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What would have happened if Australia took Germany's side
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What would have happened if Australia took Germany's side in WWII?
The Germans would have betrayed the Australians like they did to the Chinese

No difference. Australian women would have still succumbed to big American cocks.
hard to say, pacific front would have been completely different
So irrelevant nothing would have changed.
Like, literally who?
Allies would have deployed Emus, WW2 would be lost in that case as well.
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w-we could h-hh-have been allies
Australia would be an irrelevant military force then because you guys received all your equipment from the Americans and Brits.
Literally nothing
Considerably less dead Japs.
It would have been impossible because you are with the Anglos.

And even if we imagine you took the Germany's side, nothing would have changed because
Fat Man on Darwin
Wasn't Hitler from Australia anyway????
It was him who started the Emu war
>Slightly harder fight for the allies in north Africa.
>War in the pacific would have taken longer for the allies as Japan would be less distracted and America would be invading us.
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The spirit of the ANZACS and the Aussie battler would have been to much for the shit side of the anglosphere to even compete with and would have led to a swift German victory.
If Tony abbot was the prime minister during this time imagine the shirtfronts he may have pulled off on Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill. I for one think the allies would not stand a chance against an Australian and German powerhouse leading to a swift victory.
the Americans would have shagged even more of your women
Based Aussie mateship my friend
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