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>European Union >Stable I don't see states of the
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>European Union

I don't see states of the US, provinces of China or oblasts of Russia on the verge of leaving, with even more considering it.
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Oblasts of Russia that consider it get PUTINED
Further proof that Europe is the most free place on the planet.
>inb4 muh guns
freedom to get shot isn't a real freedom
Probably because those entities are actually nations while the EU is more of an agreement between nations to form a community with common laws to some extent.

Also the EU specifically mentions how states can leave the community while proper nations don't have that.
Europe also has the freedom to get raped by Muslims. So progressive, very tolerant.
EU a shit. When is Britain finally leaving it? I feel like this brexit thing has been in the news for years now
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Russian Caliphate.jpg
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Good to know that Russia doesn't have a problem with thousands of Muslims clogging their streets when they pray.

So tolerant, I'm so sad we don't have that in Germany.
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I'm not from Russia.
>mfw Euro people rather drink coffee than tea

The referendum is in 9 days, the actual day we will officially leave is sometime June 2018.
thanks senpai

Not us, Japan.
I drink tea.
great isn't it
please leave if you don't like it :(
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>United Kingdom

I see states of the UK, provinces of China (Tibet) or oblasts of Russia (Chechnya) on the verge of leaving, with even more considering it.
>not from Russia
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>provinces of China (Tibet) or oblasts of Russia (Chechnya) on the verge of leaving, with even more considering it.

You seem to have forgotten what happens when they even consider leaving.
Shh, this is a disguise to fool Poland into thinking they do not have a vulnerable border with Russia.

Leaving such decision to a referendum was just another of Cameron's gimmick to get more votes. Direct democracy is dangerous when it comes to IR issues
more like losing against chechen monkeys then 3 years later winning xoxo
Kadyrov is on paycheck, nothing to fear off comradski.
>Civil war means your country is stable

haha, great one America
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Greetings trve friends.png
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>the EU is more of an agreement between nations to form a community with common laws to some extent.
we're heading more and more towrds a federation day by day
>Also the EU specifically mentions how states can leave the community while proper nations don't have that.
soon they'll change that

I can't wait for the EU to collapse after Brexit. holy shit I haven't been this hyped for years
Do any US states have a right to leave the Union in their state constitutions?
what should they have done instead? this is democracy ffs. let the people have a say.

Brits are doing a good thing here
our standing army stops our states from leaving, just wait until the EU builds their own army.

>the EU is more of an agreement between nations

Federalization within our lifetime, it will happen
Some states tried to leave once, we fought a war to get them back. States can't leave.
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