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Redpill me on the Irish, /int/ Are the stereotypes true? I've
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Redpill me on the Irish, /int/
Are the stereotypes true?
I've been reading up on them and despite them seeming like a friendly, mostly white community I've heard they are very close to being actual niggers.
How could this be? What are their origins?
I'm 1/8 Irish but seem to only have short irrational bursts of anger that fade quickly(like losing at a video game)
and most violent rednecks I've met have a very high percentage of Irish blood.
Is it really not a meme? Do the Irish really chimp out?
>Do the Irish really chimp out
Yes just like the the rest of the UK
Are Northern Irish Anglo?
not OP or anything but should i learn the language, i consider it
>Irish just like the the rest of the UK
Well, that's one way to find out.
ireland as a whole is anglo unfortunately
Ha ha no. Unless you want to talk to old people or get a free ride to university.
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>I'm 1/8 Irish but seem to only have short irrational bursts of anger that fade quickly(like losing at a video game)

Same for me but I strongly doubt it's because of my Irish blood
I know one Irish lad, he drinks and then does everything if you bet with him, top lad.
I'm 1/64 irish so basically a laprechon.
When can I return home?
when does the next flight to Massachusetts depart?
bring your pot of nazi gold with you and we can talk
leprechaun detected
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muh heritage.jpg
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