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Burger King with sauna
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Tbqph this isn't a terrible idea Finland.
r-r they naked

eating naked sounds hot
>how was the burger king/sauna? Good food?
>Nah man they really fucked my burger
burger king sounds like an american royal title
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>not having saunas literally everywhere
I thought you were supposed to be nude in the sauna
You are.
they'd better have mämmi on the menu
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mm rönttö.jpg
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Just came from sauna with my gf after swimming in a nice chill lake

It's 5 am and sun is already shining btw
saunas are spooky
you can see tits in sauna
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>male and female share sauna
WTF I love Finland now
fuck off then finnish people will laugh at you when you on under wears on sauna
Imagine that in America
>Dozens of putrid, fat bodies lying on the floor because of the heat with their mouth full of rotten shit that once was a happy meal
Actually I think you just woke up
well I have a heart condition and high pressure so saunas are deadly for me. I was in one when I was a kid tho. It was full of drunk and elderly people
did they touch you?
You all grown up now and you can always sit in the lower bench i have the sames.
too bad bro. everytime im in a sauna with my buddies we just open up to each other and have a deep cohesive discussion (and maybe play with our benises a little)
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No. They were eating fish or playing chess half naked. It was pretty ordinary I just didn't enjoy seeing 70 years old dicks.

I need medicine in my blood so I will pass
>lower bench
What is the significance of this? I have never been in a sauna since my whole country basically is one already
temperature there is lower and the air is not so stiff afaik
the higher you sit the hotter it becomes
It's actually quite significant. The door is never airtight so the air can freely flow inside, and the colder the air the heavier it is so it's not as hot on lower bench
but why
ta m8s
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Comfy as fuck.

Also prisons have saunas too.
>sporting arena

What a waste
Prisons are also ridiculously luxurious on my country, I was working on one as it was being built and they have internet access and large televisions and various sporting arenas
>burger king is mostly for children
>putting a sauna in a restaurant mostly for children

fucking europeans are disgusting
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Here's the American royalty on a visit to Spain to learn about the means of entertainment there.
Do you hit each other with a banny venik? (wiki says it's vasta in finnish)
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>ywn be molested in the sauna by an older Finnish woman
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