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Oil will become obsolete as a source of fuel in our lifetimes
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Oil will become obsolete as a source of fuel in our lifetimes
tfw Ethan used to be funny
tfw all he talks about now is about shitty YouTube drama
i hope so. then saudi arabia and those other shitholes could finally be nuked
it won't happen in our lifetimes, mate.
When I was a kid, all cars can drive without tires in 21st century, but still we don't have a technology to remove tires from cars.
liked his reaction videos, they got really lazy when they got famous

Yeah, countries like Norway or Canada will survive, while some other will perish.
Lithuanians ride horses so they'll be ok.
>but still we don't have a technology to remove tires from cars.
But we have the technology to remove fossil fuel from cars, today.
the amount of oil you need to make tires is meaningless
>but still we don't have a technology to remove tires from cars.
We do. I do that twice a year
Good, the norwegian fisherfleet will rise again!
Thank god.
What I meant in my post is that our technology doesn't progress rapidly as we imagine.
I think our world would be almost the same with the current world.
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feels Gundam 00
This sounds reasonable,
car fuel can be seen as a waste product that falls off from chemical and material production.
I still can't get the shit taste out of my mouth after finishing the 2nd season and the movie
tfw saudi arabia will collapse in your lifetime
feels good man
As a source of fuel, that will probably happen in the developed world as we switch to more renewable sources. Developing countries can't afford that as easily as us, so they will still be using oil for a bit longer because it is cheaper and more convenient, especially if demand drops off in the first world and the price of oil goes down with it. But oil will still be used in a number of products that aren't fuel for a long time I think.
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