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What does /jp/ think of J-Rap? https://www.youtube.com/watch
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What does /jp/ think of J-Rap?
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I listen to J pop to get away from that shit, the last thing I need is it being done even worse by a bunch of Japanese niggers.
Like anything, 90% of it is shit. At least post something that's good.
You post some.
/r/ing a song I heard shortly after that huge earthquake. Some Jap in a New Era hat rapping about it, he said some things like KANTO STAND UP, OSAKA STAND UP, etc etc QUAKE SURVIVORS
Hate rap music in general but surprisingly it sounds good when it is used sparingly in pop music.

That video is awful
It's only good when girls do it.

instrumental j-hip-hop is pretty good:
Dj mitsu the beats
Also Nujabes, or Uyama Hiroto
They do it more for musical reasons and less for hurr durr nigga reasons (unlike amerikkans), so it's usually tolerable.
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