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What do foreign keyboards look like?
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File: 71lKq0pcXML._SL1500_.jpg (140 KB, 1500x606) Image search: [Google]
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What do foreign keyboards look like?
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>tfw have to constantly switch keyboard between 3 languages
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FN is the best touch of the keyboard.
Why do you have an ß on your keyboard?
How does this work? Aren't there hundreds of characters in kanji?
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You type it in phonetically and choose in the list which wors you meant.
We type words normally and a list appears in order to convert to suitable kanji, then we choose the one.
This sometimes sucks because PC freezes when you are using shitty one or when it's busy so we sometimes waste time just to type.
Have this piece of shit, god damned symbols are all fucking wrong, can't wait for the time I will get a proper keyboard to change that one
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I hate it.
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Who /Das Keyboard/ here?
Trivia question.

Why is the keyboard set out in such a way that QWERTY appears in the top left instead of doing:


To prevent jamming on typewriters.
because you gaijins are retarded
they spaced out the letters to avoid jamming on typewriters
>blank keys
for what purpose
To brag about it on /g/.
what's wrong with QWERTZ?
Thread replies: 27
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