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>USA gave up its stylish aesthetic to compete with godless
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>USA gave up its stylish aesthetic to compete with godless commies building concrete boxes
>the meme never ended

God, why? When do we get back to making things that are beautiful? Are we competing with Chinks building glass boxes now?
it is pretty sad. what's the name for that style? post more. also post modernism is cancer
either you have never seen "godless commies building concrete buildings" or you hate "chinks"

probably both
Art Deco
The traditional 'commieblock' is actually a reaction to the post-modernist fashions of the capitalist world. Before the war, the soviet block build mostly traditional and modernist style architecture.

>post modernism is cancer

t. Myopic Mabel
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I feel you.
the point is to make people feel crushing despair, the elites got together and realized beauty and inspiration were a threat to their control, and braindead groupthink did the rest
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it was the joos
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If only ;_;
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>train going through building

for what purpose
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Dont question the future!
Traffic means progress so you obviously want it in 300 meters height right beside your office.
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Moar 20s Megalomania
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Fucking everything seemed possible during this time.
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Looks like gotham city, I like it
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Gotham was deliberatly styled after 20s america architecture on steroids as far as I know.
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full version
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Concrete and steel
Concrete and steel everywhere
I thought OP was talking about brutalism
why are german posters so lame?
Why? Suburbanism.
Due to cheap oil, it was cheaper to go horizontal instead of vertical. After all, employers don't have to pay for commute time, fuel or the pollution. Employees get ticky tacky boxes in the middle of nowhere, and they're told they're lucky and living the american dream.
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All I see is a bunch of little metal boxes exchanged for a few big ones.
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If you try to build anything that looks really good these days, the other architects will just say you are being "fake" or you are building a "toy town".

To be respected as a serious architect, you have to build shit buildings that few people like. (The fact that hardly anyone likes your buildings means that your buildings have a high-brow beauty that only geniuses like you and your architect friends can recognise).

I disagree.
Fossil fuel made it easier to build up.
They could build a few stories high hundreds of years ago.
Only fossil fuels enabled mass construction of giant blabla shitty soulless buildings.

Suburbia arose due to the car and the absolutely disgusting influence of people like Le Corbusier.
That is terrible
whoever drew this knows nothing about urbanism
The vertical nightmare the German posted is worse than suburbs
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This all looks warhammerish
Is it true? Are you an arhcitect?
wow noice
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Post modernism is beautiful, pleb.
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vid related
>modern """"""""art"""""""""
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Imagine working at the office next to the train line and feeling it pass every fucking time, every day at a distance of less than 2 meters from your chair.
Imagine if a terrorist attack like 9/11 happened in one of these illustrations, with all the sidewalks and roads in the air going from building to building
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>whoever drew this knows nothing about urbanism
do you live in bilbao?
This is arcology, not archology.
looks like he stil doesnt know shit about urbanism
Lots of people. That is why.
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No, Gerona
Damn, now I want to use a spiral escalator.
Honestly, the arcology shape looks boring as fuck, I'll take suburbia or megalopoly over it any day.
Art Deco, the furniture was fantastic. Pisses me off immensely. It would have solidified an 'American Culture'. Having our own unique architecture and interior design.

the architecture of the guggenheim of bilbao is overrated
fucking gorgeous, what am in in for if i decided to move to your country?
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>post modernism is cancer
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>tfw an architecture thread

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I love the 80s art of the future. LA resident here, can confirm this is what it looked like 3 years ago
what if i join the legion?
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holy shit

what legion?
spanish foreign legion? and i was asking the espaƱafag, why are you answering my questions? have you even set foot there yourself?
Post Modernism is the Vaporwave of architecture
>spanish foreign legion
>in catalonia

i'm other anon from Madrid but i kek'd
my recommendation for you is be an english teacher or something like that, we appreciate native english teachers
is that all I can do, its not a bad gig though. Im a spic but i'll admit my spanish isnt perfect but that'll change with enough time assimilating.
This is the future mang, everything must be made of glass, concrete and metal cubes now.
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Best city, from an architectural standpoint, in America.
>future of 1950
>honestly expected cities to look like that in just 25 years.

Were people really that blindly optimistic?
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It's not that out there, besides the underground roads
That looks fucking hideous. Those buildings look like theyre covered in vinyl sheets.
Screw you, insensetive brat. may be they're a bit hideous outside but they're beautiful inside.
Youre a faggot ass bitch nigger terrorist cock-sucker.
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Future here we come.
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We hit the limitation of bricks. I much prefer the art deco answer of the Chrysler building.
Thread replies: 83
Thread images: 40

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