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Don't bully the Sachikong, /jp/!
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You are currently reading a thread in /jp/ - Otaku Culture

Thread replies: 25
Thread images: 7
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Don't bully the Sachikong, /jp/!
Then what are we supposed to do with her?
Gotta bully the smug ones!
Hit the buffet! Or let Sachiko bully YOU!
I wouldn't mind being bullied by Sachiko.
I can already feel my peepee becoming harder.
But she's probably so bad at it!
Teaching Sachiko to bully people!
Sachiko is gonna peg you!
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What are you gonna do about it, nerd?
Stop abusing Sachiko!!!!
we have to bully deeper
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I'll bully her even harder and there's nothing you can do about it!!
Please stop you must stop
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the cutest.png
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RIP Sachiko Koshimizu 2001-2015
It's adorable but I do feel really bad for her
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She's condescending as HECK dude
Sachi gonna give kick you in the NUTS!
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Sachiko is DAIJOUBU
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Are you sure about that?

I wish she was black like a Congolese woman.
Epic meme!
Is it true Sachiko was designed by the creators to be bullied or is that just fanon?
Thread replies: 25
Thread images: 7

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