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>Go tinder >see some qt guy >he looks fine in his photos
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>Go tinder
>see some qt guy
>he looks fine in his photos
>go on date
>see some 178cm manlet
>i am 176 + high heels
>tfw 15cm taller than him

God damn it, why am i so unlucky? Where can i find dexent dudes?!?
pls be in moscow
How u detect me?
are you from Stalingrad by any chance?
>be 176 cm

18cm heels, really
How the fuck any girl will ever ever have sex wit you? Me and all my friends will never ever.>>60429042
lol most white girls i've met were my height or shorter. the guys i knew who do best with random girls were usually guidos my height or shorter.

this is some weird ass trolling you got here though. do you go on /fit/ btw?
he probably doesn't want to have sex with a jewish pedophile
i'm open to trying anything once though.
Pedojew is probably rubbing his hands together at the thought of it
That's why I don't wear high heels. I'm 178cm and the typical chilean boy is 175cm.
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I must be a kid
Because you're a guy and a faggot, which are usually shallow size queens. I'm 178 and I can 100% assure you I've had more sex then you probably ever will. Not counting those children you fucked of course. Good try though pedojew.
There are many jews here who pretend to have other lives than they actually have.
>tfw no 6'4" gf that will wear 10" platforms with me in public
i love reverse height domination, ambivalentely i'm just 170 so as long as there's just one girl like that i'll be happy
Why do you bother? It's not like you're a woman btw.
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C pocтocpaчaми-нa cocaчи.
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>Women over 175cm
And I'm 191cm btw
My gf is 1.79 :^)
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>mfw 171 cm

You fucking Russian whore! Tell that to my face and see what happens.

This happens:
>wearing 17 cm heels
Are you some kind of fetishist or something?
171 and had lots of sex already.

It's the size that matters.
>170 cm
>20 cm cock

Life is great
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für you, mein jew
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