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File: Slayer reign in blood cover.jpg (57 KB, 415x410) Image search: [Google]
Slayer reign in blood cover.jpg
57 KB, 415x410
not welcome: canadians

SLAYER edition
I still haven't heard the new Slayer. I used to be a huge Slayer fan but I just don't have the heart for it.
>the new Slayer

You really shouldn't be listening to a thrash band's albums after their 3rd or 4th. Except maybe Sodom.

btw, teutonic thrash for the win
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Sodom is literally the only good Teutonic thrash band. That said, they are *extremely* good.
Ohh man you've listened to destruction and kreator and didnt like them? Each to his own i guess, but riot of violence and bestial invasion are some of the best tracks ever in the genre imo.

There's also a shitload of great american thrash but i dont remember names and such, havent listened to metal in a few years.
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Speaking of thrash, check these guys out for great modern shit. Also, new Vektor next month. Hype. Preordered dat purple vinyl.

This is for you too
FUCKKKKK I grew up listening to Slayer, skating around town all day and night with my friends. I'd give anything to go back ;-;
File: Vektor-Terminal_Redux.jpg (482 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
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I also kind of want to post the cover for that too because it's so badass.

And a track from it. Fuck this shit is going to rule.
Who the fuck is Overkill then? Their better albums have come out just in the past couple of years.
Kreator is pretty good too.
Not very big on Kreator.
File: death-angel-ultra-violence-.jpg (206 KB, 1000x1000) Image search: [Google]
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This is quite possibly one of the best thrash metal albums I've ever heard, title song is fucking excellent. Their other albums aren't very good.
Thrash music in general is so fucking repetitive I think you have to be pretty low-brow to begin with to be obsessed with it.

Also playing a double bass drum as fast as you can does not make you good at drums and tapping pentatonic scale solos on the guitar doesn't make you good at the guitar either.
Sometimes it's just about what sounds good, my dude.
I'll check it out.

Thrash is a genre that is saturated with mediocrity and imitators, but when it's good it's easily one of the most enjoyable genres of metal to listen to.
Kicking Canada out was a bad idea, no one's posting out.

But kicking Canada out was a good idea because fuck Canada.
This album is so fucking good

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