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Is Quebec Latin America?
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Is Quebec Latin America?
Yes, actually. Though definitely not colloquially
Canada is part of Latin America :^)
Yep, also California, Texas, all southern US, the chicano union and NYC little Italy
You'd think a latin american nation would at least have a bearable climate that you can enjoy even in winter.

That's not the case in Québec.
It's not independent, so no
If it was then sure, if Haiti is part then also Quebec
the only place in the US that might even remotely be called a part of Latin America is New Mexico because they are majority hispanic and have Spanish as an official language
Haiti is independent.
Quebec isn't
Quebéc created the term "Latin America".
No,they're not.
Shame they're stuck in the same country with those lame candy-asses.
Anglo-Canada could quite possibly be one of the worst British mistakes
so "Louisiana has french heritage" is just a meme?
Independent like falkland islands :^)
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>Spanish is the official language of New Mexico
Technically, yes

But nowadays latino is a synonym of hispanic, mestizo, chicano... then Québec isn't
I know you love Quebec et notre merveilleuse culture but wow.Stop to be so rude with English Canadians.
You're supposed to friends with them because they a wondeful nature like yours.
just looked it up

the original NM state constitution called for a bilingual spanish/english state but it isn't legally considered one today
I think they have NOTHING to do with Portugal or Spain.

They are way more advanced. Their culture is not familiar, is individualistic anglo/northern Europe tier
Latin America was made up bullshit term made by Napoleon diplomacy to please the locals anyway.

"Latin" america is only related to spain and portugal, it actually doesn't share roots with Rome or the Roman Empire.

To me Quebec barely looks like France. They are way more anglo, individualism, economic freedom, northern european culture and so on
You don't know shit about Quebec. Talking in a different language isn't culture. Quebec is the exact same as the rest of Canada, just more French people.
Language is literally the most important vector for culture
Westmount cuck detected
There's a lot of Portuguese ethnica in Quebec
Not really, though definitely it fits in the exact same cultural continuum as the rest of North America, to claim that it's the exact same is simply ignorant. There is definitely a cultural difference between Quebec and Ontario which goes beyond just language (even though, as I said, both of them fit in the same cultural continuum, just like the rest of Canada and the USA).
>t. hasnt been to eastern quebec
not brown enough. trudo will change that though
Well, they both speak awful French. Maybe they're related after all?
Why is there so much Québec hate? I grew up surrounded by Québécois, and they seemed like nice people. I remember playing with them as a child on the playground, having no idea what they were saying, but having fun nonetheless. Ah, memories :)
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Technically speaking yes, but no.
They were making fun of you from afar, anon.
yes they are corrupt lazy parasites

That's ibero-america. Not Latin America. If Haiti is part of LA then so is QC desu senpai
No, we are Francophonies so celtic-germanic
Frogs are as latin american as fucking italians, so no.
French guyana and haiti are 100% memes, i don't see any reason quebec shouldn't be one too
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