 23rd
How do you know that? Haro already said that sales ranking is likely busted.
Preorder gets ranked too.

Yes, it's conveniently broken where all the new OELVN gets released and it takes up most of the spots.
>Sumaga- Fully translated, in editing
It's been nearly 8 years but holy fuck I need this. Might actually buy the physical copy if its not a shit job.
The ranking messes up fairly frequently. In fact I have to wonder why they bother with it if it doesn't seem to work half the time.
I haven't been here in a very long time. Anything big with a story come out at all. last big thing i read was I/0. I remember the great vn era when shit was coming out a lot, then it crashed and i left. I see
SubaHibi is still not translated, how sad.

Also since ive been away for a while, what "big" vns are being translated these days. I think I remember Tokyo Babel Is one? I dicthed VNS and read books now. Just got done with the shinning,
and i am on the squeal doctor sleep. I bought all of the otherland books but they are next. got into the way of kings and I bought the wheel of time.
The shinning was a great read, I would recommend it. poor jack.
>Bishoujo Mangekyou
My first choice.
Books don't have cute 2D girls getting fucked, you nerd. Take it to >>>/lit/.
Is that vn a story based game, it seems like a guro or a ero game which I could never get into. I guess when I mean "big" I mean good ideas and story like the infinity series, the key series, Muv Luv, etc.
A good vn doesn't need cute 2d girls, I guess kanon counts but I read that game for the atmosphere and the odd feeling in the world that intraps you.
Ive been waiting for subhibi because Ive heard its a masterpiece in the vn world.

Also the the of kings or storm light archive has a merrysue girl but i hate her. A song of ice and fire has arya. just image them as 2d.
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This fine game here. It has Tesla as a douchebag, catgirls, and apparently yuri.
Its sad the team that was doing the infinity series broke up, they made super progress. what happened to them. They were almost done with the last infinity game last time i was here.. and then root double. what happened to them? sekai is doing root double now and its a kick starter? is the same team doing them?
Also why was that type moon game never done, its been like 3 years.
I sadly could never get into that guys work, it was always very slow paced.
Lemniscia is working for SP instead of doing it for free.

AKA wait longer, able to get physical goods, and maybe more quality.
So how good is this Tokyo Babel , is it worth getting hyped over. it seems almost done.
Also what the fuck is WAS.
Lemniscia had awesome quality and they were the second coming of ixrec but better. Its sad they got into seki, we will never get the translation they were doing before root double even though root double i has a awesome story on par with its other infinity games. Its gonna take for ever im guessing now. How slow are they now.
Is MG's site acting up again? I'm trying to create an account, but it just keeps spinning and not letting me create one.
Milf autist, pls go away.
Last question for me to catch up but is subahibi ACTUALLY close now, or is he still in editing hell for some reason.
looks like this Tokyo Babel game will be out first.

Sometimes it misbehaves, e-mail support if you're having issues [email protected]
Im surprised old school posters are still around, Its been at least 2 years since i was here. I stopped coming to /jp/ since its lost its soul a while ago. the board is under control from total chaos like it was after the great meido fell but sadly the board is boring now without no fun off topics. just my feeling though on the board itsself. still need to catch up on the vn world from time to time.
Baldr Sky.
Thats out ? or translated? I forgot about that one. I know thats a big one.
Milf autist, stop.
Second this
Is dis gai 4 realz? Tiem 2 sthap replying.
I really don't get why you always come back here. It seems like you don't even like this niche for the most part and if you are happy reading books why do you continue to pester us? There are enough great books to fill the rest of your life with great stories, so why do you search here? It's not like any of these big vns are the greatest thing ever. You have a good chance to find something you like even better in conventional books so why are you here? You aren't missing anything by not reading the next big vn. Just leave and never come back, please.

Also, although I asked questions I should explain that they are rhetorical questions. I don't want you to answer them or to explain yourself . Whenever you post, you end up repeating everything you have said in every post before and that is annoying as fuck.


Thank you.
No I just moved on to books because I have done everything there ever was Japanese wise ( from 70s anime to when anime got bad and manga, vns). I moved on but the days were I first got on /jp/ back in 2009 never will leave me. they were fun times with people just like me. I come back here to catch up on the vn world. I know there are vns that are actually good left untranslated and I come back after maybe a year or two too see how its going.
Those would be my top 2 nukige picks as well.
Ponkotsu Akuma is not nukige.
Meh, it's practically half nukige.
Come on, man. It has garbage right in the title.
No, Aroduc just works like a machine, but it's legit.
Um, what? It's a nukige. And a pretty meh one at that, not sure why'd anyone want it.
You should stop judging games via exhentai galleries.
Story to sex ratio there is closer to moege than nukige, and it works as just some soft rabucome with fetish heroines.
>meh one at that, not sure why'd anyone want it
Mazobutas like you cannot understand proper humor, it seems.
I'm judging games by the text I read, and Ponkotsu Akuma is specifically designed around sex like all nukige are. Some pointless and boring bloat to needlessly stretch the "story" out doesn't change that fact.

It's also listed under nukige in erogamescape. In any case, I wouldn't recommend it either for porn or, god forbid, "story".
Root Double is a March 2016 release according to the prefundia. Even with the inevitable delays, it's not going to be a long wait.
And yet, they claim to need to Kickstart it to finish it, despite planning to release it almost the day it ends.
It's the same shit they did with Narcissu.

I'm seriously considering learning Japanese just to read Iroseka
I really fucking hate those lying assholes. It'd be one thing if they were actually funding localizations, but they're not. They're just trying to squeeze as much money out of loaded ignorant idiots as they can.
There's nothing wrong with maximizing profits from your commercial products.
Not their fault that market is full of pirating bastarts who aren't going to pay for game unless game is held hostage.
There is when you're lying about it.
No, they are not. Funding localization is not limited to just translating game. It also includes paying license fee, paying people who did negotiations, paying translators and so on.
Just because work is done in advance doesn't mean it should be released for free or cost less than it would if it would be done in proper order.
Hi Dovac. Maybe you should go read the Kickstarter terms and conditions page again before throwing another temper tantrum about being persecuted and ragequitting all social media for the fifth time.
Maybe its you who should read KS ToS. People tried complaining about dovac's projects, and KS staff found no violations of ToS.
Oh boy, it's this retard again who thinks commercial projects aren't allowed on KS.
And I can find copyrighted material on Youtube, which their ToS strictly forbids. That doesn't mean it's not against their ToS. It means their enforcement policy is lax.

Yeah, just because it's explicitly stated to be for non-commercial use in the terms of service, that doesn't mean it's for non-commercial use, right? But then again, you don't actually know what commercial use is. KS doesn't exist to recoup sunk costs. In fact, that's why the ToS specifically says that it's to create something new, not order something that already exists.
That's because copyright violations are only removed when the original creator complains about it, or they set up automatic content detection.

Please tell me how any of the big $100k+ hardware or video game Kickstarters are allowed when they're clearly commercial ventures?

Also, please tell me how you expect to prove that their KS was done after they finished their localization work and solely to recoup those costs. Or are you about to argue that translating a game isn't creating something new and thus translation projects don't belong to KS? Sounds like something you should bring up to KS and report them for, if you really think it's against their rules.
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Speaking of KS, libra doesn't look good.

That -1k pullout was a pretty big blow to the campaign's pace. I don't think it's doomed yet, but they really need to break the halfway point before the end of the month or things are going to start looking dicey.
Mikandi seems pretty apt to come shill their kickstarter whereever it's spoken about. I'm kind of tempted to go twit them a link to vntls and see what would happen.
Sure. The projects need funding to exist and be brought to completion. That is the non-commercial part, and why excess funding is expected to go into stretch goals to provide extra work and services, not straight into the makers pockets. Once the project is complete, they are free to use it for whatever commercial purpose they want.

And why would anybody have to prove what they themselves are claiming? They've already said the localization work is done. Even if that's not true, then they're lying about that, and ergo, still fucking liars.
Any thoughts on what's gonna be on the MG flash sale on 25th?
I'm pretty sure they know about this thread since they mentioned telling people to get the word out on a number of social media including vntls.



Oh they did? I don't remember seeing that
At least it's comforting to see the bubble start to die. Less poorly translated garbage being overcharged for isn't a bad thing.
it's sad that right now the worst part of being eop isn't the fact that you have to rely on autists to translate games for you, but the fact that you can't even be sure that it's an actual autist doing the translation and not some retard with babelfish.
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Looks like mangagamer'll be a distributor for libra
Its not first time MG retweets their stuff. More likely that they are just "acting friendly", like dovac with winged cloud after WC was netoratetta by MG.

I don't think I've seen MG retweet any kickstarter that they weren't in talks to distribute
Pretty much my favourite VN. Good production values, kickass ost, large cast of characters, funny skits, engaging story and mystery spread across muliple routes.
They already said it's all going to be nukige, with one never having been on sale before.
With the goal they had set, only a more well-known game would've likely have made it.
MG obviously wants to become the home for 18+ vns.
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>Also what the fuck is WAS.
A game Sekai kickstarted. It's episodic and only the first heroine route is out. It's also only partially voiced at the moment because of licensing issues Sekai ran into.

Here you go sales tracker anon.
Order Number - 107541
Order Date - 2015-12-22
2015-11-29 104047 / 2015-12-22 107541
Doesn't look particularly good considering xmas sale.
Well, at least its still 1000 sales more than they made in december 2014 and december 2013.
Buying something from MG was quite a hassle because of my CC company. They flagged it as suspicious and locked my card down. They claimed they texted me for approval, but didn't have my mobile number on file at the time. I got a call from them this morning to approve the transaction, which I did. I called them back later to make sure everything was okay and they told me my card was still locked down and once it lifted I'd need to redo the transaction. They won't approve international transactions as a rule, but they put a note on my account that MG's payment processor is supposed to be allowed. I hope my next purchase isn't this much of a headache. I might have to call my CC company in advance every time I make a purchase to make sure it goes through.
Looks like denpasoft got a site update. It still looks bland and empty though.

You can mail MG support and you should be provided with an alternative method. PayPal.
I actually never had a problem buying from MG site.
I'll probably do that if it keeps giving me trouble. Hopefully the account note solves the problem though.
When is Aroduc going to release Baldr Sky?
WAS is a shitty doujin game that Sekai Project released unfinished because the project has been a disaster for them.
How has it been a disaster? Because they didn't do almost any of the work they took money for?
Should be around the time Sekai Project releases Dustmania Grotesque ~Kaitai Sounyuu Shinsho~.
They've run into issues with the voices and gave no timeframe for when they'll be patched in. The voices were a big part of the KS, so this is pretty embarrassing.
Especially since they announced that the voices were all done and the next patch was going to have them months and patches ago.
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>Sep 16
>We're happy to report that a new patch for the game is currently being uploaded to Steam, once uploaded Steam should update the game with full voice support.

>Dec 15
>Release same build from May, with typo fixes.
Why would SP do an any work? They are getting money from idiots who keep funding them regardless of the actual quality when the product is released. They're nicenice when begging for money but once funding is reached, they don't give a shit. Everytime there is a problem, just blame the devs. It's not as if the devs know any English so EOPs have to rely on SP's word.
How the fuck did they even 'accidentally' think all the voicing was done, included in the game, and being uploaded when apparently, the voicing hadn't even been recorded at that point?
And the voice work that is in the game is of poor quality and often sounds like it was done on $5 mics. And none of the audio is normalized so every character speaks at a different volume.
I want the end result of this to be Dovac having to record every character's voice himself, Chaos Wars style.
Your favorite waifu speaks and you hear dovac's voice. HAHAHA
Oh, man. The same thing happened to me and it freaked me the fuck out because I just used another card and didn't notice until I tried to charge $300 for a graphics card on Black Friday and got declined.

The good thing is that purchases since then have processed smoothly, so hopefully yours should do the same.
On another note, eden is 60% off on Steam right now. Go get it faggots.
will subahibi or any good vn come out for Christmas.
or will I have to read kanon again, all i did was the aya route.
wheres the angels guy , cant remember what vn oe saying he did every year but it was funny. "maybe angels will come" or something like that.
If I wanted it, I'd get the adult version on MG's site, which is on sale at the moment and get a free Steam key.
Gahkthun, and it's DRM free at launch.

Read >>14515886
I'm afraid I'll spend my christmas reading Gahkthun.
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Hey respect your elders.
That's one retarded elder.
Apparently Aroduc's translating Daibanchou.
Welcome home, steampunk series.
Seinarukana actually doesnt exist.
Imagine how long it'd take to come out if the translation wasn't finished two and a half years ago?


even better


The art actually seems really nice so I'll actually check it out.
this has the translator said anything. hes really fucking close.
It's a Fuwalation with a grammatical error on the screenshot they used to announce it. And here's how a couple of their literally SEVEN 'translators' joined.

>may i ask? which part of work that does by the "translator" ?
>actually i am a bit interested to help, but i have no idea how to do it. if i just need to translate a text to text (not extract it from game file and change it as a patch file, or anything that recuired an advanced programing skills) maybe i can help, since i have some free time on my hands.
>well, i am not a native english speaker..... so maybe i will make a grammar error here and there. but if you dont mind, maybe i can help.

He was told not to worry about not knowing English. For translating a game into English.

But don't worry, because they don't know Japanese either.

>Hi, may I know do you guys still need translation help? I'm still in my first year for Japanese but this may be a good opportunity to improve my language.
I think it's really unfair that Fuwa has cornered the market on fuwalations. We should get the struggling students of /jp/ to come together and translate something for shits and giggles.

rip gahkthun.
The last time someone tried that, it was taken over by someone who would later go on to become one of the founding spirits of Fuwanovel.
Flyable Heart?
Im talking about subahibi, has the translator talked about how much more time it will take? everyone wants this vn already since its in the high tier list of vns. even though i have no idea what it is or about.
Milf autist, pls.
There are no milfs in it. You don't want it.
Noble works is better than subahibi so you don't have to worry about it.
It's stuck in editing and hacking.

You can play the 60% partial if you're impatient. I enjoyed that portion tremendously and it lived up to the hype.
If it has a complex story like the infinity series i will like it, which i hear it does. (remember 11 which had older characters and no annoying teenager chicken sandwiches was the masterpiece , never 7 was a beta version of it I felt) I/0 was so complex it was in the "ok its really good but what was this guy on".
I/0 was also fucking depression, not that it had in your face sad moments, it just had that gloomy atmosphere which is ten times worse.
Why would I do that, Also ive seen the translator been in /vn/ general on /vg/ like 2 years ago. and it was like fucking 98% edited then.
he should just fucking finish it.
Whats Noble works about? is it a story based game and complex?
Does subahibi have a female only main character perspective, or does it have a male main character too. Also it sounds up my ally, seems like a complex good story based game. How long is it? Is not like fucking 10 hours right? cant be after how long its taking.
Autist, stop
it was 98% edited through the first pass.
Which was very light.

The second pass required a shitload of changes to make the reading a lot better so the editor killed himself.

Is what everybody on jp wants but, the truth is he got lazy and is now working on something else for money.

Noble works has cute girls. So its already 9/10.
Oh its like 30-50 hrs never mind. girl protags are usually boring in vns sadly because they take on the slow as fuck theme, drinking tea and eating cookies and shit.
Books are another story.
Just go read it. Get out before you get spoiled. Or look it up in Wikipedia which gives a nice spoiler free synopsis of each chapter.
yeah . girl protagonists are the worst !

I like faceless, voiceless, personalityless white christian middle class straight men that i can self insert into so I can masturbate to sexual fiction.
Is this fucking true, wow. What the fuck is happening. This is what caused the great vn crash. like 2010-2012 was amazing. this company vn shit is making things take years. what the fuck is he translating instead?

>Takumi is a normal guy who barely gets by with part-time jobs. One day, he was asked to attend the prestigious private school Rokuroku Gakuen while impersonating a rich student that looks just like him. Although he was hesitant to accept this strange request, circumstances (mainly financial) compelled him to agree to do it. However, he knows nothing about the celeb world. Will he be able to keep his cover?

Holy shit not interested.
I loved the female narration in Gahkthun trial. Can't wait for the release. Anyone knows what time it's out?
Im talking about anime/vn female protags, they are just fucking boring every time. and then you have to sit through the slow ass paced theme and whatever you get with a female anime girl.
While males seem to have a lot of different personalities. I will agree the "white knight" ones are the worst. but we do get some good ones. key protags are fun and very human and nitroplus have a shitton of good ones.
I wish he was a joke. I really do.
Good times. I remember the poor souls that tried to help and correct it, and the main fuwalator always reverted changes because the words became something that wasn't in his electronic dictionary.

And don't forget the lovely Lover is male daughter (恋人は男の娘) game he did afterwards. Savoring that translation for the perfect day.
Everything that guy (or girl) does is boring the art and world always seems interesting but I always end up quiting them.
that wonderland vn that company did was very weird and deep though, ill give them that.
does Gahkthun switch over to the male with lighting powers.
At least he's not sperging about his lord savior ixwreck.
Yuki is not "female". "She" is imaginary personality Tomosane made when he killed Takuji, based on real Yukinee who died many years ago trying to save Tomosane's imouto.
I'm not sure it really counts as a female main character if she has a dick. Sca-ji is all about the futas.
In her h-scenes, Yuki doesn't have dick.
Why spoil at all though? I'm sure he doesn't need all those late story details to know if the protagonists are only female.
But her h-scenes aren't real.
Is this fucker replying to himself or do we have two retards?
Going by Tsui no Sora 2 end, nothing was real.
That's only one possible interpretation. The point of TnS 2 is that it doesn't really matter if it's "real" or not.
Haha, told you so. That's the reason for bloated KS goals, undelivered KS rewards, half-assed games and so on: they don't have money to finish their current projects.
The personal jets and make believe spaceships and millions of dollars in CEO salaries they need to pay have to come from somewhere.
That's what happens when you waste all your money on overpriced DLC for bad games.
Who knew Power Point was so expensive. If only they were frugal and not spent thousands on useless things but oh well, more kickstarters on the way!
I think midnight EST.
Gahkthun switches perspectives, so yes, you see events from Tesla's (guy with lightning powers) too.
Are you telling me that you don't make money when 90% of your projects suffer from a ton of delays and poor management?
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