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Anyone is weeb enoufh to buy this? it's terrible
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Anyone is weeb enoufh to buy this?
it's terrible
Anyone normie enough to buy this?
Most likely OP because FILENAME
I want it because I like the colors. Of course, I wouldn't wear that outside the house. However, I won't actually buy it.
>I won't actually buy it.
I never saw the appeal of spending money on fancy clothes/brands.
If it's cheap and doesnt stand out, then its all I need.

I cn then use the money saved for alcohol and videogames.
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If I absolutely had to sperg out and grab a Miku hoodie, I'd grab this Chinese one since it's not as obnoxious.
This one is nice, I'd buy it too
Enjoy HIV, or something ultraflammable or something incredibley terrible.
Werent those exploding office chairs made in China?

Fuck buying anything Chinese.
The hood inner is cool.
>exploding office chairs
Holy shit what
Everything is made in china, but the string of exploding chinese products was pretty amusing.

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Q: What is this shitcrap?
A: Shitcrap
If you want a real hoodie get an Arborware. You literally cannot buy a better one.

I would never eat anything from china.
Fake eggs cooked in gutter oil. Oishii.
>killed anally
God damn, what a way to go.
I've seen worse.

I guess it saves everyone the trouble of hitting them with bats later on
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for you.jpg
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Hey, thanks for the recommendation!
That actually looks really comfy.
Everything We Love Fine makes is garbage memewear anyway.
I got a Uniqlo hoodie recently for $30 and it's perfect. Its in a nice beige color too.
Stop trying to speak english you fucking money.
Hoodies are from criminals
What if you never wear the hood?
Everything explodes in china.
Looks alright. I would not buy it though.
Post more subtle and not obvious weebwear
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How's this?
There's worse, but it's the only weebwear I actually own
I won it in a game of mahjong/spoiler]
I've never worn it outside
Eh. I'd wear it in public. looks relatively tame compared to some. Fly that flag high, no shame. I own and wear a few myself. I love turning around a lewd argument on someone who may randomly comment on them though, they thinking they're inherently sexual illustrations cause japanese, which they aren't. and with the most serious face i can muster looking dead in they're eyes, I'm just like "I never even thought of this material as such, maybe you're into that stuff". The look gets me every time.
I'm "weeb enough" to find their retarded faces off-putting
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I want this rei included
You could even pretend to be a music producer with that hoodie.
>You guys, I really REALLY wouldn't worry about this happening to you. I've got a masters in mechanical engineering, and a gigantic ass, and I've had chair cylinders blow out on me. Even if this story is true, which I doubt, it would have to be a one in a million shot at it happening. Also, there is, on average a 3/16 stamped steel sheet between the cylinder and your bum. Please folks....have confidence in your seating.

There you go.
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it looks obnoxious, even on the girl
and I wear jacket hoodies regularly

this one is better
would definitely consider getting something like that in Rin/Len colors
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That reminds me of "Guts"
Am I weeb now?


So safe.
where did you buy that.
>Won it in a game of mahjong
This was strip mahjong I assume. Also I hope you washed it before wearing it.
>Anyone is weeb enoufh to buy this?
jrharbort probably
I wish I was a slightly muscular white man to be able to pull off this hoodie.
reading the link was enough
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