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How much would it cost for me to live in your country?
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How much would it cost for me to live in your country?
1 blowjob/day
Your life.
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What are you even trying to say? Are you asking about living expenses?
my area is about $2000 for a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment
You can live like a king with $700 a month. Then again you would have to be bonkers to move here.
How much per month for 3 large-breasted female bodyguards with AKs?
With this money
You can live pretty well in a good place
How bad is it?
>a good place
Like 4-5 bedroom house?
SF? or NYC? No way other area is as expensive
your virginity, 3 cheetahs, 50 ferraris and 5 oil barrels per day
Near SF
You can come live in my basement if you like.
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Long live the EU
it's getting better, just don't try to be flamboyant and show off your luxury items on the street

>large breasted females
>in Honduras

Sorry, all we got is petite women
The size of the house depends on the zone, if you want those classy houses in a rich zone the house will go small, but a middle class zone you can have a house, but if not in mexico city prices go down a lot
I would be interested in living in Tijuana if I were to work in San Diego. What is it like there
you can live on my couch in exchange for sex

Depends on where in the country you live. Chinks and boomers fucked up the housing market so it's unaffordable but it's probably still a lot cheaper to live in Canada than Finland.
Rosarito would be better, it's full of gringos. Tijuana has some "ok" parts, but it's mostly ass.
You can live in a condo for like $400-600 a month, you could be survive on your own fully for ~1000/month
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Your backpack, your wallet, your life.
You have no idea of what we do to whiteys who dare trespass our borders.
homeless here, AMA
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