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1. Your cunt 2. What is the best way to troll people from your cunt
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1. Your cunt
2. What is the best way to troll people from your cunt

literally fucking anything, canadians are the most buttfrustrated pricks in the universe
Pretend to be really far too the left or right, but i'm pretty sure all countries are like that
Talk shit about our food.
Question our relevancy.
Tell them that the UK and Germany are better than France and enjoy the level of "butturtism" of the French.

The French have an inferiority complex towards the UK and Germany.
Pull warcrime and korean
tell us we lost the winter and continuation wars, tell us all relevant finns were actually swedes
Refuse to celebrate Easter
Post pics of our pricess Leonor.
Talk shit about us constantly as if you are complete obsessed with us, bringing us up in completely unrelated conversations/threads, or make new threads just to make petty arguments about meaningless facts you learned from one of our sitcoms or movies, and then compliment us on how gigantic our penises are and how great we are at satisfying our women.

We hate that shit.
tell any colombian that their country is a crime ridden shithole full of cancerous people and that they have nothing to feel proud about beyond a stupid football team. They cannot handle the truth.

But don't do it irl, some adult babies will kill anyone else due to hurt feelings.

Don't put United States first when you go to select a country from the list of countries on a website

I fucking hate having to scroll down and find it
condemn Japs on anything and then praising chinks/gooks on it
t. britbong with a proxy

If you're in south west France, go to a bakery and ask for a "pain au chocolat"

If you're anywhere else, go to a bakery and ask for a "chocolatine"
Mention the Irish language or Northern Ireland. Guaranteed shitstorm.
Say that yoğurt , baklava , döner and most other Turkish food are gr**k
That's the thing that makes us really mad
Write any sentence containing "terroni" or "polentoni"
dont matter what you say about us there will be always a gringo cocksucker that will completely agree. so dunno.
but maybe saying something generalizing the whole country, there always another kind of br that will try to show how ignorant about brasil you are making a long, useless and with a broke english text
forgot about calling turks roaches or arabs/
Say that Eyal Golan can't sing.
>1. Your cunt
>2. What is the best way to troll people from your cunt
Just say anything good about the government.
people would smile and move on if you were to call them roaches or arabs here
But they would murder you if you dared to say what I stated there
Call us Balkanites or Turkish rapebabies, or simply imply that we were under the Ottoman Empire at one point in history.
Prove that Hispanic America (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay) is better than Brazil, including Mexico.

BRs go apeshit.
i know that turks had alot of wars against greece, but how do you guys feel about acient greece? theres no way that people can't admire the first civilized society in the world
i don't get how what we said prov that a cartel controled country is better than brasil, or where we went apeshit crazy.
you sound retarded anon
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>he fell for the memes

Maybe next year Jr
We are too stupid to get trolled.
Or maybe we dgaf, dunno.
Catalonia independent
byzantines are seen as the evil villains thanks to 70-80s movies
the heroic, honorable turkics always save the day against them evil, immoral byzantines
Being fat no longer triggers us. Instead tell us that we need to be doing more in the world. It will piss people off either way. Either we believe we are already too active and yell at you, or we believe we aren't active enough and get triggered.
turks from today have any ethnic relation with the byzantine people (whatever their race was)? or you guys are a mix between turkic/slavs/arabs (you have some arab blood there, don't lie to me)?
ops, forget that last question mark
>Being fat no longer triggers us
yea i agree i usually laugh if it's clever bantz for being fat

tell us Kosovo isn't Serbia

Mountain Germany

Austria was not a victim of the nazis
Pretty hard to troll an Englishman to be honest... upsetting us is possible, sure, but classic "Tricked you with bait" is difficult.
>upsetting us is possible, sure
it is actually incredibly easy especially if you are american
Triggering americans abroad is the easiest shit ever. They all think they are special snowflakes for actually leaving their country and they wanna tell anyone about it and get some appreciation. Just stay cool and tell them traveling is normal for young europeans and its nothing special about it and if you wanna get some A+ autism reaction answer with "meh have already done this" or "meh have been to a lot more countrys". Even better if you look a bit down on them and talk like you think europeans are superior towards them. Get them always going.
Say that Fructuoso Rivera (the guy that ended the natives) did nothing wrong
Say our food is not bad but worse than [insert any country]
he was the same man that deported dindus? what a sacred beast
True. I once spent half an hour in a drunken stupor insisting to a man from Birmingham that he is surely a Mancunian by his accent, but it didn't phase him at all.
yes, I have recently noticed that many young Germans love to travel. They go all the way from the Levant into far out places as Greece, Hungary Malawi, but in the end they always return to mutti Merkel.

you will find germans and brits everywhere around the planet we are the most well travelt ppl on this planet
say anything good about gubmind
1. north mexico
2. call us north mexico
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