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white man edition
feel a bit sorry for british people who hate London
me in the top right
Papa Si's is a burger van that parks up outside the union and sells overpriced chips and shit to drunk students

no pizza though senpai
Wish Amazon would release the Echo over here, the cunts.
I bet they can't because of all the dirty regional accents we have.
But I want one and I have a home counties accent, dammit. It'll understand me fine.
Why do scousers have to ruin everything?
do you guys have pets /brit/
what are they like
love seeing girls complain about not having a bf
Eating a brick on Bagel Lane rn
hello my white friends
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Famous historical benders edition
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Why? Do you live there?
fuck off
Have to be careful now people know what city I'm from haha lads x

Bit worried you'll dox me and drive over my knackers with a fiat punto when I come out of work x
good lad
Is Pilkington Library named after Carl Pilkington?
well I do have a black friend.

He's a little snappy but I think I'm starting to discipline him.
drinking some coke zero zero
Just found out Dominica is gay lads

bit heartbroken to be honest
need advice, want to move to Manchester within ~3 months

Any of you live there? Which parts to avoid? Where's decent? Best pubs/clubs?
Yes if that's what makes you people happy.
Same my muslim brother.
Asian UKIP candidate accused of racially abusing Muslim Tesco worker claims he swore at her for wearing tight clothes
that bruce kid that bruce posted in the previous thread looks like the roaches Wojak
the entire country?
no it is named after our first chancellor
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more like

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Want an overweight sassy gay black bff
>Words cannot describe my connection with the UK

>this is the average Yank bird

you lads should go out there, say you're from London and its like shooting fish in a barrel

You can say that about the country of Iceland.
leaving at the earliest opportunity desu
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He's Samoan though
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>tfw forgot this weeks jizya payments
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This arrived today lads

Hope I haven't been memed
wtf me too
I reject your claim.
were you actually there at 1/2am yesterday?

i was too lmao
Why are Yank women so hungry for Anglo penis?

Oh wait it is because we are excellent and they are not.
I almost told you that I loved you
Thank god I didn't cuz it would have been a lie
I say the damndest things when you're on top of me
I almost told you that I loved you

I reject your rejection to my claim.
There's a literal paki in this thread right now lads


because it's a bloody top city and too many mongs keep shitting on it on /int/ like >>58814174
nah I went up during the day I'm afraid mate not a leicester fan and I didn't want to be part of the /lifelong/ meme going up there for the pissup

yes I believe that's the reason

informative, thanks
amazing what money and fame can do huh

if she wasn't in GoT then he would literally spit at her in the streets
bollocks are leaking pus again
He's an Englishman how fucking dare you.

Wanna fuck?
It's a proxy

went up last night for bant

went to the stadium and then to a club, which ended up having a bunch of the players in there too

>want to move to Manchester


Very important thread lads

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Attempting to make muffins lads
Wish me luck
good lad
pizzaman really bricked it cutting my pizza

get it together abu hanjaar
Looks like a right poof.
If you fuck up packet mix, I don't know what to say lad
is he vaccinated?
be careful, they bite

you could easily pick up a fat insecure bear from the US, I bet
you're bonkers mate, an absolute nutcase if I ever saw one!
>London is going to have its first paki mayor

Ah yes, very impressive

Good luck
Avoid Moss Side like your life depends on it, because it does.
>"Hello my name is George Washington, I am so bent I love the French and am leading a terrorist army to destroy the British Empire."

This is an actual thing he said.
>radio 3 presenter is afraid of coughing so he's constantly making clucking noises

Just cough you cunt
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>No, I don't want to enlist the help of a strapping young man to punish my naughty botty

He's a proud Englishman.
God I wish I was there. My area isn't progressive at all :(

Excellent digits me bredda.
ate some raviolis
Guys since today every time I try to do the captcha the images disappear when I click on them and it takes multiple refreshes until it'll work. What's up? It's pissing me off.

there aren't roving gangs of youths sporting machetes and excrement lining the streets, despite what ITV tells you, you abject fucking mong

That's what she gets for dressing in a haram way.
The contrast is Godly

Why do Swedish men love black cock so much?
lol wtf

who is he?
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That's the plan.
enjoooooy yourself

it's later than you think

no, but i've visited manchester a few times and can tell you the following;

-horrendous accents
-economy is dire
-rasheed on every corner
-buildings wouldn't look out of place in papua new guinea
-nightlife is shite unless you're a 19 year old university student

so yeah
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doesn't work
caspar lee

some youtube fuck
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Follow your fathers LEGACY (captcha)
plotting revenge against those that have wronged me

>radio 3

You won't get a shag listening to that lad. The lasses live Radio 1 and that negro spin off it has.
that's the spirit
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>I really connected with England and Wales
What a complete shirt lifter.

Thanks for the opinion. Anywhere you'd recommend? I basically want to leave the south, and I fucking hate Bristol. Not sure where else is viable.

Could I have a peek, eh?
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>Radio 1
On the one hand being put on a pedestal purely because of my culture is fucking brilliant.

On the other hand this shite does not represent the UK.
he's a big guy
C in Manchester?
>pre-Irish Union Jack
ah yes very impressive

>Black, Irish or White edition

*hugs you*
I would be a fucking normie cunt if I had kept living in the US.
No, but it represents an easy shag.
Enjooooy yourself
While you're still in the pink
I noticed that too. Proves it is basically a globally accepted fact.
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thank you x
np x
drafting a report
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Moved from Commiefornia as a kid guy?
Where can I REEEEEEEE really loudly without anyone hearing me?
Bristol is lovely why would you hate it
*smashes your fucking jaw*
heh. Nothing personal, kid.
*teleports away*

fallout shelter
They might call it a "British" accent but you'll also get sex for it.
sound proof room
Moved to Texas and

*grabs you by the throat*


*teleports away*
>irish, or white edition

cups are filled, putting in the oven now
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>my husband and son

Oh the city itself is lovely, yeah. The people need to be liquidated, though.
*unsheaths katana*
It's fucking on now chaps
*finds where you teleported to*
*hold katana out in front of me*
*teleports to you*
*katana ends up inside you*
*you instantly die*

sanitorium for the deaf
i like those memea
>lol I went to England and I LOVED IT xDD
fucking yanks
all they did was go to London for a week
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>be me
>playing pokemans
>flatmate sees my 3ds
>o anon i no kno u play pokemon
>battle me bro
>fucking absolutely destroy her shitty non-ev trained team with 6 hacked shinies with 6ivs and illegal moves
>I went to the tourist part of London now and am basically a Brit now.

Fucking Yanks I hate them.
alert the concierge
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Daily reminder that for an Irn bru and a bag of crisps you could force your superiour English shaft up this flower of Scotland's anus and stir last night's haggis
who /doesn'tcareaboutleicester/ here
despite what Londoners will tell you, the UK isn't just the London Eye and Harry Potter world
Her ass looks like the head of a penis.
>"c-can you help me get ready for penis inspection day at school?"
What else is there?
And what damn it?!
don't even care about kickball
>omggg !!! dont go to london !!!! go to grimsby arcade !!!!! better than london !!!!!!!!!

protip, when the rest of the world things about England/UK, they think about London you fucking cretin

google 'british culture' and every single result is from/in London
smash her fucking back doors in
a) wonder who this woman is and how she got in the house and then b) knob her
There are cute girls here RIGHT NOW LADS
thats /effay/ as fuck
my bit looks alright, can't speak for elsewhere of course.
To think I used to be like this when I was younger.

Do lefties not use their brains?
Everyone turn on Pointless and wait for Sarrah to talk, you will laugh
sweden has houses like that. have you seen let the right one in? full of shitty modern architecture
I don't know why I put And 2bh
Manchester has a Ferris wheel.
Fucking laughed out loud.
These are the people who will vote Corbyn of course not.
London is great, there's hardly any white people there.
is it bigger than the London Eye?
So you are a different guy then? Why do we get so many ex yanks here? Do yuo still have an accent lad?
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Ah yes, the so-called London-on-Sea
*steals your gf*

just a prank bro
It is, so stay where you are we don't want you here.
>not voting for corbyn
literal pleb
grimsby arcade

jobcentre plus?
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american education.jpg
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>Unironically stuck working in Bradford and can't get a job in London

should I kill myself?
voting labour on thursday
cant vote for corbyn though
this. it's fucking awesome

i've never been on it but i'm glad it's there
She sounds deaf.
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Have you guys seen In Brudges? It's a good movie. I want Colin Ferrell to stick it right up my pooper.
you're posting council estates m8
no one (relevant) lives north or west of Oxford
so is sweden

sweden is richer than us. we just have high GDP because of our population size.
you have high salaries and benes
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>There are people who unironically vote Labour here and that makes me furious.
Loving the grimsby meme desu
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goat character
Seen it twice I think.

it's good
We are literally full and have enough pakis.
just started reading some stuff about depression and it made me cry thinking about 2015 when I was at my absolute lowest

You don't even quite realise the extent of it while you live it. But those were dark dark times lads ;_;
>typical european doesn't understand the concept of 'thrift'

enjoy your economic crisis
Fuck no. Our tourist stuff isn't really of the international variety.

The sites of most note are pretty niche, for example Manchester is home of the train, industrial revolution, computer etc, really only stuff an older man would be into.

So I wonder why there are so many yanks here. There was a yank family sat next to me in the pub a wee ago, with young kids. I just don't understand what they were doing here.
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Whites only, Mohammed
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>go down south
>all the women are gagging for it because of my northern accent
looks like you've already got enough on you dozy bint
I see where they were coming from, but a teacher should have stepped in.
Were they loud and annoying?

Maybe they were there for the footy, that's why I would go
Me on the left
Maybe they got a job in Bongland and moved
t. paki child rapist
I'm not an ex-yank
I moved to Texas when I was young, and then moved back
never lost my accent and I doubt I ever would have lost it
The imdb page was full of shitter shattered yanks when I went on it it over the yank scene.

Good film.
Yank tourists are always loud and annoying.

You just talk really loud in general especially in places you shouldn't and that annoys everyone.
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This desu
Bruges is shite.
Sun screen with creampie.
>northern accent

kek, protip

all of us laugh at your basic retarded inbred accent
Do you mind if I apply some around the minge area?

Ignore my hard cock, mum. I'm not in the mood to explain why ...
could be ex-pats
Maybe that's what hell is: the entire rest of eternity spent in fucking Bruges.
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There were perfectly fine and eating a meal peacefully. I had no complaints about them, I was just confused as we aren't really a family holiday destination.
Shut up

And now we've got no empire
reminder that maddy went missing 9 years ago today
I like you m8, but you are loud.
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t. Eternal
It is possible.
>"Keep England White" was a good slogan, he told the cabinet in January 1955.[10] Ian Gilmour records Churchill saying to him, in 1955, about immigration: "I think it is the most important subject facing this country, but I cannot get any of my ministers to take any notice".[11]

Fuck off you stupid fucking paki.

yes.. "went missing"
>shitter shattered
That scene was pretty accurate though. There's always 2 groups of fat, obnoxious American tourists for every 1 group of normal American tourists
brother is unironically a yank because he was born there so got citizenship automatically and I regularly remind him that he's a yank and tell him to fuck off to yankland

Bomber Harris is my idol.
You Washington.
>Yank tourists are always loud and annoying.
It's even the same here, I can't have dinner with my gf without overhearing some asshole's conversation with the bros

So fucking annoying and I apologize

Maybe it's exotic for them
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Just tried Tinder again and fucking hell I hate it already

every girl is literally just the same no-personality instagram addict

blatantly just for hookups
Is ADHD real? Why can't I concentrate on fucking anything.

>not using tinder for a hump and dump

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>It's great being taken out for a meal by my son!
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>he's from yorkshire
Sister is thinking of leaving school after her GCSEs and doing an apprenticeship in childcare or something stupid like that to work in a nursery
it's pretty much the only reason to use it
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Were they dead?

Mate fuck off, I felt really bad for her.
good on her, at least she won't slag it up in uni
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need an american apparel gf
is she dim?
stop posting here abdul heaven knows we've got enough of your kind gracing us with their presence as it is
>blatantly just for hookups
For shame
Brugge is a really nice place btw, would recommend going.

I will report this to the mayor of London.
Get into the stoning pit.
must be
Ahh yes, can't wait for these upstanding citizens to enter our country

Good man, you tell that yank spastic that he isn't welcome here.

Mate, could you reply to

it's either 0 or 100% with her
she either acts pretty smart, or is a fucking idiot
Do you think they actually did it the madmen?
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>the """"""""""regressive""""""""""" left
that's good. the main thing is that she knows what she wants to do and how to do it.

Once she gets settled, there's always degree courses that she might find suitable.

ah yes liveleak

very impressive
Nobody likes a self hater.
>Irish second
absolutely fucking disgusting
This desu, there are also fucking loads of jobs and apprenticeships in childcare.

I wish I'd realised what I wanted to do in life when I was younger, 23 now and it's fucking shit trying to get into what I want.

Interview on Thursday though for an apprenticeship.
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Thread images: 65

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