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Thread replies: 115
Thread images: 37
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Equality under the South Dakotan Sun edition
i want to fuck Canada
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Who /booger eater/ here?
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>tfw you'll wake up tomorrow
North and South Dakota should be one state.
dumb little brat
Only if they're no longer part of the US

I'm not gay
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I don't know what part of the US I want to live in. All seems kind of boring except a few places

do you guys think the coasts are that different?

on the west coast, theres fun, good weather, good people, and habitable life

on the least coast, theres hurricanes, ungodly humidity and heat, tornadoes, and dixie scum
Oh yes very different
West coast is snobs
East coast is uptight
nth for don't bully!
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Does /cum/ like England?
Not really

Most of the time Brits are insulting us and trying to banter us out of our own threads.
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you do have some good qt's
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wouldn't mind a butterface gf
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>every brit has a folder full of 9/11 images
>brits always make fun of Americans for being way too serious
>then brits start mocking dead Americans
>when we get pissed off they backpedal
>outsourced doc martens
>OBSESSED with maisie which is just creepy

canada is shit at banter and goes way too hard and autistic but as long as they sometimes go after the UK I'm a-ok w/ that
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west coast sounds 2 good 2 be true ;_;
what's the catch?
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>Amerifats can't handle the bants

its expensive as hell, and if you live here in CA, you wont see rain for about 97% of the year
The hulk hogan one is better 2bh
Yeah but the black guy is more representative of modern day America.
You'll become one of those douchebags that writes songs about how cool California is.
Nobody will like you because you're out-of-state

Exactly why we don't like you
It's just nonstop taking the piss out of EVERYTHING we do

Give it a rest man, relax for once
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sorry, we only trade banter with large trading blocs.

who says we dont like out of staters? plenty of people emigrate here
That's what happens when you do everything wrong "dude".
besides being 'expensive' (vs. urbanized east coast?) it sounds awesome

>east coast
>every other guy feels the need to act like tony soprano
>filling up gas, indian attendant walks away and doesn't come back, italians pull up and block my exit with an SUV that might as well be a small tank
>only nature near me looks like fallout DLC, everything else is suburbs


outer virginia, upstate NY, and new england have plenty of forest to live in, m80
Everyone there is gay.
>enter /cum/
>be cutesy and ask if americans like you
>literally revert back to /brit/ form after one response and instantly start pissing off americans

not even remotely true
Making fiberous turd right now

*posted from iPhone 6
Personal experience
Plus historical evidence! See Grapes of Wrath.

As if.
You're here as a guest, so instead of throwing shit and trying to get a rise outta folks how about you do as the Romans and cut the banter and pick up some small talk.
Met my state governor yesterday
Was just a meme. Jesus I thought we're supposed to be the uptight ones. Go smoke some weed lmao maaaan.

>see grapes of wrath

it was the depression. Californians wanted jobs in their state first rather than people moving in from out of state and taking lower pay

would you have done differently?
doesn't that book end with a woman literally ripping her shirt down and forcefully breastfeeding a dehydrated man?
californians treated okies like complete and utter shit m8
did you not read grapes of wrath
i mean even i read a stolen copy (funded by american taxpayers xD)
yep, right after she miscarried from malnutrition
got a boner from that part tee bee haich

yah, I read it and even harvest gypsies. But again, it was during a time of extreme crisis.

Californians are much more open nowadays
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hi guys..
pah, i cant imagine treating my countrymen that badly when im still fairly well off
cali should just rejoin mexico honestly
smart leafposter
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>women used to stuff their boobs in men's mouths because they looked thirsty
what the FUCK happened
Perhaps I might get into politics later on in my life.
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>mexican politics
y-yeah! s-s-s-sounds great
I would have provided some semblance of generosity to my fellow countrymen rather than throw them in prison and murder them for following jobs nobody wants.
I hate you all and nothing posted on here is cute.
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cute you say?
This could very well be the greatest album ever recorded.

You absolutely can not disagree with me, it is a fact and not a matter of opinion.

not even the TH's best record
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delet this

but its true
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a scanner darkly.png
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eh, the anime was okay, but unsurprisingly the book was a lot better

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>brits always make fun of Americans for being way too serious

>this whole post
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I'm going to lose my fucking mind if you don't take that back
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It was so nice and then you came back
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one day the nips will pay for their sins
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luv u
And yet that post is still whiter than the UK
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The original lad wasn't me
Poor banter
>dorm next door literally waits until 1 in the morning to start blasting music
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>implying you aren't pakistan 2.0
>facts are now banter
Say hi 2 my new gf
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The M is here
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cum is finally dead

RIP /cum/
>got tat when I was a retarded edgy kid that says "Never Knows Best"
>reminded I have this on me every day
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time for sleepy music
now it can finally live in peace, god bless

f*ck off goof
>pepe still used
I fucking hate that shitty frog
>multiple women wished me a happy birthday
>think it's the first time since 2009
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I only post specific pepes i find entertaining
I told you cucks that "salt is bad for you" is just a meme and you didn't believe me
Now who's laughing? Enjoy your bland food and your heart attacks, nosalt fags.
it's been a facebook tier meme for awhile now, the fact that it isn't as widely hated on 4chan as it should be is evidence at just how bad of shape the site is in

check out the meme professor over here
who TF upppppp
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Too much of anything is too much and too little of anything is not good either. Balance is everything in the body, if you don't have normal blood sodium then you have low blood volume due to lack of water retention because there's not a lot of solutes to follow and put back into blood and that can be a problem just as much as high blood sodium having the opposite effect. Moderation is key.
happy birthday /cum/-chan
having a fukken stye dudes and dudettes fml senpai desu
I can't even
i really really like this pepe image
Nice post. Very informative
guess the ethnicity

fuck off you massive goober
I was about to tfw about how I never got to see them live, but then I remembered I did and it was kind of really disappointing

I`m wonder how you`re chosing "best place" not even mentioning what and how you will do for livivng.

Are you all ethernal cartpushers or what?
she's korean you dummy
Who knows anyways. Who even knows.

a good few of them look really fuckable
They know.
why eggplants tho lol no chink has that much girth

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is 30 rock one of the best sitcoms ever? I would say it's the best, but then I remembered it's always sunny exists
is he ok?
seinfield or big bang theory
cum lol
best post all day. Now good night

That was kind of disturbing.
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gud nite /cum/
Thread replies: 115
Thread images: 37

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