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>tfw you will always be an American
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Thread replies: 77
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>tfw you will always be an American
Did you seriously get so asspained you saved the screencap?
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yeah sorry.png
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What utter lamentation.
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burgers are oversensitive, this is why they invented the SJW movement
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Spain is not spain.jpg
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If people want to raise niggers, they're free to do that. "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", whatever that may be to you.
t. dejamalrquand jackson
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Agreed, they degenerates but they have the right to do so as long as they don't break any laws. God bless american freedom
le race maymay

W H O T H E F U C K C A R E S F U C K O F F B A C K T O / P O L /
>reminding me of this doujin

As a Yukarifag, I had to drop it after I saw her backstory.
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Apparently a lot since you guys are easily triggered
t. Tyrodekwandson Ramirez

americans are the most easily butthurt people on earth on par with mexicans

they hold nationwide grudges its pretty amazing t bh
feels pretty fucking great 2bh. its painfully obvious that ever european who hates america is a musim anyways

I'm still amazed at the amount of those atustic fucks that are newfags here.
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>tfw you'll never win DV lottery or marry american qt to become an American.
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Two very happy people. Only a Spaniard could see that as a horrible thing.

You are foreign, just find an atustic university student and marry her.
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Her you go bluepill.
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>American flag
>Its actually a nigger
1. make a connection with he ruskies in brighton beach
2. say "I need to get the fuck out of russia."
3. ?????
4. Welcome home, Igor. Now get to work.
Haha yeah, now let's hear the Dane's amazing accnet
Why would she, whatever. Self respect is rare these times.
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quality of life.png
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feels pretty fucking good 2bh

sure it may suck to be poor compared to a handful of countries but who cares
Are you blaming foreign dicks for your own virginity?
Holy shit. Canada representing.
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There are many roach lovers among them?

>ruskies in brighton beach
They are actually jews, with all that that implies.
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The ones that run gas stations and gentleman's clubs don't seem very Jewish.
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>Caring what muslims (and russians) think
the eternal German butthurt

It's just the foreign element. You're different from the majority. Think about anytime you've come across someone from another cunt, it is just interesting to talk to them because they aren't the same as people you interact with on a daily basis.
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Philippines, Jesus. They were your first erm like what we used to do with everyone and you. Well done for them still loving you and to such a great extent too. Like us and Ireland too. Honest.
Flips are everywhere here. They're the nicest people on earth tb h
>oh yeah? Well you eat burgers!
>and there are fat people in your country!
There and Mexico were your first steps in your dad's tyrannical slippers. It was historically quite brutal. And.. they love you. Maybe it's an east Asian thing.
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What? Are you having a stroke or something m8?
Americans absolutely BTFO

How will they ever recover?
I can't even tell you how much I hate being things by simple association. Graphs have ruined my life as an American.
That is literally /pol/.

I was thinking the same thing.
>tfw live better than the elite of italy
>America has better healthcare so we detect autism easier
Wow sure showed me.
>tfw you will always be from swaziland
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/pol/ is not a board you should visit if you value your sanity.
I went on it once but there was too much butthurt and too many poo in loo memes
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>They are actually jews, with all that that implies.
I live in NYC. Originally they were but not anymore.
i am sorry man
Mexico fucked with the wrong Gringos desu.

Humm, strange in many ways, but hey, Vietnam is a beautiful cunt. At least I know I can visit it now.
silly Brit, us Americans have a sence of irony, that is the reason that song got so popular
Overdignised here desu. They did the same with ADHD and Bi-Polar.
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4chan pol.jpg
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/pol/ best board on 4chan. Where all the people go to get redpilled. You call it sanity, I call it shilling and loving the globalist jew. Leftist bastard.
what the hell?
I want to ride a black american cock.
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white guy 1386685657001.jpg
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Over diagnosed. You couldn't see through the typos?
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race traitor 1384997273888.jpg
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Need more than a single coalburner to trigger me arab.
Al-Jazeera. lol.
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Oh shit a new one, hot off the press! Love these.
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spanje homosex.jpg
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Nice try arab.
This is why America is the best country on earth. Rest of the world be racist an shit.
Thread replies: 77
Thread images: 31

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