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Whites > East Aryans = Japanese = Manchus = Mongols >
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Whites > East Aryans = Japanese = Manchus = Mongols

> Shitskins = All Chinese = All Southeast Asians

> Gooks (Koreans) = Shit

Reminder, Japanese and Manchus are equal to non-white Europeans, while the remainder are shitskins with Gook Koreans as plastic subhuman trash,
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>non-white Europeans
is japan skipping borders just to shitpost about koreans again.
Is he really popular in Mongolia?
Manchu are one kind of Tungus people. And are Koreans closer to Tungus than Japanese which mixed with Jomon people?
not that popular i guess. they stopped broadcasting sumo after he quit. and he lost a lot of face starring in ads in japan.
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am i white ?
Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere part 2 let's make it happen
Manchus and Mongols have Scythian Aryan blood. And Japanese have Ainu blood.

Us Koreans are descended from Chinese slaves and Hmongs.
You look Syrian-Macedonian
you're muslim so no
if you stop being muslim and rename yourself jean-marie then yes
>put white in first place

Why you so self hater,kim?
but mongels resemble you
Yeah :d i am Syrian wtf how you know ?

Jesus was MENA looks man so ? lmao
Jesus was French
blasphemers will burn in hellfire
No Syrian Turkmen.
kurds are brunette mostly.
I heard he made great field about 5000km^2 to sell crops to Japan.
Jezus was Slovene, you infidel.
Good thread
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The real question is, how many ISIS soldiers have pounded your boipucci?
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