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What is the West Virginia of your country? >Sparsely populated
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What is the West Virginia of your country?
>Sparsely populated
>People there are pretty backwards
>But mostly keep to themselves
>Good nature though (but everyone who wants to visit the nature there just goes to real Virginia since it's in a nicer state)
File: 2000px-Basilicata_in_Italy.svg.png (550 KB, 2000x2513) Image search: [Google]
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I expected these
Very nice. Utah is the West Virginia of your country.
ya you got a problem with that ill punch you in ur fuckin mouth
File: West_Coast_New_Zealand.png (7 KB, 405x590) Image search: [Google]
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West Coast desu
I thought west coast NZ was Oz.
That's the Gold Coast g
what the fuck did you just say about our distant linguistic cousins?
Because it's a place that has escaped the influence of Globaluzation and Modernization for some point. They speak a meme German, have some fairly dull landscapes and almost no major cities.

Bavaria may fit the bill regarding some stereotypes in the US, but it's very populous as well as THE German Bundesland by many metrics
Not Mecklenburg-Vorpommern?
Does that mean the stereotypes on Doc Martin are real?

Do you mean that Bavaria is to Germany as Texas is to America?

"The classical image of the country in one region?" Is that what you mean?
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