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>Australia declares a war on fish. LMAO CAN'T EVEN MAKE
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>Australia declares a war on fish.
it's actually a good idea, Great Lakes should do the same thing
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>white people can't commit genocide on other people anymore so they do it on FUCKING FISH instead

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I wonder where we've seen this before
If they have so many carp, why don't they just start fishing and canning them, then ending world hunger with their endless supply of fish?

Why are Aussies so selfish and wasteful?
Didn't they declare war on cats as well?
Can't they just let the two of them fight it out and kill the winner?
only 5 polish would be enough
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>final solution
Knowing the Aussies they'll loose it like the Emu war.
My father was a carpenter, what do Australians have against us?
>yfw they lose
Loose like your mum too.
How do you shit talk fish to death?
you have to put them in clear water for several days to remove mud in their bodies before processing or shipping. That's probably laborious and costly.
>final solution

tbqf that sounds like something we should be letting abos that live off the land do
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Why are Australians always trying to genocide animals?
poor carps. I hope they can carpe diem while they are alive.
>you have to put them in clear water for several days to remove mud in their bodies
what the hell. Fish have no dirt in their bodies
Why not?
Remember what happened last time Australia tried to war animals?
dunno but I heard carp will be too stinky without doing that.
I wouldn't know, I have never eaten fish in my entire life.

But when we went fishing with my father, when we caught fish, and brought them home, my mother cleaned them right away.

Because they pretty much genocided there native population

Gotta have something to genocide
Are they invasive?
the yanks should declare war on chinky carps too
We have a lot of very tasty fish to declare war on that have no place here
you cant eat asian carp you absolute retard, they taste like horseshit
anyone who lives near the mississippi or its tributaries hates chinky carps with a passion
>Chinks commiting genocide on anyone but themselves
Poles keep carps in bathtubs before cooking. This is what i read on /int/.
good one
But I never said that.
I was talking about the blue catfish
Carp is the most useless fish you can have in your waters, I'd say they should catch them in masses and sell them as the cheapest chum in the world
>I wouldn't know, I have never eaten fish in my entire life.
>But when we went fishing with my father, when we caught fish, and brought them home, my mother cleaned them right away.

How do these two statements fit together?
>I have never eaten fish
>when we caught fish
Wow golly gee wickers anon. You're right! Those two statements are exactly the same!
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Our government works in strange ways. The Great Barrier Reef is literally being bleached and is dying, but they focus on carp.
You are partly right.

They absorb a dirty taste in rivers, but clean water filters them out after a few days.
fuck you auscunt carp are the poor man's best friend here
Free market won't profitably allow that.

t. Capitalism
In Texas, by law, if you recreationally catch fish you must use them for food purposes.

But I do see how the statements can work.

I just always eat what I catch. Makes it taste better IMO.
t. Poor man
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>cant beat emus
>can't beat cats

>have to resort to trying to beat fish
My parents like fish, especially in soup. I find even the smell of it revolting.
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>Island full of extremely dangerous and/or venomous animals (cassowaries, man o' wars, box jellies, several different snake and spider species, etc.)
>Instead of spending resources to kill animals which are a legitimate threat they use it to kill fucking fish

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Khan't make this shit up family
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>final solution
yeah, japan got their shit pushed in at kokoda and then america nuked them

Carp are bottom feeders
You're a bottom feeder
Carps are the niggers of the sea tho
Steady yourself, Brazil. Don't forget where you are.
Asian carp are actually a huge issue here, probably the same in Australia
Though Aussies have always had issues with invasive Asians
I will soon, soon I'll be there :^)
Because these introduced fish (carp) live in waters with local fish and it is impossible to catch just one type and not the others. The disease however is deadly to carp but NOT the local fish.
(BTW, many people find carp poor eating; muddy taste; coarse flesh.)
The Australian distaste for their native wildlife is rather concerning. Like, why can't they take care of the species that actually is a plight to their society?
True, but some animals taste of what they eat. Some people can taste 'grassy flavours' in non-grain-fed red meats like sheep or cattle. People say that carp tastes "muddy" - they sift the bottom of the waterways for food, like catfish.
We did. Good luck finding one of those on the East coast. Some businesses and universities have an honorary "pretend to care" moment where we thank the slain boongs for their land then get on with our jobs and education at the start of the year.
Because newly arrived migrants often miss the foods they had back home and introduce them. Examples: rabbits; foxes; carp. Some were introduced as biological controls of other pests, but became pests themselves: cane toads (not kidding, brought here in misguided attempt to control sugar cane beetles). And then we have a new pest species. (sigh)
Yes; their feeding methods as bottom-feeders stir up the bottom mud and the slope up to the edge of the river. Local soil conditions can then led to side erosion. The turbid water is not preferred by local fish, who then don't breed as well or just go away, leaving the carp to dominate. Repeat many times and we have sections of large and entire small rivers with nothing but carp.
Can't catch ONLY carp. We tried netting rivers before, the catch always includes some local fish. Carp are such prolific breeders that we were just helping them replace the local fish. :-(
Families. Many go fishing together, not everyone eats the fish though. Have a brain?
good post
The carp disease must have been in research for years, mate. Think of all the tests on local species before it was deemed safe to release.
How's that cat war going?
you could sell it to the chinese, given how many lakes the PRC has poisoned in its drive to industrialize
White people have genocide in their blood, and Australia is in the middle of nowhere.
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>australians now attempting genocide of horses

CANNOT make this shit up

We try NOT to kill the local species these days, unless they are an immediate threat e.g. a croc that attacked people. Even poisonous snakes seen at schools are often caught and moved. The carp are INTRODUCED not local, same as rabbits, foxes, cats.
>declare war on emus
>declare war on carp
No, they aren't. Fresh water fish.
Apocalypse Meow?
You don't have to eat everything your mom cooks
If your country isn't currently trying to wipe out a species or a race, it isn't white.

Date Location Deaths Injuries Description
July 26, 1764 Greencastle, Pennsylvania 10 2 Enoch Brown school massacre: Perhaps the earliest shooting to happen on school or college property, in what would become the United States, was the notorious Enoch Brown school massacre during the Pontiac's War. Three men entered the schoolhouse near present-day Greencastle, Pennsylvania, shot and killed schoolmaster Enoch Brown, and nine children (reports vary). Only three children survived.[1][2]
19th century[edit]
do you think genocidal instincts have been bred into whites or are a byproduct of ideas/society?
good thing we aren't poor
>national sorry day

can't make this shit up
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>thread about carps and fishing
>based hungarian ho-ho-horgász instantly appears
>Chinks literally committed genocide on sparrows
A war that they will loose,like al lthe previous animal wars that they fought. Even 4 billion dollars worth of French subs cannot help them defeat the mighty carp.
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