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With the research done by Turkey's most notable researchers
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With the research done by Turkey's most notable researchers , the Turkish Grand Assembly has decided that it was enough with Middle East's bullshit and have decided to move the country in the middle of Atlantic Ocean. The profits of this will be :
- Turkey will become an exotic paradise island , bringing even more tourists per year
- Turkey will get away from any neighbouring country so no one will bother it anymore
- Syrian refugees would have to use plastic boats to cross half the ocean , so no more Syrians for Turkey
- Turkey will be right in the middle on the trade between Europe and North America

After publishing this revolutionary idea to public , Erdoğan said " After we move this country in the middle of Atlantic , we'll then later take the northern cypruss too because the puppy state always needs it motherland to function. "
What do you think of this Turkey's revolutionary plan ?
i hope you didn't bring k*rds with us
Safe place to nuke.
We'll leave them at Syria as we hop on to our lovely boat that will sail to Atlantic
Haha you can't reach there Russia , try provoking us again with your planes again if they have enough gas to get there in one lift

If I ever had 3 wishes free, that'd be one of it
>you can't reach there Russia
We actually have subs there.
And Turkey still won't be European
Yeah subs that function as good as Serbian Carriers do
They wouldn't made US worry coming out of nowhere though. BTW it was just a banter, I don't have any bad or good feelings about Turkey.
It's not banter when you threat people with nuclear bombs you dumbass
Except he's not threatening you because he has 0 access to nukes and you know this.

Solid plan desu I can see no flaws. Best wishes.
I think pic related could work a lot better
not even somalia wants to be any near portugal.
for all spanish bros out there. stay strong, my white brothers. maybe someday you'll be able to send the portugese people a.k.a. moors back to africa.
File: DomeBar640.jpg (43 KB, 640x323) Image search: [Google]
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>traveling around the world with k*rts


>cut the nation from half
>cover it with a dome
>sink it for 30 years
>come back
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