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that feel when 28 years old and balding
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File: 20151221_003537.jpg (534 KB, 1488x1312) Image search: [Google]
534 KB, 1488x1312
that feel when 28 years old and balding
File: curious_israeli.gif (2 MB, 250x188) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 250x188
right now there are literally only Poles and Strayas on /int/
this is not balding. but your hair color is stupid
>also has a being balded head

why mother nature
you hair is literally grey
I didn't choose to become neo-nazi. Neo-nazism found me.
can something like wearing headset for too long or using shampoo too often fasten the balding? fuckk i dont want to be bald
My hair is receding, so I rock the semi bald look. Nothing to be ashamed of. Women love it

Pic is me
>neo nazi

what is coming first?

bald man becomes neonazi?

or nazis become bald?
That's because you look like the guy who fucks their father's wife.
File: scar.jpg (33 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
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I see bald guys with long horizontal scars on the back of their heads all the time. When will they learn that shit doesn't work?
you look like a serial killer thats why girls cant deny you.
what shit
this is pathetic.it works but for like 2-3 years. then you need to repeat.
You look like Jonas Valanciunas
I'm a native and savvy with computers.

1. It's extremely likely that you are not American.
2. Need I pull up your real address, phone number and facebook?
Top kek, yes he does.
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